
3: Lecov

( Lecov is a friend of main character)

Anteleo find his room on the second floor of the C3 living building with a spacious balcony and living room with a seperate room for kitchen and toilet and bathroom.

The Arcane Tower has more than one living buildings, it is serialized from C1 to C10, and there are seperate buildings where classes are conducted named as B1 to B5 and also there are different buildings named A1 to A15 for mages who teach about supernatural powers.

Each building has a canteen which is open day and night, but they have definite time only at morning, afternoon and evening food will be already prepared and if you go any other time then they first have to tell the person in charge what he has to eat and after sone time food will be ready, in short they will have to first order there food and wait for it to be cooked.

Anteleo " I should check the classes and others important thing"

Anteleo insert his arcane energy into the square stone which projected various symbol, he choose the symbol representing timetable, where there was a detailed information about his upcoming classes and other events.

Anteleo " Today there is only one class which will start at 10.00 AM and end at 12.00 PM and now the time is 07.30 AM so i have some time in this time I will look at the class room and first I will go to the canteen. "

Anteleo again inserted arcane energy into the square stone and open a map and think about the canteen location, and every canteen was marked with yellow and he noticed that every canteen is located on the ground floor in the center.

Then he search for training ground which is on a open field and there is many such training ground located across the Arcane Tower with various sizes, there is also long green forest, ponds with privileges, lakes some allow fishing some not, many swamp, vast huge mountains and many areas is marked with red, purple, yellow.

Purple areas is dangerous for me according to my level as I am only enter level student, red are is also dangerous, whereas yellow area is safe. There is also many features in the square stone, it will notify me if I am close to red and purple area and this also check my health and power level and I can also see it, this stone can also send distress signals if I am I danger and will share my location with the rescue team if they are close to me and the most interesting thing is that this stone will first confirm if the rescue team has genuine square stone of the arcane tower then only it will send distress signal to them or my location.

Anteleo " I should check my health and power level, what is it name I think this it it 'Status Panel' and it can also be open by just calling it, let's try. Status Panel. "


Name: Anteleo

Location: C3 living building

Floor Number: 2nd floor

Room Number: 53

Health: Empty (Low level stone)

Arcane energy: Level 0 (0 - 10)

profession: None

Spells: None



Anteleo " I am too much weak considering my arcane energy level and this stone is also low level, where can I get a high level stone and according to this profession and spells, I think entry level students also get to learn a specific profession and spells. Now the time is 08.00 AM, I should go to canteen and then look where will be my class. "

Anteleo step out from his room and close his door and go towards the canteen on the ground floor. Once he reach the canteen and go inside he found many new and old students. He go to the counter and found that the food was over so he have to order the food he order 4 sandwich and one mix fruit juice and tell them his name and find an empty empty table and sit there and look at the interior of the canteen.

The canteen is large with enough space for 1000 people to sit and with many tables and chair. The food counter is located at two side with one side to the corridor and other side has glass windows through which we can look outside the building

Suddenly at the one of the counter a person shout "Anteleo your order is ready take it. "

Anteleo get up and take the order and was going to sit at same outside table he heard someone calling his name, when he look around he find Lecov was calling him and many other unknown faces where also there sitting with him.

Anteleo go toward him and find Lecov is pointing to an empty chair and ask him to sit with them.