
Drawn to a Flame

-Temporary Synopsis- [An AU] A journey of Naruto in the world of Avatar. Possible lemons in the future, I don’t know yet. Naruto is the protagonist, but there will be combination of NarutoxATLA!!! Putting this here so no one will be BAMBOOZLED thinking it’s only Naruto in the ATLA universe! Art cover is not mine, and it belongs to the original art owner!

ASpyFromMars · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

In Memory of Lu Ten

Azula and her mother sat under shade of the apple tree as they watched the boys train nearby. Ursa noticed her daughter had drastically change: the cold gleam that she once saw in Azula had significantly lessened to a degree. She did notice that her daughter now had a certain glow - her aura was much brighter. It was as if her daughter had suddenly morphed into a different person.

"Azula, you seem different today," Ursa's soft voice broke the silence between mother and daughter.

"Really?" Azula casted her eyes away from Naruto and looked towards her mother, "I don't recognize anything different."

Ursa caressed her daughter's hair, "You're a lot brighter than you ever were before."

"What makes you say that?"

Ursa pulled Azula into a playful hug, "It's a mother's intuition, Azula. Now, tell me, what made you change?"

Azula looked towards the ground as a red flush formed across her cheeks. Her body felt tense from her mother's all-knowing stare. Maybe, she could lie her way out.

"It's him, isn't it?"

Damn it, she knew. Perhaps, Azula could play it off like it's nothing. Yeah, that could maybe work.

"I don't know what you're talking about, mother," Azula replied.

Ursa chuckled, "Don't lie to me. I've seen the way you are around him; you're like a possessive feline."

"I-I am not!" Azula felt her body heat up from embarrassment.

"But, I'm glad," Ursa drew her eyes towards Naruto, "I want you to be happy, Azula. If you can find happiness with him, then I can rest easy."

"Mother..." Azula muttered out.

Ursa moved her hand to cup Azula's cheek, "Azula, no matter what happens, always follow your heart."

Azula stared at her mother's golden eyes. The same mother who she'd thought only cared about Zuko, now showed the same care for her. Her lips quivered a bit, and Azula rushed into her embrace.

The leaves rustled gently in the wind as mother and daughter shared a longing embrace. However, they were soon interrupted when a palace servant, dressed in a white robe with gold trimmings, entered the garden with a scroll in hand.

He knelt down on one leg and handed Ursa the scroll, "A letter from General Iroh, Lady Ursa." The servant quickly took his leave.

Naruto and Zuko rushed over to Ursa with looks of anticipation and curiosity. Zuko was especially excited since he hadn't heard from his uncle in a while. Ursa unraveled the scroll and read its contents. A single tear rolled down her cheek as she lowered the scroll.

"Iroh has lost his son," Ursa spoke with a pained expression, "Your cousin, Lu Ten, did not survive the battle."

"No, th-that can't be true," The young prince shook his head in disbelief.

"I'm sorry, Zuko."

His body shook uncontrollably from shock and anger, his eyes looked dazed as he stared at the scroll in his mother's hand.

Naruto placed a hand on Zuko's shoulder, "Zuko..."

Zuko ran away.

"Zuko!" Naruto hastily chased after him.

Azula was about to follow after them, but her mother held her back.

"Let Naruto talk to him."

The young prince ran into his room and slammed the door before Naruto had a chance to reach him. He quickly locked the door and leaned his back against it, collapsing down to the floor.

Naruto knocked on the door, "Come on, Zuko, open up."

"Go away, Naruto," Zuko wrapped his arms around his knees and laid his head down between them.

"Can we talk?"

"Leave me alone!" He screamed in rage. Zuko's eyes welled up with tears as he tried to hold them back. The ache in his heart hurts, and he wanted it to stop.

A hollow silence now swallowed him whole as Zuko stared into the blankness of space. Zuko was finally alone, or so he thought.

"What was he like?" Naruto's soft voice muffled through the door.


"Your cousin," He clarified. "What was he like?"

An image of of Lu Ten surfaced in Zuko's mind: a tall, masculine man clad in red armor. Zuko remembered his neat top-knot hair and long sideburns. Lu Ten was always looking down on him with a smile.

After a period of silence, Zuko finally responded in a shaky tone, "He was like a big brother to me."

Zuko closed his eyes and recalled the time where he was the most happiest.


"Zuko, hurry up!" Lu Ten yelled from afar, beckoning Zuko to come over.

The young prince, no older than five, ran as fast as his little legs could carry him. The summer heat of Ember Island really took a toll on him, and Zuko collapsed on all fours on the sandy shores of the beach.

"I can't...go on...anymore," Zuko spoke through heavy breaths. Zuko suddenly felt himself being lifted off of the ground.

Lu Ten carried him on top of his shoulders with a smile, "Up you go, lil' bro."

Lu Ten continued to trek along the shoreline as Zuko looked around in awe. It was Zuko's first time on Ember Island, and he was in awe of the scenery around him.

The vast, crystal clear sea glimmered under the sun's brilliance while tall palm trees grew along the rocky edges of the island. Luxurious beach houses occupied the land above the cliffside where government officials usually stayed at with their families on vacation.

Dozens of vacationers gathered on the beach to bask in the sun's radiance. The children played in the sands while the parents stayed under the shade of their umbrellas.

"Big bro, what are they doing over there?" Zuko pointed at a group of teenagers surrounding a net. His amber eyes shined brightly as he observed a man kick the ball over the net with incredible strength.

"Oh, they're playing Kuai Ball," He responded.

"Can I play?"

Lu Ten laughed, "I don't think your little legs can kick the ball over the net."

"Oh..." Zuko shoulders droop.

"How about this," Lu Ten raised his head to meet Zuko's eyes. "When you're older, I can teach you how to play it."

"Really, big bro?"

"Of course!" Lu Ten nodded. "Now, let's hurry back before your mom gets angry at the both of us."

The two of them arrived at a large, luxurious beach house at the top of hill. Around the beach house were tall palm trees and lush vegetation. Jagged rocks soared above the vegetation and were scattered besides the snaking dirt path that they had walked on.

They entered the house, and Zuko was suddenly greeted with a huge surprise. His eyes widen with shock as confetti burst from little poppers.

"Happy birthday, Zuko!"

Iroh, Ursa, Azula and Ozai were gathered around a large floor table. Various cuisine packed the table, and their mouthwatering aroma wafted across the room. In the middle of all of it was a large chocolate cake with five lit up candles. Zuko forgot it was his own birthday.

"Happy birthday, lil' bro," Lu Ten gently dropped the young prince on the floor.

Zuko walked towards the floor table and sat down in front of the cake, his eyes fixated at the flickering flames of the candles.

"Hurry up, Zuzu!" Azula tugged Zuko's sleeve with her tiny hands "Make the wish already!"

"Azula, Zuko can make his wish whenever he wants to," Ursa reprimanded.

Azula puffed her cheeks out with indignation.

"I see that young Azula getting quite impatient," Iroh let out a small chuckle, earning the ire of his small niece.

"But, mommy, I want to eat the cake now!" Azula pleaded with large puppy-dog eyes.

"You'll have your cake later. Now, let Zuko blow on the candles first."

His family had their eyes glued to Zuko, waiting for him to take the initiative. So, he closed his eyes and made a wish. Then, Zuko took a deep breath and blew out the candles.

Trails of smoke slowly rise into the air as the family cheered.

"Lil' bro, what did you wish for?" Lu Ten asked.

"Hehe, not telling," Zuko gave him a cheeky grin.

Suddenly, Lu Ten pulled a red present box from under the table and knelt down next to Zuko.

"Here, I got something for you," Lu Ten handed him the present.

Zuko quickly took the present and opened it. In the present laid a pair of broadswords sheathed in a black scabbard. The young prince slowly unsheathed the broadsword and inspected it with awe.

The faint glimmer of the sword reflected off of his face as Zuko twirled it around. He felt the incredible sharpness of the dual swords that was forged by a master blacksmith. It was simple and light.

"I'd thought you could use a new pair of swords before you start training with master Piandao," Lu Ten said.

"This is so cool!" Zuko waved it around.

"Haha, I'd knew you would like em!"

Zuko grinned, "Thanks, big bro!"

Zuko set the broadsword aside and looked at his family once more; his uncle was sipping tea as usual, his mother happened to be engaged in a battle of tickling with Azula, and his father, as broody as he is, seemed to be at peace in his quiet meditation. Then, there was Lu Ten with a wide grin on his face as he told jokes and shared laughter with Iroh.

This was what Zuko wanted.


"You cousin sounds awesome," Naruto said.

"Yeah. And now he's gone."

Naruto paused for a bit, "I don't think he's truly gone, though."

"What do you mean?"

"As long as you still have memories of him, he would live on forever in your heart," Naruto answered. "That's what Pervy Sage once told me."

'Live on in my memories,' Zuko thought to himself. He quickly wiped the trickling tears from his eyes.

Zuko stood back up and opened the door, causing Naruto to helplessly fall to the ground.

"At least warn me first!" Naruto shouted as he rubbed his head in pain.

"Hey, Naruto?"




Leaves from the vines

Falling so slow

Like fragile, tiny shells

Drifting in the foam.

Little soldier boy

Come marching home

Brave soldier boy

Come marching home.

- In honor of Lu Ten and Iroh's voice actor, Mako.

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