

A boy who never had the chance to do anything thanks to his illness always spent his time in the hospital. The only thing that brought colour to his life were Marvel and DC comics. NOTE : THIS IS AN AU ( ALTERNATE UNIVERSE ) [This World is a Bridge between the DC and Marvel multiverse, all the possible information you know about the characters is totally useless since there is a possibility that it will never happen or it will happen differently] Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel or any of it's character. I own my own elements and my OC(s). --- WARNING : English's not my Mother tongue So there will be grammar and paraphrasing mistakes Hope it'll be readble -- UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX

Xuefang1 · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs


A few minutes before Cap's group had entered by force to the area where the shuttle was located which was protected by a group of cryogenic synthezoids, supreme, elites, primitives and spiky robots, which upon seeing them were launched against them.

Steve ran with all his strength at the same time several lasers aimed at him from the walls, he used his shield to protect himself even running, Tony seeing this shot several mini rockets destroying the rockets.

When he reached the group of synthezoids, he threw his shield and without caring about the shield the law of physics destroyed four synthezoids bouncing between them and returning to Cap's hand

Hulk who was the last of the group jumped hitting his hands as if they were hammers against the floor staggering a group of synthezoids.

Hulk ripped a part of the ground and threw it to the robots destroying some of them, without wasting time he charged against the remaining ones catching a supreme syntezoid using it as a weapon swinging it from one side to the other.

Thor was like a God of War with every swing of his hammer a synthezoid exploded, but as if they already expected this they decided to compensate with numbers, several supreme syntezoids from a distance shot at him

Thor swung his hammer deflecting the energy shots, deciding to put an end to that he fired a beam from his hammer destroying a robot and then launching his hammer through them as if nothing to seconds later explode, with a thought the Mjolnir returned to his hand, looking at the remaining syntezoids and before how close they were to the space shuttle Thor wrapped himself in lightning along with his Asgardian armor and Mjolnir.

"Succumb to the storm scrap metal" shouted Thor lightning fell from the sky striking the synthezoids perfectly destroying them

"Hey just can't wait to show off pretty boy" complained Tony earning a glare from Steve "We're not here to show off Tony we have a mission to accomplish."

Hulk looked a little disappointed "Hulk wanted to smash more" he said being noticed by everyone more for his way of forming sentences better thanks to Bruce who no longer sees the Hulk as much as a monster, but as if hearing him three portals opened, out of them came three adaptoids along with Tarleton in his mechanical chair and a suit of armor covering him.

Tarleton : "Hello Avengers, you seriously thought you could get to one of my bases and I wouldn't be prepared this time with how annoying you have been" Tarleton rejoiced as he saw their surprised faces

Tarleton : "Let me tell you these three Adaptoids are new and improved, they can now copy the powers present in their range" as if affirming his words one Adaptoid began to become a little fuzzy as it began to grow and turn green

"Look this little fellow has picked up the Gamma rays from the green vest" smiled Tarleton.

"Raww" growled the Hulk at Tarleton's insult.

The Second Adaptoid copied Tony's technology while in one hand he created Cap's shield, and the Third Adaptoid created a very appeared hammer Mjolnir wrapped in lightning. "Adaptoids attack" ordered Tarleton.

The Adaptoids launched beams of energy, electricity and the last one started a melee with the Hulk

Tony : "Avengers move, we will have to face them one by one if we don't want the three Adaptoids to copy our powers" ordered Tony, The first to collide with an Adaptoid was Thor who was holding the robot's arms.

"Haa, the Adaptoids not only duplicate our power, they copy our strength" Thor warned, managing to escape and lashing out with his hammer wrapped in electricity, the Adaptoid did the same with his hammer and the moment the two hammers collided they generated an explosive explosion and lightning that made them move away from each other.

Tony : "If I don't see it, I don't believe it, somehow George enhanced the internal duplicator complexes and also the external structural integrity all at once" said Tony dodging the Adaptoid's energy shots by the hair being shielded by Cap as the Adaptoid fired a follow up projectile

Cap : "Tony if we get out of this alive we'll ask them, so for the moment concentrate" ordered Steve launching his shield at the robot, colliding with the Adaptoid's copy of the shield bouncing off, the Adaptoid's shield turned liquid on his arm, showing his arms like Iron Man's aiming and firing at them.

Hulk collided with the Gamma Adaptoid pushing it against the ground hitting it non-stop, until one of the robot's arms stopped his blow as if it was nothing hitting him in the chin pushing him away "That makes Hulk angry" shouted Hulk hitting the robot like in a street fight, Boom! Boom! Every hit they gave each other made the area where they were vibrating.

Tony was firing energy bolts at the Adaptoid that was copying his and Cap's powers in the air "Damn it's like fighting a mirror" Tony was shot falling to the ground

Cap returned to protect him giving him time for Tony to recover, standing up he flew back towards the Adaptoid dodging the energy bolts and passing by him gaining his attention following him

Cap took advantage when the Adaptoid turned his back throwing his shield with all his strength, Iron Man knowing what Steve did turned again trying a pincer attack but the Adaptoid dodged Cap's shield causing him to collide with Tony at the last second and the robot grabbed him by the shoulder with his legs in his abdomen releasing energy in his four limbs.


A small explosion of energy sent Tony flying towards a wall "Tony" shouted Cap but the Adaptoid created a shield again and attacked him

Steve dodged the falling attack of the robot seeing the big cut that left the shield of this one, when Tony came to his senses he saw Cap fighting with the robot with difficulty

Taking advantage of the fact that the Adaptoid had not noticed him he fired several energy beams as the robot threw his shield at Cap but the Adaptoid dodged his attack again causing Steve to cover himself with his shield from his shots

"Sorry Cap" said Stark ducking dodging an energy shot.

The Adaptoid again called his shield as does Cap, Cap lunged towards the Adaptoid clashing their shields in the tackle pushing him into the wall creating sparks with their shields as they grappled

Tony threw an airay and Cap moved away, the Adaptoid in the end was pushed and pinned to the wall by their teamwork, "We're disconnected buddy" joked Stark.

"It's been a long time" replied Cap, meanwhile the Adaptoid came out of the hole and charged energy into his chest launching a big airay bigger than him, Tony had to grab Steve and get out of there as they flew.

For his part Thor was sent flying by a blow of the Gamma Adaptoid with the strength of the Hulk and his own, thanks to the fact that the two Adaptoids had become liquid and merged surprising them

For his part Hulk jumped aiming a hammer blow that the Adaptoid dodged with a leap, creating a crater in the ground and raising large rocks Hulk kicked them so the air where the robot was

Before that the Adaptoid returned to create a copy of the Mjolnir destroying the rocks but creating a cloud of dust that Hulk took advantage of jumping and grabbing him by the head

Noting that he could not get out of Hulk's grip easily, he took advantage of his Adaptoid physiology by turning his neck to an impossible degree and grabbing Hulk's arm, placing his legs on the ground, leaving a line in the ground, stopping his advance and pinning Hulk to the ground, causing Hulk to get angry and become stronger but to no avail, as the Adaptoid became stronger as he did.

With Hulk subdued and struggling he lifted him up and whipped him sending him flying into a shield of energy "Haaahaa.... "Hulk shouted in pain, Thor who had seen the exchange looking for a weakness without finding any weakness attacked throwing Mjolnir the robot created his own hammer hitting the Mjolnir as if it were any garbage winning the exchange running towards him "By the beard of Odin" shouted Thor but the robot crashed against him pushing him and throwing him to the floor, Hulk who had already recovered stood next to Thor who stood up and called Mjolnir.

"We've combined our forces and still it is not enough" muttered Thor wiping the blood from his lips

"You scrap being as strong as God of Hammers and Hulk" replied Hulk earning a glare.

Turning back to Steve and Tony which was flying and being chased by the robot stopped without warning skidding on the ground shooting beams of energy from his hands with no effect because of the shield he copied from Cap, without stopping flying the robot approached Tony tackling him.

"Tony give me an atomic drop" Cap said over his comms.

"Good idea Cap" replied Tony activating the thrusters on his back stopping the advance of this not before firing an airay moving it away a little and a shield flew towards the robot hitting it in the face and bouncing making it roll on the ground by the attack, stopping even without noticing Cap falling towards him by the time he noticed it was too late, Steve hit the robot's head with the edge of his shield separating it.

"I love that maneuver" said Tony aiming at the Adaptoid's body with his thrusters and weapons raised from his shoulders and hands, but before doing anything the voice of Tarleton who had been watching everything without doing anything was heard.

"Alright adaptoids time for phase two" he said making the defeated Adaptoid stand up and grab his head putting it in place starting to fly going to where the other adaptoid was already fused, with Thor and Hulk it was the same the adaptoid walked away from them going to Tarleton standing next to him along with the second one.

Tarleton : "It took me a long time to get these Adaptoids created but it was worth the time invested in them, yes I can create a world with no powers, no heroes, so let me introduce you to the Supreme Adaptoid, adaptoids fuse together" at his orders the two Adaptoids turned liquid, starting to climb up Tarleton's body.

Tony : "Looks like the difficulty went up to hell mode, the ability to copy our powers, with George's mind and powers won't be any good" whispered Tony looking at the hologram Jarvis had formed by scanning what was happening in front of them.

Within seconds what was in front of them was a four meter Adaptoid on steroids surrounded by purple energy with Tarleton's face on its head.

"Be careful, the energy reading I'm seeing is gigantic" Tony warned them, watching as it began to charge a beam and fire it, everyone dodged except Cap who made his shield to protect himself being pushed

"Avengers everyone has to attack at the same time" Steve ordered but before they could move the Adaptoid's torso turned liquid and spun 360 degrees, firing projectiles and energy shots making them only on the defensive.

Cap threw his shield and was evaded by another shield, Hulk launched himself at Tarleton but was only met by another blow

Thor attacked the robot's back with his hammer while it had its hands full only to be met by an arm with a hammer that emerged from the Adaptoid's back

Iron Man aimed at the head with a lightning bolt at maximum power but it transformed into a shield protecting him from his attack, they all attacked but did nothing to Tarleton, he was just playing with them as if they were children, every hit or attack they gave was returned with greater force and the attacks they managed to give were only repaired by being liquid metal.

"You can't do anything avengers you are facing my greatest creation haha" laughed Tarleton, creating a hammer wrapped in electricity in one hand, a shield in the other and two arms coming out of his back like those of Tony's armor, the robot launched itself against them wiping the floor with them

Hulk in a fit of rage managed to hold him in a headlock allowing the rest to attack him, but he created a reactor on his back firing a beam sending the big Green flying away from them with a big wound on his chest revealing his muscles without any skin which was regenerating.

"Everyone synchronize" shouted Cap throwing his shield towards the robot's legs making him lose his balance falling but he used his arms behind his back to keep from falling

Thor jumped in turned into electricity with his hammer falling on the Adaptoid without stopping hitting him while Cap and Tony held his arms, but from the robot's body two Adaptoids came out holding Thor pulling him off of him.

"Tony it's liquid metal find a way to stop him" ordered the Steve throwing his shield and dodging a laser to which Hulk already healed threw himself against Tarleton in the air lowering him to the ground.

Tony : "It's space age technology, unknown to me and I've never seen it before in my life...give me about four minutes" said Tony as he watched and analyzed.

Steve launched himself against the Adaptoid at the moment that Thor launched a beam hit with his shield and sent it flying with a blow that was protected with his shield but not without leaving a gift before which was an electromagnetic pulse bomb, which exploded leaving the robot immobile for five seconds, they attacked with everything especially the Hulk who roared with anger with every blow given.

Tony : "Ready I have scanned it completely, I found how to stop it, for that I have modified my impact rockets, this will make the metal unstable long enough for you to separate it from its adaptoids, and take this Cap you will make sure they do not rejoin" he said throwing the cryogenic bombs created with Derek's metal.

Tony fired his rocket at the Adaptoid when he was busy facing the Hulk, the moment the rocket touched him a liquid metal separated from him and Cap threw the cryogenic bomb being separated from Tarleton

Thor approached a melee clashing hammers between them until he saw Tony spinning and sweeping his feet off balance, Tony took advantage of that and fired another impact rocket separating the second Adaptoid in liquid form and being locked up by Cap.

This time Tarleton could be seen clearly barely covered by the metal, Hulk lunged at him throwing him to the ground "Let go beast" shouted in anger Tarleton, Hulk just smiled at him and ripped off the remaining metal being locked up courtesy of Cap.

"Alright with that we got two heads in one shot" taunted Tony falling in front of Tarleton.

"No you guys haven't won yet" said Tarleton madly causing a shield of energy to wrap around them and enclose them

"Tell me it looks familiar hahaha" he laughed so that underneath him a portal formed swallowing him not before saying something that made them hesitate

Tarleton : "I'd like to see your face of despair when you see Derek and Natasha die without being able to do anything" he left those words before disappearing to show a holographic screen where Nat was being impaled in the stomach by the bony spurs of an Abomination of five meters red and more twisted.

"Noo" Shouted Cap hitting the shield that enclosed them

Thor did the same along with the Hulk

Tony didn't know what to do only now he realized that Tarleton didn't care if they destroyed Ambrosia or rescued the Inhumans his plan was to watch them fall into despair, that's all he could think as he watched his friend and partner being through and through by that monster.

"ROOOAR" but at that a bestial roar was heard and an orange trail of fire showed in the sky at an incredible speed, the beast threw Natasha aside as if she was garbage losing interest in her and seconds later being received by a giant fist of fire and metal moving it away some steps by the explosion, meanwhile a blonde with a suit like Natasha's approached her.

"Take her and get out of here along with the people who are still alive I will buy them time" Said Derek wrapped in fire with the difference that the flames covering him had taken the shape of a Dragon covering him.

Tony : "Jarvis some way to take out this shield buddy."

Jarvis: "The shield is externally connected Sir."

Tony : "How long do you need to connect to Victoria and destroy Ambrosia from space?"

Jarvis: "10 minutes Sir."

"Then what are you waiting for do it" shouted Tony, Jarvis without replying did as he was ordered

Tony : "Hold on ten minutes kid just ten minutes.

So we could help you".

Up to here


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