
{Chapter 1.2}

The sound of the alarm reminded me that today was a new day.

Yeh ... wow.

I sighed as I got out of bed and turned off the alarm clock with a will to live that only I could demonstrate.

Well, not that there were any reasons to live in the morning other than coffee for me, but that's okay.

I rubbed my temples putting on my beloved panda slippers, then went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

"Ah, Kiriko ... you look really bad.".

I whispered those words to myself, noting what state my hair was in: it looked like a shapeless, opaque mass full of knots.

After combing them for a while, I tied them in a high ponytail so I wouldn't get them in my eyes during the day.

I stroked the tail, pausing on the tips of my hair: they were damaged and a little lightened; but not that light that makes a nice effect, that light that looks almost dirty.

Yeah, I definitely had to redo my dye.

I brushed my teeth since I certainly had a pestilent breath - like any living thing in the morning - and I stood in front of my wardrobe: I stared at it for an indefinite period of time, probably half an hour, looking for inspiration on What to wear.

In the end I opted for a black short-sleeved t-shirt, black leggings and a beige wool cardigan.

I walked briskly with my feet still bare towards the modest kitchen of my apartment, and seeing that the coffee machine had decided not to work that day, I just grabbed a chocolate cookie.

I have to admit, I was quite addicted to everything that was coated with that delight that was chocolate.

Finally I put on my two year old black ballet flats and walked to the shop where I worked.

The shop was called "Pluff store" - I know, strange name - and it was located right in the center of Tokyo, so I could even walk there.

As soon as I entered the shop I immediately saw that it was very crowded. Yeah .. That day was Monday.

Everything was the other way around there in Tokyo: if you go to a shop, the crowd is on Mondays, not Sundays.

Strange, huh?

Already. Strange.

But I soon got used to it, after all if I wanted to settle better in that completely new city to me, coming from a small town unknown to the rest of the world, I would have to adapt as soon as possible to the great changes I had to face.

"Hey Kiriko! How are you?"

As usual, the first person who welcomed me into the shop was Hinata. That girl scared me a little... I mean, she was always the first to come in the morning and always the last to leave during closing time.

I mean, sometimes I wondered if she had some kind of supernatural


Hinata Yamada she was the typical Japanese girl: black, long and silky hair; a big smile and blue eyes like the sea of the pacific ocean.

Unlike me, I had dull hair and a perennial trace of sleep on my face.

The only nice thing about me was the pale skin, my mother often said it looked like porcelain.

But on closer inspection, it just seemed to me that I was a living dead.

I mean, I was really pale.

Not diaphanous, but pale.

Seriously, I almost looked dead.

"Hey Hinata .. Well, the usual. To you?"

I replied by settling behind a box and forcing a smile.

The girl in question showed off her adorable smile by spreading her lips and showing off her canine whites as she folded some clothes.

"Good for me .. After I have to tell you something!"

I chuckled raising a curious eyebrow, then nodded my head.

"Okay .. But now it will be better to get to work, today is full!"

Hinata smiled in agreement with me, and immediately went behind the clothes box.

"Excuse me miss .. Couldn't you tell me if there is a size L for this leotard ..?"

An old red-haired lady came up to me holding a HORRIBLE - and if I say horrible, it's horrible - animal body.

But who made me work here, I thought.

I certainly couldn't say I loved my job, of course.

But what could I do?

After high school I had moved to Tokyo to pursue my dream as a dancer, but when I was turned down at the academy, the only shop that still had a vacancy was this one.

And it had bad taste as a dress.

I roused myself from my thoughts grabbing the body from the lady's hands, and trying to touch it as little as possible, I put it on a hanger that was behind me.

"Eheheh .. Of course madam, don't worry! Now I'm going to check immediately."

Well .. Let's start !, I told myself.

I immediately went to open the big door that was behind the counter, and started looking for the "L" size of that terrible and horrible body.

I sighed looking through the whole underwear and body department, but in the end I found only an "M" and an "XXL".

I snorted, mentally preparing myself for the usual indifference that I am able to kick the elderly out when they don't get what they want.

I was used to it now.

I went back to the lady with the various sizes I had found in my hand.

Not including the "L".

"I'm sorry ma'am, but unfortunately the L are sold out for now .. We have the S, M and XXL. You can still try them, in short .. Some sizes are worn large!"

I smiled at her trying to get her to buy that kind of leopard abomination that was that bodysuit, but the whole time I said my words the old woman kept her indifferent gaze fixed on me.

My sixth sense is never wrong, I thought.

Well, more than sixth sense it had become a saleswoman's survival instinct.

"Um .. No, that's okay."

He walked away saying those words in an acid way, while I put the leotards on the chest, snorting.

I hated it terribly when people addressed me like that, so I basically hated everyone who walked in and out of that damn door.

"Good morning ladies!"

I looked away from where the voice was coming from, and I found myself in front of an over-excited Hoseok - like every morning, second, moment of his life - while one of his most radiant smiles blossomed.

Hoseok was one of our younger colleagues, he was only fifteen at the time.

He was the owner's son, so it cost us to treat him well ... Even when he was wrong.

In short, not that I was sorry, because if I have to admit that boy was really dear, and slowly he had begun to care for me.

"Hey Hoseok .."

I greeted him with a wave of my hand, continuing to fold some sweaters.

"Hey Hoseok! How are you?"

Hinata, on the other hand, didn't wait a moment to show her euphoria to the boy.

Those two got along very well, they were also very similar in character.

"Uh? I'm fine! It's my birthday tomorrow, and my girlfriend said she's going to give me a special gift!"

I chuckled: Hoseok loved talking to us about his girlfriend. From what he was telling us his name was Atsuko, and he was one year older than him.

Hoseok Akamane had dyed blonde hair and some Japanese and Korean facial features - her mother was from there.

He always dressed extravagantly, and was remembered at the shop for his weird anecdotes that made all the shop assistants laugh.

"And you Kiriko, what about you?"

The boy turned to me with his chubby, slightly childish smile.

"Well, don't complain. Now what about working, Hoseok?"

"G .. Right!"

He began to help us with strange customer requests.

I smiled, trying to convince myself that at least one day out of 365 was fun.
