
2: Arcane Tower

Hello I am Anteleo, and today I had a very scary dream. Why am i remembering that dream, forget it, forget it!

My mind should be clear of thoughts or I will get lower grade and less resources for training. Today is the day when I am going to start learning arcane knowledge from Arcane Tower. Lecov said that Arcane Tower is best place to acquire arcane knowledge.

Arcane Tower is build at the best place where arcane energy node is present and with many dimentional cracks and gates keep on appearing. Since such location is also guarded by higher being who have master arcane knowledge, since they can also open such gates and cracks, hence they can also close them.

I should get ready.

After taking bath and eating fresh fruits with oats, Anteleo lock his apartment door and board the bus to arrive at the Arcane Tower entrance.

Anteleo first look at his watch on his wrist which says six O'clock and the gate will open at six thirty. Since I came before time I should line up at the front of gate.

Anteleo cames at the foremost of the crowd and was starstuck by the front gate magnificent view it was like a dimensional gate, with a height of 20 meters and width 10 meters an oval shape with at its center glowing with colorful lights.

At sharp six thirty 5 people came through the gate and one of them speak "Every one will come one by one and they will get their aptitude tested, then they will get an id and a book, the book will contain every rules that you have to follow once inside Arcane Tower, now who will come first"

Seeing no one going Anteleo go toward the gate where one of the person handed him a tube filled with liquid a square shape device and told

"Drink this liquid, which will make you sensitive to the arcane energy in your environment and you aptitude will be decided by how much energy you can harness"

"This square shape device will help you to locate your room but can only be use after refining it with your harness arcane energy"

Anteleo drink the liquid and feel the changes in the surrounding, after some seconds he feel like there is some colorful fog in every direction but once he open his eyes he cannot see it, he can only feel it, so he think of absorbing this fog and some fog started to get inside his skin and started refining the square device.

When the refining was finish, he was given a id on which his aptitude was given as green. Aptitude is divided as yellow, green, orange, purple, red, violet.

Individuals with purple aptitude are rare, whereas yellow and orange aptitude is mostly found.

Anteleo was given a thin book and tell to step through the gate, once he step through the gate he see many faces that where with him

'So when I was refining the device that time many others have already enter.

Anteleo take out the square device and inject the remaining arcane energy into it, and it projected many symbols with words, he selected one symbol which shows a room and a map appears showing his current location and various other location name with his room marked in yellow.