
Dream World Creation System

Jee Yon is a regular boy, after the death of his parents, he was under the care of his maternal Grandfather, who was a famous person, for having 3 skills, Jee Won however, only had one, World Creation System - However, he never really took it seriously, since he can only use it while he's asleep. So he always thought it was a dream. However, it all changed when he was caught in a accident, andspent 2 and a half years in a coma.

KojiroHineri · Fantasy
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9 Chs


Okay... I was there, we still had some time, the body take over process was as 90%, scratch that... 92%.



That's not good...I still have no idea on how to purify it....think...think....

-Ahhhh....how do I purify this thing???

 -Intent of the creator detected - Purification process started - Transmigrator is from a world created by this User. Two forms of purification allowed-

-Body take over process halted. Transmigration Subject - "Non Humanoid Original soul". Recipient - "Humanoid - deceased - no current soul"

Take over process purified, voice of the Creator detected - Choose from: "Total Integration of Memories and Soul" or "Transmigration without Integration"

"Just choose the total Integration one, this way he should have his memories of being human in here as well, otherwise, we would have a non humanoid being inside a human body." 

My second ego was right...But... The issue was not about choosing either options...

My skill created warnings that everyone could see. So, not only my grandfather, but everyone that was at the morgue saw a crucial bit of information... "Transmigrator is from a world created by this User(...)"

- I choose the first option. Total integration of memories and soul.

I tried to act as if everything was okay...but I knew it was not... This may be a world filled with wonders, but one thing always remained the same, a immutable law, no one, ever on recorded history, had a skill that allowed the dead to be brought back, and no one, ever had a skill that allowed life to be created...

My skill can do both...

My grandfather was in shock, along with everyone else in the room.

-Jee Yon, what... What does it mean? This thing is, from a world you created? Isn't your skill supposed to create dream worlds? Are you telling me that the worlds you create, they are real? And exist somewhere?

-I... I'm not sure... I'm really not sure... I'm positive that I didn't save my last world file, and... That was the only world were a transmigrator had appeared, so... It it's coming here... Maybe those worlds keep on existing, even after I stop taking care of them...

If that is true however, how many worlds have I created? How many lives have I left behind unattended... This feelling, this sorrow... I always treated them as a game. I created stuff because it was fun, but... If they are real, I'm worse than a murderer. I'm a genocidal atrocity. 

"You can't be sure of anything yet. The force wake skill wake you up before the usual save confirmation popped up. All we have to do, is go to sleep again, and if that world is still there, it means that only the current dream world exists..."

-But it does exist....

I screamed, answering to my second ego, who no one could hear. And the regret just build up. Even if it's just the current world, the fact that it exist is there. It's a world filled with living creatures, and that just made it worst... If the world is destroyed once I create a new one, that just means that I've killed a almost infinite amount of lives during all the time I've had this skill...

As I was drowning in regret, the people around me got over the initial shock, I could hear my grandfather issuing a lock down, and telling people that this information could never leave this room... But... Even if no one talked about this again, the fact that it happened, is still there... And the system message was there, for anyone to see... That my actions had changed this world, even if by accident.

 - Total integration of body and soul completed. The recipient's soul could not be found, so a copy was created from the soul fragments around the deceased recipient. Waking in progress - Synching with memories at 100% - Non-Humanoid memories will be adapted, so that it can fully integrate with the new body. Transmigration completed. - 

And with that message, life was given to the once deceased young man. He looked almost the same as before, the only difference, was that half his hair was a different color. Not by much, but different. And a mark was left above his left eye. That symbol... I was sure I've had seen it before. But could not remember where from.

-Where...where am I? I... someone snuck into my house...I was... no... we were killed... but not here, in a forest, by the river... My memories... they are...

The young man fainted. I was sure of it now... He was brought back from the dead. I've done what no one else in the world had ever done... My skill brought someone back to life... Even if not completely himself, he now had memories of another world... a world I created... 

 -Transmigrator fully integrated, usage of " Capture and contain skill" available. Current options for the Capture and Contain skill:

 °Capture - The Transmigrator's soul will be send back to his original world, and reenter the cycle of rebirth, leaving the current body with only his original soul. Allowing usage of otherworldly skills.

 °Seal - The Transmigrator will receive a seal, that won't allow the usage of any otherworldly skill. Upon death of the current body, both the original soul and the transmigrator's soul will enter the current world cycle of rebirth

 °Contain - The Transmigrator will be placed in a physical and mental lock, that won't allow the usage of any skills, upon death, both souls will be converted into energy for the user.

The system messages wouldn't stop popping up... I was grateful for that, since I had no idea on how to use the skills, the system however was showing me exactly how to use it... But... this was too much power...

My skill, was too dangerous, the look on my grandfather's eyes, told me all I should now... He was scared of me...

-You...you are Jee Yon, right?

-I... I am... I'm just myself... I didn't ask to have this skill, I just...

Upon hearing those words, something flipped on my grandfather... and he hugged me. I could tell why right away... He was also burdened with his skills... seeing everyone he love, die before his eyes, seeing his wives, grow old as he still remained young, seeing his children being buried one by one... And hearing people call him cursed... If anyone could understand how a skill can be a curse... It was him...

-I'm sorry Jee Yon, I'm really sorry... I'll make sure no one knows of this...NO ONE...

That last sentence, it was a threat, if anyone talked about what just happened... I can only imagine what would happen. 

-First, you should use Seal on that young man, before he wakes up... I'll deal with everything else another way... Richard, gather all information on this boy, see if he has any family, also, make sure everyone here sign a non-disclosure agreement with your skill.

And all of a sudden, a old man, with a long, tied up white as snow hair, going all the way to the middle of his back, approached us. He was Richard, a long time employee of my grandfather. He was actually adopted by my grandfather when he was only 10, after both his parents died. Once he was old enough, he used his skill "Contract Bound" to sign a working contract with my grandfather, to show his appreciation. His skill makes it impossible to break the terms of whatever is signed on the contract. But the contract has to be fair, every time a contract is created using his skill, the contract is placed in a scale, if the scale does not move, and stays aligned, the contract can be signed. If not, terms have to be placed on the contract, until it's considered "fair"...

With the amount of money my grandfather has, this "fairness" was always money related, and I was predicting a lot would be spent today.

As Richard was using his skill to make everyone obey the Non-Disclosure agreement, I choose the "Seal" option on the screen.

The screen that was in front of me took the form of a letter, from a alphabet I've never seen before, but, that for some reason, was familiar to me, the same as the mark on the left eye of the boy, and, before I could say anything, the floating letter flew towards the boy, and entered his body.

 -Transmigrator Sealed, quest completed. Granting skill "Small Pocket Dimension LvL 1

 -Small Pocket Dimension - It allows the user to store items from the dream world and waking world inside it, and take those items out when needed. - 

Another screen, another message, another weird look from my Grandfather.

-Are you sure you're not God? 

Just as I thought he was again shocked by my skill, he started bowing to me while laughing. 

- Oh Mighty Jee Yon, the fair one! Pftt.....

- I told you that was not my fault... It's part of my skills, I have a skill called "Casanova"... You know what... forget it...

-I can't, this old man has a perfect memory, O fair one! Or should I say, O mighty one! Pffff.....

Even Richard laughed at that... I could see he holding out his laugh while creating the contracts... But... This was good... it distracted me from the fact that I was a monster... at least for a while.

As my expression went dark again, my grandfather realized it, and stopped the jokes. He stood by my side, and then sat on the floor, telling me to sit down next to him.

-When I was younger, after my first wife died... I blamed myself, I was still the same as I was when we meet, but I saw her getting older, getting sick, losing her memories, and...I saw her die... The one that changed that for me was my second wife. She told me that, we can only control a tiny bit of our lives. And that tiny bit, is how we feel about the things we can't control.

He placed his hand on my shoulder. I could feel the warmth on his hand. And I could also feel just how much sorrow he had to bear with.

-It's hard, I know... I'm also guilty of not controlling that tiny bit of my life... I could for a while, but, after your mother died... I could no longer... Having you by my side was helping me get back to what I was, but, then that...

My grandfather took his hand from my shoulder, and firmly punched the ground.

-That bomb was supposed to kill me, not harm you. Had you never gone through that. You would never had been in a coma, and you would never had to bear this... This responsibility is not only yours, it's mine as well... I'll help you Jee Yon, no matter what.

Responsibility...yes... I've never thought about it, but, I AM responsible for the worlds I create...and for the lives I took, on a whim, I'll make sure the Dream World is safe, I'll make sure they are taken care of, and, I'll make sure my skill won't harm the waking world, as I've already harmed the Dream world way too many times.

-Thank you grandpa... I. I will explain everything about my skill to you... But, what about that boy? He was dead...and now, he's alive, and have the memories of being...something from a world I created... And... What if he's not the only one?

Considering the time it took from the first warning, to the 90% completion of the Body take over, he was not the one that granted me the skill to wake up... I spend too much time explaining things, he would have been completely taken over, if the process had started at the same time as me waking up. So that means that at least one Transmigrator is loose in the Awaken World, and a unpurified, unrestrained one...

-Dont worry Jee Yon, I'll make sure he gets a new identity, I'll give him a job, and inform his family, after they sign the non-disclosure agreement, we will make this work... If another one shows up, we will deal with that as well... But, what I'm most concerned about, it's not the ones you bring...but the message, it said "Transmigrator is from a world created by this User." The focus here should be on "By this User" and, "From a world(...)"... "a" world... That means that you may not be the only one with this type of skill, or worse yet... This world may be one created by someone with the same skill as you...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

KojiroHinericreators' thoughts