
{Chapter 1.3}

"So .. What did you have to tell me, Hinata?"

The brunette asked me to follow her into the store's warehouse, and we would be closing soon, so this was the right time.

Hinata looked at me smiling and after taking a deep breath she began to speak, her tone of voice a bit higher than normal, perhaps from excitement.

"I was accepted into an academy in America !!"

He said those words so all in one breath that at first I didn't understand well.

A few seconds later I realized, and although a little disappointed that a friend of mine would have to move to the other side of the world, I made the most beautiful smile I could show, even laughing a little.

I was also happy for her though, after all she had dreamed of going to this academy even before we met.

"Oh God Hinata .. But it's fantastic!"

I exclaimed hugging her as she let out one of her typical fangirl screams.

Yep, after all Hinata Yamada was a born fangirl, in all respects.

He hugged me almost crying with joy.

It was now a couple of months that he had applied to enroll in an American academy ..

I don't remember what it was called, I think Oxford ... O boh, maybe Yale-

The fact that Hinata had finally entered the academy of her dreams only blamed me for my incredible failure in the field of life.

But can you believe that as a child I thought I could be a theater dancer?

Mpf, even now that I was thinking about it it seemed to me the most stupid, banal and least original idea in the world.

But nearly ten years had passed by now, so it was a thing of the past.

Or at least, I thought it was so.

Hinata broke away from my embrace wiping the tears that now fell copiously on her face.

She had always been a sentimental type, all hugs and affection.

He kept saying that he didn't like to show his love by half, that he loved to overdo it with the demonstrations of that.

And what better way to prove it than by squeezing me, right?

"Oh my God Kiriko .. I still don't believe it, I'll go to America !! TO NEW YORK!"

Hinata was holding the envelope of the letter tightly in her hands which she had just taken out of her pocket.

He held it tightly with his fingers, a bit as if he were afraid he would run away.

I smiled looking at her, at that moment she looked even more like a child than she already seemed.

"I'm so happy for you, Hinata .. Miraccomando, be careful when you move, huh."

I joked looking at her trying to break the mood, and she nodded her head quickly.

Hinata Yamada always did everything fast.

His life was fast.

"Well ... Now I'd better get back to work ... Don't worry, I'll cover this shift for you. Celebrate at home!"

I put a hand on her shoulder, then went back to work at Hoseok's.

But I already knew that as soon as he found out about Hinata's move he wouldn't take it so well.

"So .. What did Hinata tell you? I'm curious!"

I chuckled: Hoseok Akamane had always been a nosy, and I believe he always will be.

"I'll tell you later, curiosone."

I smiled as a customer came to the counter, handing me some clothes to demagnetize.

After all, this day hasn't been that bad, I thought.

Bullshit these too.

Because I still had to see what awaited me on the way home.

As I walked towards my apartment, someone bumped into me.

More precisely, it just hit me.

Without saying anything, I straightened my clothes, avoiding wasting breath on the idiot who hadn't paid attention to how he walked.

The girl who bumped into me didn't hesitate for a moment to apologize.

I continued not to answer.

I took a second to look at her: she had short hair dyed a strange shock pink, she wore a black crop top and leggings of the same color.

She had eyes of every different shade of green, perhaps even with a gold thread, and lips as red as blood.

"Uh .. Just be more careful next time, ok?"

I warned her, letting her know that if she ever had to come on me again I wouldn't doubt a second to castrate her with my Sai, I bet she would be a good target with that horrible pink she dyed her hair.

The dyed girl smiled.

"B-of course! Don't worry! A .. Goodbye!"

He turned and started running again, probably a little shaken by the grim look I gave him shortly after.

I sighed as I continued to walk on my own.

When I got home, I didn't even take off my shoes and threw myself on the first soft surface I met, moaning with fatigue.

I fell asleep with the thought that one day my life will change.

Yet another bullshit.