
Dream Walk Through Multiverse

An average college-going boy traverses through the multiverse every time he sleeps unknowingly altering them.

Atharva_Blogz · Sci-fi
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9 Chs

Dream or Reality?

(Just after the shooting started)

The hall was a scene of horror. The man who failed to find the girl in the photo scanned the crowd of terrified students, looking for a matching face. He couldn't find her. "Shit ... where is that bitch ... Shit ...", he yelled, his voice echoing in the hall. He ran to the door, hoping to escape, but it was locked. "What the fuck is going on ...", he shouted, banging on the door.


It was 8:15 AM and the hall was a slaughterhouse. The air was thick with the smell of blood and metal. The man had blasted the door near the lock and forced it open, only to find a wall of chairs and desks blocking his way. He swore and shoved them, but they only collapsed and trapped him further. "Fuck it all", he roared and smashed the window towards the hall. He leapt down, feeling his bones crack from the impact.

He jumped down, feeling his old bones ache. He walked among the corpses, looking for the girl in the photo. He couldn't find her. He felt a surge of panic and sweat. "If I don't find her….., (wiping his sweat) where is that damn brat", he yelled, wiping his forehead. He sprinted to the door where the children had escaped. He scanned the surroundings and ran after them.

Cain watched him run away and entered the hall. The smell of blood and death was overwhelming. He saw the faces of the dead and felt tears in his eyes. "This can't be a dream", he sobbed. He held his dead teacher in his arms. "Miss Victoria, am I a sinner... am I the cause of all this", he wept. She was the same 'kind' teacher who had shielded the students and taken four bullets. He closed her eyes and ran back to his hiding place. He called the cops again and learned that they were nearby. He told them not to use the sirens, so they wouldn't alert the shooter. His voice was shaky from the fear and the horror.