
Drawn to a Flame

-Temporary Synopsis- [An AU] A journey of Naruto in the world of Avatar. Possible lemons in the future, I don’t know yet. Naruto is the protagonist, but there will be combination of NarutoxATLA!!! Putting this here so no one will be BAMBOOZLED thinking it’s only Naruto in the ATLA universe! Art cover is not mine, and it belongs to the original art owner!

ASpyFromMars · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Fire Lord Ozai: Part One

"Come on, Foxy," Azula said in annoyance. "Get it right."

"What does it look like I'm doing, princess?" Naruto groaned as he held Azula close to him.

Naruto was currently in a predicament that he did not want to be in. He was forced to reenact the play, 'Love amongst the Dragons' with Azula. It was highly popular throughout the Fire Nation, and it was also Ursa's favorite play.

He felt stupid and embarrassed for even doing this with her, especially in front of Zuko who occasionally threw random insults at him. To Naruto, Love amongst the Dragons was just a dumb romantic play; to Azula, it was her all-time favorite art performance.

"The dragon emperor is supposed to spin his lover around first then embrace her, dum-dum," Azula lectured him. Grabbing Naruto's hand, she gracefully spun around to emphasize her point. "See?"

"Can we please take a break?" Naruto begged. "We've been doing this for like two hours now."

Azula crossed her arms, "You can take a break once you get it right this time."

"Yeah, dum-dum," Zuko threw a quick jab at the whiskered boy. "Listen to what your GIRLFRIEND says."

Naruto dropped to the floor in a clear act of defiance. He lazily rolled on the ground like sushi on a bamboo mat before laying on his backside again.

Naruto stretched his limbs out, "Ugh, I just don't feel like it, and I'm sweaty and hungry."

"Naruto," Azula squatted down beside him, ignoring the excruciating laughter coming from Zuko. "Why are you always like this when we play together?"

"Cause it's dumb and girly like that play we just did."

A vein suddenly popped on Azula's forehead.

"Listen here, you feral mutt," Azula yank Naruto by the collar, bringing her face dangerously close to his, "Love amongst the Dragons is not dumb. And. Girly. Got it?"

"...I think I gotta pee," Naruto sheepishly said.

Azula suddenly let go of his collar, and Naruto fell back go the floor. Why was she in love with him again? Surely, it wasn't because of his idiocy.

Ursa suddenly walked into the room, "Your father has requested an audience with the Fire Lord. Come along, children."

"Oh, thank god!" Naruto yelled with glee.

As the kids walked out of the door, Ursa lowered her hand in front of Naruto to stop him.

"I'm sorry, Naruto, my husband does not want you to be in the meeting with us." Ursa said.


"I'm sure it would only be quick," Ursa pinched his cheeks. "So entertain yourself in the meantime."

As they left him behind, Naruto grew a mischievous grin on his face, "Well, she didn't say anything about spying."

Naruto stealthily made his way towards the throne room and hid behind the curtains alongside the wall. He quickly peeked through the curtains and watched.

"And how is it that great-grandfather, Sozin, managed to win the battle at Han Tui?" Ozai asked.

Fire Lord Azulon folded his hands over his mouth as he gaze below at his family with a neutral expression.

"Great-grandfather managed to win because..." Zuko tried to answer, but he failed to remember his history.

Azula quickly nudged him in the ribs, and Zuko looked at her and saw Azula's lips moved silently. He quickly understood.

"Because, the enemy was downwind... and... he used the recent drought as an advantage to destroy Han Tui's defenses in minutes." He slowly answered.

Ozai glance down at Zuko, "That is...correct." He hesitantly said.

As Ozai looked away, Zuko breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you," He quietly whispered.

Azula winked at Zuko in response.

"Azula, my dear, would you show grandfather the new moves that you demonstrated to me?"

Azula quickly stood up and bowed to her grandfather. She then performed a short, pre-routined dance before azure flames burst into life. Azula moved elegantly as she guide the flames around the throne room. A small smile graced Ozai's face, seemingly pleased with her performance. Meanwhile, Fire Lord Azulon's eyes widened in shock. The flames that his granddaughter had produced were the hottest amongst firebenders. This was truly a prodigy at work.

Azula finished her performance by running towards the Fire Lord and leapt into the air with a high kick, conjuring a stream of fire below her feet.

"Blue fire! She has the hottest flame of them all," Ozai praised. "My daughter truly is a prodigy just like her grandfather from whom she is named."

She sat back down and whispered to Zuko, "You can do it, Zuzu."

The young prince nodded and stood up, "I would like to demonstrate what I've been learning."

Zuko knew he couldn't measure up to his sister; he accepted that fate after he saw the birth of her blue flame. But, that doesn't mean he was worthless. No, he was going to show everyone just how powerful he really is. Ozai's smile quickly turned into a frown as Zuko approached the Fire Lord.

The young prince steadied his breath; his training with Naruto and Azula had improved his firebending leaps and bounds, and he was more confident than ever. This was his time to prove himself. He slowly lowered his stance, and within moments, he swung his fists out with pure aggression. His dance showed raw strength with each heavy steps he took; his orange flames roared with incredible might like that of the original dragons. This was Zuko's statement.

Ozai's eyebrows raised at his son's performance. He wasn't expecting Zuko to display such talents. Perhaps, Ozai may have to re-evaluate his firstborn. Zuko ended his performance with a loud roar, breathing out fire in the process. He then bowed to his grandfather before taking his seat.

Azula whispered, "Good job, Zuzu."

"Prince Ozai, your children are indeed extraordinary," Fire Lord Azulon praised. "The firebending they have displayed were truly remarkable."

Ozai bowed his head, "It is an honor to have receive your praise, father."

"Prince Ozai, you may stay; everyone else, go," Fire Lord Azulon quickly waved them off.

Zuko and Azula followed Ursa out of the throne room, until they were dragged by Naruto through alongside of the walls.

"Naruto, what are you doing?" Zuko whispered in panic.

"Don't you guys wanna hear what your McBroody of a dad have to say?" Naruto asked with a hint of mischievousness.

"I suppose that does sound a bit interesting," Azula rubbed her chin in thought. She quickly stood beside Naruto and peaked through the curtain.

"Ugh, you guys...fine." Zuko soon followed afterwards.


"Father, you must have realized as I have that with Lu Ten gone, Iroh's bloodline has ended," Ozai spoke. "After his death, my brother abandoned the siege at Ba Sing Se, and who knows when he will return home?"

The Fire Lord's brows furrowed, but he let his son continue. However, the prominent wall of flames slowly rose as his temper did.

Ozai slowly bowed, "But, I am here, father, and my children are alive."

"Say what it is that you want," Fire Lord Azulon demanded.

Ozai stood up and walked a step closer, "Father, revoke Iroh's birthright. I am your humble servant, here to serve you and our nation. Use me." He quickly knelt down on one knee.

Fire Lord Azulon quickly stood up, pointing a trembled finger at him. Rage filled his voice as he spoke, "You dare suggest I betray Iroh; my firstborn!"

The wall of fire soared in the air as the Fire Lord's anger spilled over.

"Directly after the demise of his only beloved son!" Fire Lord Azulon continued. "I think Iroh has suffered enough, but you? Your punishment has scarcely begun!"

The flames suddenly burned brighter, and Zuko immediately ran out of the throne room, fearing for what will happen next. Unlike him, Azula and Naruto stayed behind to watch the rest of it.

Zuko was lying on his bed as thoughts ran through his head. He hoped his uncle will return home; he didn't want him to die just like his big brother, Lu Ten. As much as his father was cruel to him, Zuko did not wish for anything bad to happen to him as well. Zuko covered the blanket over his head, when Azula and Naruto suddenly barged into his room.

"Zuko!" Naruto cried out in panic. "Your dad's gonna kill you!"

"What!" The young prince shouted in confusion.

Azula quickly smacked Naruto across the head, "Do you have to shout it out so loudly, Foxy?"

"Oh, sorry..."

Azula walked towards Zuko and sat on the bedside next to him, "We heard everything; grandfather got mad at father for wanting to betray uncle, so he ordered father to kill his firstborn as punishment."

Zuko tightly gripped his blanket, "You're lying, Azula."

"Zuko, I'm not lying this time," Azula said with worry. "I care about you, and I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"No, stop lying!"

Naruto quickly chimed into the argument, "Azula's not lying this time; I was with her the whole time!"

Zuko was now in full panic mode. His mind raced as he suddenly felt his coming end. Why would his father readily agreed to kill him? Was he not worth anything in his eyes?

"What do I do!" Zuko shouted in fear.

Naruto gripped his shoulders, "Whatever happens, Azula and I are here for you. We can try to get your dad to back down."

"What is going on in here?" Ursa walked into the room. She quickly noticed her son's fearful expression, and her motherly instincts went into full drive.

"Azula, Naruto, come over to me at once; we need to talk," Ursa said.

"But, mom!"

"I said now, young miss," Ursa demanded.

The two of them left the room with Ursa, leaving Zuko alone.

"They have to be playing a prank on me... I just know it," Zuko whispered to himself.

Zuko laid back down on his bed and went to sleep, hoping to himself that this was all just some sick joke by Azula just to screw with his head.


"Tell me what's going on, Azula," Ursa demanded.

"Mom, you have to believe me," Azula answered. "Grandfather ordered dad to kill Zuko as punishment for betraying uncle."

Ursa's brow's furrowed and she turned to Naruto, "Naruto, is this true?"

"I was there myself; the bastard won't lay a hand on my brother," Naruto said. "Not when I'm around!"

Ursa frowned; She knew her husband was heartless enough to kill his own son for the slightest chance to take the throne. She needed to stop him.

"Naruto, Azula, go to your rooms," Ursa commanded. "I'm going to have a talk with my husband."

Finally reached a milestone of 200 collections!!!

Thank you to everyone who are supporting my story whether through comments, power stones, collections or simply just reading.

A quick announcement: I am about to begin classes on Monday. All of them are hybrid, so the lectures will be online, and my labs will be in person.

I will still try to update once per day, but the upload time may have to be in the late evening instead of mornings or afternoon US Eastern time.

Well, that’s about all.

ASpyFromMarscreators' thoughts