
Dream Walk Through Multiverse

An average college-going boy traverses through the multiverse every time he sleeps unknowingly altering them.

Atharva_Blogz · Sci-fi
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9 Chs

Conclusion to the Incident

Dalia was unaware of the carnage that was happening outside. She was sitting in the toilet, hearing some screams now and then. She got a message from Cain that said, "See to it thst youe legs are hiddrn". She was puzzled by the message and the typos, but she guessed what he meant and lifted her legs from the floor.

She heard the door creak open and slam against the wall. She heard footsteps approaching. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She covered her mouth with her hand. The man shot through the door of one of the stalls. She felt a surge of fear and had trouble breathing. Cain heard the shots and ran to the toilet with a wooden board in his hand. He was anxious and adrenaline-fueled. He charged at the toilet. The man heard him and came out with the gun aimed at Cain. Cain threw the board at the man's head. The man dodged it with his hand, but the gun moved from its target.

The police had arrived at the school and were searching the hall. One of them heard the gunshots and ran to the source with backup. They saw a boy struggling with a man in a black suit over a gun.

The man was furious and pointed the gun at Cain's head. The police shouted at him, making him flinch for a moment, but he quickly recovered and held Cain as a hostage. "Back off or I'll kill this kid", he yelled, pressing the gun harder against Cain. The police were in a dilemma and started to retreat slowly.

Cain felt a rush of thoughts in his mind. He saw everything in slow motion. He felt like he could anticipate the movements of everyone around him. He pushed the man's hand away from his head and twisted his body to the side. The man panicked and pulled the trigger, shooting a bullet that grazed a policeman's arm. The man lost his grip on Cain and let him go.

Cain used his new ability and moved behind the man. He did the best he could as a high school kid. He kicked the back of the man's knee, making him stumble forward. One of the police saw this and seized the chance to shoot the man's hand that held the gun. The man dropped the gun and tried to run, but he was shot again in his leg and fell to the ground.