
Dream Door

Miswat Siddarkk the only princess of the darkk kingdom who gained fame because of her overwhelming strength looks to overthrow her own father to become the first queen to lead the nation "I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com," - cheeby_4

Cheeby_4 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The fading Ghost

Bird's chirping and singing calming the worries of the heart,kid's running around,men and women laughing out loud, Princess miswat is walking around devils land blending with the different good energies being spread around.

"Cough cough"

Miswat suddenly stops because she heard a loud cough coming from one of the residents,she walks to the house.


"hello is there somebody inside the house"

A man with a pale face opens the door

"Cough Cough"

"Who's knocking on m-"

"Ohh my princess miswat"

The man tries to kneel

"No don't do that,take a sit and let me look at your injury"

They both walk inside

"What caused such an injury"

"Cough cough "

"It was when the monsters attacked,i had to protect my family so i sacrificed my ar-"

"Cough cough"

"My arm to keep the monster occupied so my family could escape,and when they finally escaped ,i thought my fate was sealed and i would never see my family again,but thank to you i was saved"

"What's your name?"



"Ric you are a brave man and more people like you are needed in this world,with your bravery why didn't you step forward and seek help?"

"Im sorry but i couldn't find the courage to come to the person who not only saved our lives but also gave us a second chance to live in this beautiful land, i couldn't i felt helpless and shameful"

The princess reaches out inside her space inventory and throws something at ric

"Catch,that's a healing potion,drink up and get better,it's not shameful or cowardly to ask for help when you are in need, im sure your family are worried about you,be healthy for them"

Princess miswat walks out the door


"Thank you princess, may good health and wealth follow you wherever you go"


Ric's complexion and arm slowly return to normal

(Loud noises are heard outside miswat's mansion)

Miswat walks out of the house,black shiny hair,all black uniform with a red door crest on the chest,back and knee,if you saw her for the first time , you will be asking yourself-

(What's an Angle doing in a devils uniform)

Luke and charmaine are wearing the same uniforms as her,they are standing guard next to the carriage


They bow and open the door for her. After she gets inside they follow her, as the carriage leaves the citizens of devils land are cheering.

"Have a safe trip princess"

"Ahh princess just waved at me"

"Bye,travel safely"

Miswat waves at looks at luke

"You are the one who told them i was leaving right?"

Luke faces the other side

"Umm i jus-"

"It's okay,haha, it's great to see such happy faces before traveling on a journey"

Their first day on their journey to the city of fading Ghost they found a village on the way,slept at the inn and continued on their journey the next morning. On their second day they fought hobgoblins and wolves.

"This mountain parts have all different monsters waiting to ambush anyone whose unlucky enough to encounter them"

Yeah you are right,im just happy they don't attack the locals living around the mountains"

It took them seven long day's to reach their destination,The fading Ghost city in the kingdom of Griffin.

When they got to fading Ghost they were supposed to be accommodated at the ruler of the city's mansion,but he turned them away.

"Tell them im fighting a war, i don't have time to be meeting with a little girl at times like this especially a ruined princess"

That's the word's the knight of the fading Ghost city delivered when they were at the mansions gate

Princess Miswat and two of her knight's luke and charmaine were staying at an inn. Luke was mad and frustrated throwing insults at the ruler of fading Ghost city jack gryphon.

"Ugh is he going to keep us waiting,we have been waiting for 3 whole days,"

Luke is walking around the inn

"Calm down luke,why don't you go to his mansion immobilize his knight's that he puts so much trust in of their weapons,walk into his mansion and tell him we have a discussion to make".

The princess says while chuckling

Luke looks at charmaine and smiles



"Gather all knight's and immobilize the enemy"


"You bastard's what do you want,state your name-s"


The two people causing the rampage are luke and charmaine they are easily putting fading ghost knight's to sleep very quickly,the reason why miswat sent luke and charmaine is because she sensed that almost all of the soldiers in the mansion are stage 4 and under aura users and magicians.

Before luke and charmaine can enter into the mansion they are pushed back by a lighting and slash attacks


"Ohh to actually block that, you are really strong"

"We want to speak to your ruler"

"Master jack gryphon doesn't have time to talk to low lives like you too"

"Tell him we are former nobles" charmaine looks at luke and laughs

"What? Nobles! you villians who only know how to kill are not noble"

The magician fights with charmaine,unleashing barrage attacks of lighting,charmaine is dogding them,she dashes at the magician because she knows that a magicians weakness is fighting close combat,when her hand is about to touch the magician she pulls it back,because she saw sparks on the magicians robe

"What's that!"

"Hmph Why would i tell you that"

"Lighting javelin"

A spear made of lighting charges at charmaine


Charmaine stops the technique but it pushes her back,as she's blocking it,it's sending lighting across her body,damaging her with every second.



A large area of smoke appears once the technique explodes

As the smoke slowly disappears, black pieces of clothing are on the ground,charmaine is kneeling with one knee on the ground,one of her shirts sleeve is shredded into pieces

Charmaine jumps in the air unleashing a barrage of sword slashes which are blocked by the magicians dome like barrier,as the exchange continues on the magicians barrier gets smaller by each passing time.


Charmaine is on the ground again and her attacks stop the magician also removes his barrier,the two look at each other breathing heavily



Charmaine charges at full speed towards the magician

"Haha you look tired why don't you give up"

The magician says while putting up a small barrier with the little mana he has left. Charmaine stabs her sword into the ground next to the barrier,a blue light travels down her sword into the ground


The ground next to the barrier starts cracking resembling veins

"What are you doi-ng huh?"


The ground under the magicians feet disappears making him lose his balance.


As the magicians body hits the ground.


A sword is on his neck

"You move you die"



Luke clashes with the aura knight that was with the magician


"Dragon aura"

Luke unleashes an aura that makes the aura knight see a red dragon coming at him


The knight faints backwards

"Impossible,how can you!! How can the two of you defeat all those soldiers by yourselves,who are you!!?are you from the serpent eye kingdom we are having a fight with?answer me"

"Why is your city fighting a war without the support of the griffin kingdom,are you being sacrificed?"

"You, you are that girl i told my soldiers to turn away at the gate is this your doing!!!?"

Miswat walks into jack gryphon's office and sits down

"Jack Gryphon the younger brother of the current king of the Griffin kingdom (Zella Elric Gryphon)"


jack gryphon shouts

"Whoa whoa why are you so angry,are you and your brother having a sibling quarrel ? The famous Fading ghost city is nothing but rubles now,your arguments must be serious"



Luke puts his sword next to jack's neck

"Put out the rage in your heart jack,i didn't take time coming here to make fun of you and your brothers relationship,im here to propose a deal that will benefit both of us,so what do you say?"

"Tsk i can't make a deal with you devils,yo-"

"My lord,my lord are you okay"

The magician and aura knight rush into the office

"Zack and lugh what happened i thought both of you were dead how come"

"My lor-d"

Zack draws out his sword


"What are you guy's doing here"

"As you can see they are alive,luke and charmaine just put them to sleep,so you want to hear about the proposal "

"Who are you?"

"Zack it's okay,seeing how they spared your lives they are not bad people,if your proposal doesn't contain conditions that are hard to fulfil we will consider it"

Luke and charmaine stand guard behind Miswat while zack and lugh stand behind jack, a deal that will change the fate of fading Ghost city is undergoing.