
Dragonwyrm Academy

“Damnit truck-kun” After attempting to save the dark haired woman crossing the street he instead ended up getting hit with her. Looking at the frail woman dying in his arms Cain’s vision shifted to the book she was still clutching, [Tales of Dragonwyrm Academy]. “And screw you too damn book”

Nova_527 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 1 – Who am I?

"Cain… Cain wake up."

Cain's eyes slowly crept open as he heard a gentle voice calling his name. He felt a sense of comfort, as if he had woken up from a pleasant dream. He reached up for her with his tiny hands as if it was natural. The woman picked him up, her touch tender, and Cain put his chubby arms around her neck, burying his face into her shoulder, feeling the softness of her attire against his skin.

Cain was enjoying the warmth when he suddenly paused.

'Wait, who is this?'

Cain pulled back slightly and took a good look at the woman. Cain's new vision revealed a thin woman with a hair color that fell somewhere between black and purple, a shade resembling obsidian. Her violet eyes held a mesmerizing depth, like an infinite galaxy that could never be fully explored.

Cain tried to recall if he had ever seen her before.

'More importantly, who am I?' Cain realized that he couldn't even remember who he himself was.

'Ah, I can't remember anything; my memories are all hazy.' Cain could only recall a few things, such as his first name and a few vague fragments of his life.

"Come on, Cain, you're six months old today," The woman started talking again, her voice filled with warmth, "It's a day to celebrate, the prince of the Dragonwyrm empire's six-month anniversary!"

'The who now?' Cain was shocked at the name that had dropped and tried to ask.

"Wah," And failed miserably, all that came out was a little sound that was something in between a squeal and a cry.

"Kyaa, you're so cute," The woman said in a high-pitched tone, showering him with affection.

"Yes, yes. You must be excited for today; it's your special day after all," The woman continued, her voice bubbling with excitement as she carried Cain with her.

She kept walking until she arrived at two large doors guarded by soldiers dressed in shiny gold armor. She nodded her head, and the guards slowly pushed the doors open to reveal a large balcony.

"Announcing the arrival of Her Imperial Grace Rosalina von Dragonwyrm and the Imperial Crown Prince Cain Zadkiel Dragonwyrm."

Cain was greeted by the sight of hundreds of thousands of people lining the streets and cheering. He blinked in astonishment, his tiny mind struggling to comprehend the enormity of the crowd.

"You see that," the woman named Rosalina said as she pointed out to the crowd. "Those people are all here for you."

Cain was awestruck at the sheer number of people who had come to see him. He had attended fan meetings and even talk shows with a large audience before, but even those paled in comparison to the vast sea of people who were cheering for him.

"Take a good long look at them," she continued, "one day you will succeed your father's throne and rule over them all."

'Don't say such scary things, woman,' Cain retorted in his head, his baby-like understanding not fully grasping the implications.

'But wow, there sure are a lot, huh,' Cain thought as he gazed out at the enthusiastic crowd.

For the rest of the day, Cain was paraded around the city for all of the citizens to see. It finally ended when they returned to the palace, although Cain had fallen asleep in the carriage, cradled in his mother's arms.

Rosalina held her slumbering child close, her heart swelling with love as she looked down at him. Her expression softened, radiating a mother's deep affection for her son.

Then, as she looked away from her sleeping child, her smile suddenly turned fierce.

"That bstrd, not showing up on our own son's celebration day," she snarled, her voice tinged with anger, "No excuses will save you this time."

Cain's tiny body shivered even as he remained in deep sleep, unaware of the storm brewing within his mother's heart.


Following the grand welcoming ceremony that introduced him as the Imperial crown prince, Cain's days settled into a serene rhythm of simplicity: eat, sleep, and repeat. Gradually, his once-hazy consciousness began to have occasional moments of clarity , allowing him to probe the depths of his situation.

"Alright, first things first, where am I?" Cain's voice resonated within the vast confines of his luxurious palace adorned with a breathtaking array of gems and meticulously crafted ornaments. It was an opulent setting, a stark contrast to his previous life as an online streamer.

He couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of his transformation. "Pshh, hahaha, how did I go from being a streamer to an imperial prince?" His laughter echoed through the halls, the sound of a man who couldn't quite believe the surreal turn his life had taken.

Gazing around at the palace, which dwarfed the entire apartment complex he used to call home, he chuckled, "Well, an upgrade is an upgrade, I guess."

Now, it was time to answer the question that gnawed at him. "Who am I?" Cain walked over to an ornate mirror and confronted his reflection.

In the mirror, he saw the image of a cherubic toddler with dark red hair that hung just below his eyes. His visage was undeniably adorable, complete with the round cheeks and a hint of baby fat that only enhanced his cuteness. His eyes, reminiscent of his mother's, possessed a deep purple hue, as though they were sculpted from amethyst.

Staring into the mirror, he affirmed, "Ah, that's right, I'm the Imperial crown prince of this continent and the brother of the main character of 'Tales of Dragonwyrm Academy.' Sounds nice, doesn't it? The future king of the entire continent, the highest position in the world, capable of commanding anyone and everyone to do whatever they want. And to top it off, I'm the main character's brother, whom he cherishes more than anything else. The amount of plot armor I should have is second only to the main character..."

Cain's laughter ceased, and he adopted a more somber tone. "Yeah right! In the original 'Tales of Dragonwyrm Academy,' I'm killed off even before the story begins." His character's tragic demise served as a catalyst for the main character, Nicholas Ares Dragonwyrm, or Nico, to embark on a path of sorrow and madness.

Yet, in this reimagined tale, Nico was not a deranged protagonist but rather a figure consumed by profound sadness. He was not driven to insanity but rather to desperation by the loss of his brother, Cain.

Cain continued his analysis, In the original story, Nico became deeply saddened by my death and develops a possessive, sorrowful side while trying to maintain an appearance of normalcy as he grows up.

But the memories of Cain were inescapable. Every room, every corner, whispered echoes of the past. Nico's pain seemed insurmountable, and his only solace was in keeping his anguish hidden beneath a veneer of normalcy.

It was during this tumultuous period that his and the female leads paths first crossed. Elara Seraphina, the compassionate and empathetic daughter of one of the academy's professors, noticed Nico's suffering. Her vibrant spirit and genuine kindness compelled her to reach out to him.

Elara was different from the other students. She had a unique ability to sense the emotions of those around her, a gift she had possessed since childhood. It was her intuition that drew her to Nico, sensing the overwhelming sorrow that he tried so hard to conceal.

Their first meeting was simple, a chance encounter in the academy's library. Nico was lost in thought, gazing at an old tome that once belonged to Cain, his fingers tracing the notes and annotations left behind by his brother.

Elara approached him with a warm smile. "Is this your brother's book?"

Nico's eyes, heavy with sorrow, met hers. "Yes, it belonged to him."

She reached out and gently touched his arm, her empathetic nature drawing her to his pain. "I can sense that you're carrying a heavy burden. If you ever need someone to talk to or just a friend to lean on, I'm here."

Her words held a sincerity that touched Nico's heart. In that moment, a connection was forged between them, a bond that would grow stronger with each passing day.

As time went on, they spent more time together. Elara helped Nico cope with his grief, offering a compassionate ear and a comforting presence. She didn't attempt to fix him; instead, she supported him as he faced his emotions head-on.

Their friendship expanded beyond the academy's walls. Nico introduced Elara to his circle of friends, and she seamlessly became a part of their tight-knit group. Together, they embarked on adventures, explored the magical world around them, and faced challenges that tested their resolve.

Nico's friends, once concerned about his well-being, witnessed the transformation taking place within him. Elara's unwavering support and genuine friendship slowly began to mend his wounded heart. While the memories of Cain remained, they were no longer a source of unbearable pain but rather a cherished part of his past.

As their bond deepened, Nico's powers, which had once been erratic and volatile, began to stabilize. Elara's empathetic abilities helped him gain control over his emotions and harness the true extent of his magic.

Their love story unfolded amidst the backdrop of their adventures, with Nico's friends playing vital roles in their journey. Together, they confronted formidable foes, uncovered hidden mysteries, and forged unbreakable bonds.

Through shared laughter and tears, Elara and Nico found solace in each other's company. It was a love story that defied the tragic fate that once loomed over their world, a testament to the healing power of compassion and friendship.

As Cain's narrative unfolded, he reconsidered the possibilities. "Now, wouldn't it be a nice story if the male and female lead got together and lived happily ever after? But, of course, it's never that simple."

The story didn't end with a fairy tale romance. Instead, it took a dramatic turn into a conflict between forces of good and evil. The war raged on until tragedy struck: the female lead died. In her absence, Nico was pushed to the edge, unleashing a berserker rage that culminated in the deaths of everyone involved in the conflict, ultimately severing the connection between heaven and hell from their world.

Cain paused for a moment, contemplating the complex narrative. "Of course, most readers were completely surprised. Even though the book was labeled as a tragedy, it still took quite the 'surprising' turn."

His fingers idly traced the ornate carvings on the wall of his opulent chamber. The rich tapestries depicting dragons in flight seemed to come to life as they rippled gently in the breeze. As he pondered the fantastical elements of his new world, Cain couldn't help but get distracted .

"Come to think of it, there is a Heaven and a Hell in this world, and there are even dragons. Our last name literally means 'Dragon of the West.'"

This revelation led him to consider the potential of harnessing dragon powers or magic. Fortunately, he belonged to a family blessed by the dragons, a lineage that traced back to the empire's founder, who had married a dragon. "How cool would that be! Good job, first emperor!" Cain thought with excitement. However, as he contemplated the nature of that union, a sudden realization struck him.

"Hey wait a minute, he boinked a dragon!!!"