
Dragonborn Saga

Meet Jon Dare, your every day's 25 years old who one day wakes up in Honorhall Orphanage in the city of Riften in the Kingdom of Skyrim. He reincarnated in his favorite game 19 years before the start of the game’s events. Armed with knowledge about the future and full potential in Magic, Combat and Voice, the Nord kid will set out from Riften to find himself becoming a Hero way before the start of the game events. ---------- Extra Tags: Domestic Affairs, Animal Sidekick, Creative MC, Strong MC ---------- Find Extra Early Chapters and our Discord Server on this link... https://linktr.ee/donovel

El_Don · Video Games
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748 Chs

Red Hair, Red Eyes

[A/N: There is a vote on discord, it is about the 'Star of Azura', you can vote between the Star of Azura that can trap White Souls of animals and other beings, or the Black Star that can trap the Black Souls of Mortals.]

[A/N: This is a 4K words chapter. just to let you know and appreciate it.]


[Justiciar Laranor's POV]


How filthy!

They are not just humans.

They are the lowest kind of humans, at least those filthy Bretons walk around showing off their elven ancestry.

But you will never find anyone as lowly as Nords.

Those monkeys that worship a demon like Lorkhan and a lowly human like Talos deserve nothing but to be chased and killed like the dogs they are. Even their Empire has given up on them due to their stupidity.

Now we should do our mission and we should do it right. A message has to be sent for that Jarl in Windhelm. Still, we can enjoy some hunting on the way.

Those mongrels refused to die out and fought a hopeless fight shouting Sovengard this and Sovengard that. Some of them actually died smiling! I mean, can anyone believe it?

What are their brains made of? I wouldn't have even believed they have ones until when I cracked a head and looked into it.

They always fight fight fight! They are getting on my nerves and under my skin. They just need to be eradicated once and for all.

"Justiciar Laranor, you are making that face once again!"

Hm! Ah, I get it.

"I apologize Justiciar Ronril. I just get into a dire mood when I start thinking about those mongrels! They are giving us this headache running around this damnable wasteland!"

The one spoke to me was my senior, he is a lazy old one. Promoted to a Justiciar sixteen years ago yet with no achievements whatsoever, even though he was said to be talented, he is being chased by his ghosts from the Great War and drinks them away! Pathetic and worthless. Now his worth is nothing and all he does is beginners' work.

"Don't we all get sick of them? You may have been promoted recently but don't let it get into your head!" He said, "Those Nords may be worthless as far as the word worthless can get, but you should never look down on a cornered rat, you don't know how fierce a cornered rat can fight."

Blah! Here he goes again with his nonsense.

"Huh! What can those lowly trash do? I apologize in advance but you guys will have to write a detailed report on how will I slaughter them and rip them apart."

The one who spoke was Celon, an arrogant fool who was promoted with me. I don't know why would I get chosen to do a mission with these two fools.

"Easy there! We need to at least make sure that one or two of them get to that shithole they call Windhelm. Don't forget the mission we are on." I have to remind them not to go overboard and ruin this damn mission.

I am not worried about Ronril since he barely does anything useful anyway, the one who I am worried about is Celon, he is a psychopathic fucker that loves nothing more than hearing screams.

"What does a girl like you know anyway?" Celon said, "If I acted like a wimp and didn't do anything serious, I may get stuck in this job for who knows how many years!"

He was speaking ill of me and Ronril in the same time huh! Well well, let's see what am I going to write about you in the report.

"You shouldn't talk like that Justiciar Celon!" Ronril rode his horse between ours. "Those Nords you want to kill dearly are nothing but people who are going to perish sooner or later. You should set your eyes on the bigger picture!"

"Bigger picture?" I asked.

"I am sure after you two got promoted you heard about those people who call themselves the Hidden Clans of Skyrim, they are the true power behind this land, something you have to be wary of all the time."

"Hidden Clan, hmph! They are just Nords, bound to die under my sword like any other Nords no matter what they call themselves. Hidden Clans! Companions! Such vulgar names." Celon kept going with his haughty act.

Can't we just kill him here and tell the soldiers not to talk about it?

But I have read the report about the Hidden Clans, pretty mysterious tales were written about them, Giants Blood, Beast Blood, Fire Blood, Akaviri Blood. Too many bloods!

It seemed that they are powerhouses with unique blood lineages that for some reason hid from the political world and kept moving the undercurrents from the shadows. Even though they are Nords, they are not that stupid. Let's see what this Ronril fool knows about them.

"I have read the report about them but many things appeared to be classified. What does Senior know about them?"

"I just threw that thing away, Hidden Clans my ass!" Celon interrupted me rudely.

"No one even was talking to you Justiciar Celon!" I said without even looking at him, worthless dog!

"You..." Celon was grinding his teeth. That sure hit the mark.

"Calm down you two. This is not the manners Justiciars should show, especially in front of soldiers." Ronril said, "Sigh! Regarding your question Justiciar Laranor, the Hidden Clans are forces originated from the ancient Five Hundred Companion of Ysgramor, an Atmoran (Ancient Nords) murderer who eradicated a lot of Elves and created a nation for the current day Nords, those clans rivaled the old Falmer (Snow Elves) and Dwemer (Deep Elves) pushing them out of power in Skyrim. After these wars, they established themselves in small clans away from the Atmoran Cities until they increased in number and varied in bloodlines. Some clans kept their bloodlines since the olden ages but mostly died out, some went into public, some combined their bloodlines together, and some adopted Akaviri invaders of the Tsaesci invasion of 1E-2703. All in all, these powerhouses are not your run of the mill Nords. They are fierce fighters with small private armies and mysterious powers!"

"Tch!" Celon was dissatisfied with what he heard.

"What are the standings of these clans with each other senior?" I asked.

"They can be turned against each other when they see the threat from each other, some clans don't mind us like those from the Bloodsail and Stormfist clans. Some doesn't even tolerate us on Nirn like the Moonblade clan. The known factions like that College and the Companions are also considered some powerhouses but can't give any scary vibe like the Hidden Clans."

Hmm! I know all that but Ronril has a sensitive spot I heard rumors about.

Let's torment him a bit.

"What about... the Firemane Clan?"

Ronril froze. His expressions darkened.

Hehe! Looks like I hit the spot!

The atmosphere around him changed quickly and he felt like another person.

Even Celon, the bastard that can't read the mood, whipped his scornful look away and tried to listen.


"Huh!" Ronril woke up from whatever he remembered and looked at me.

"I was asking about the Firemane Clan!" I feigned innocence and asked.

Ronril looked at me with an annoyed look, he took out his wineskin and poured some in his mouth. He clearly knew what I was doing.

"Firemane huh! Are they something worth mentioning? I heard they are just some pity horse breeders or..." Celon started running his mouth to keep up with my provocation. I guess that's the only thing he can be of use in.

I felt that Ronril was glaring at him which caused him to swallow whatever he was about to say.

"When you go against the Firemanes, make sure to run your way instead of running your mouth." Ronril turned hostile immediately.

His mood turned dire in a second. I guess it went well done, and now Celon will take all the scorn from Ronril, or that's what I thought.

Ronril just sighed and drank another mouthful.

"Firemanes, huh!" Ronril actually talked about them, "They are the worst of them. Unkillable bastards, for years they were a thorn to our side. They broke the rules of the clans and participated in the Great War just because they thought one of their kin died at our hands. Without them, the Empire would have lost an equal loss to us in the last battle, and it didn't just end there. They started showing up in Hammerfell and caused a big disturbance, until that cursed day."

"What cursed day?"

"Fifteen years ago, a woman from the Firemanes got married and settled in Hammerfell, she was one of the patriarch's daughters and someone who killed a lot of Dominion soldiers. A rumor spread that time when I was still a newly promoted Justiciar about this woman being pregnant with a dangerous child. Some sort of prophecy that was kept classified. Orders came to watch that woman until the day she gives birth and seize the child. The woman and her husband, however, were aware of our spies and disappeared without a trace for a year. Until the husband, a former Blade agent, appeared in the most flashy way possible. He assaulted our ships stationed in Iliac Bay and burned everything to ash, buying enough time for his wife to run away to Cyrodiil before escaping the other way himself."

"A man! Attacked Dominion ships, burned them, and escaped?" Celon said as if trying to mock Ronril.

"Yes!" Ronril appeared to have no power to argue with Celon and continued, "I was assigned to chase the woman with many other soldiers, we chased her all the way to the borders and almost clashed with the Empire because of our haste and ignoring to the regulations. It was a long chase that took many days, until the day we cornered her just before she reaches Skyrim in the city of Bruma."

"What happened in Bruma?"

"... A bloodbath... She was not alone as it seemed that she united herself with a friend. We thought the one or two, no matter what the number is, they can do nothing against us. We thought so..."

Ronril said and sank into deep thoughts once again.

"What happened after that?"

"What do you think? We were like moth to flame. That woman killed many pursuing teams along with the man with her. It was one-sided. Few were lucky to survive, I was the luckiest."

"So you let the criminal escape?" Celon started acting like himself again. I think we went too far with Ronril today.

"Escape? No, we didn't, we couldn't! If that child was allowed to live, what kind of terror would he bring on us? No, we didn't stop. She was pursued into Skyrim, by the Nords themselves! We spread the rumor about the child and all the clans cut ties with the Firemanes, except for the Moonblades. But what can two clans do against the full might of all the Hidden Clans? The woman was cornered near Riften for weeks. No one assisted her and even the man she brought ran away with the horses. Three weeks later, she was found on the brink of death, and the child died from starving. When we tried to execute her, the clans retreated from the siege by an order of some monks who live on High Hrothgar, they are called the 'Greybeards'. Our force clashed with the Firemanes and we couldn't hold on so we had to hand her over to stop the fight, which later proved to be a big mistake."


"Yes, if we killed that woman that day, we wouldn't have suffered her wrath after that."

"What did that woman do?"

"... She burned the sea."

Burned.. the sea?

I think I heard about this somewhere.

"Are you talking about... The Bloody Hilda?"

Ronril nodded and didn't say anything.

The Bloody Hilda!

The pirate who clashed with the Bloodsails clan and the Dominion ships for years in the northern waters, it was almost fourteen years ago when she appeared, she killed and burned a lot of ships.

The Empire itself had to interfere to stop her.

This was a big accident and many losses were recorded, it was said that rare treasures fell into her hands. It was also said that she burned the ships she looted and never spared anyone.

So The Bloody Hilda was our doing! The official reports said nothing about that.

Indeed, letting such a woman live was a mistake.

It seems that this clan is annoying beyond reason. I will admit that what Ronril said was right. We need to destroy the big pillars before taking down the house.

"Pffft! You actually believe all that nonsense. Justiciar Ronril why don't you think about retirement? You are that old you know." Celon couldn't resist being an shutting his trap for a second.

Not even Ronril was in the mood to look at him yet he was still yapping.

"Don't worry Justiciar Ronril, the moment I see one of these filthy Firemane Nords or whatever, I'll stick an arrow in... UUGH!"


What was that?

Celon fell from his horse on the ground, everyone got alerted.

I looked at him and there was an arrow piercing through his neck, a spectral arrow from the 'Bound Bow' spell.

Celon is very dead.

"AMBUSH!" Ronril shouted but it was already too late.

The land around us exploded and a lot of 'Frost Atronaches' appeared around the group.

What is this?

Who can do such a thing in this place?

There was no time to breathe! We were surrounded and it looked dangerous.

"Circle Formation! Hurry! Laranor, don't just stand there, kill these Atronaches, use magic." Ronril started shouting at me.

Dammit! I almost panicked!

I jumped from my horse ran into the formation. It's better to be behind their shields in such a situation.

Just as I was preparing a Lightning spell to deal with the Atronaches, Ice Magic started pouring from the Archer's direction.

"How many are there?"

"I don't know, just don't get rid of these Atronaches first then we can retreat."

This is madness!

How could these Nords prepare such an ambush?

Was there anyone traveling on the road and ended up helping them.

That is not the time! I need to take care of this.

Thd soldiers stood their ground but the power of the Atronaches was overwhelming. The arrows started hunting us and the Frost magic came from between the Atronaches.

As we barely managed to take down half of the Atronaches, we lost half of our men.

Finally, the ones casting Frost magic appeared, I can't believe what I am seeing.

Undead! Never seen the likes of them before.

What is going on here!

Who are we up against?


Something strange appeared!

A rider on a burning horse!

No that's a Flame Atronach, that looked like a horse?

He was rushing like mad and broke the formation.

His target is Ronril!

He held a spectral spear and took Ronril by surprise. Ronril's chest wad pierced and carried away by the rider.

No time to waste!

The rider left a hole in the formation, enough for me to run.

I will just run!

The rider pinned Ronril on the ground and his hood moved down revealing his red hair.

They were saying something to each other.

I don't care now.

I must run.

"On me! This way! Retreat!"

I rallied the remaining soldiers. I need as many meatshields as possible. This rider will be troublesome to face.

With some effort, I took about ten men and broke in a run.

This is not turning well. The rider is already on us. And there is also another one shooting arrows.

I cast 'Haste' on myself. I need at least some speed and be faster than the others!

This bad!

Very bad!

I am getting tired.

The best place for me to run now is to slide on that small slope, they won't follow me on horses there.

This is better. I think I lost them.

But I am all alone now.

I need to run back to the ship.

It would take days! Easy, calm down! I have to be strong!

I walked and walked!

I could feel a presence!

I need to be alert, I evoked magic and approached quietly.

Nothing was here, just a small wild animal.

"This is as far as you go Thalmor! We tracked you for days!"

A voice came from behind!

When.. how!!

Someone sneaked on me?

It is the voice of a girl!

"I don't know who are you bu..."

"Save your threats for someone who has time to hear them? Now speak, where are your men? And the people you chased?"

This is bad!

We were being tracked?

But they don't seem to be with the one made the ambush.

Think, think, think.

I have to distract her then take her as a hostage!

I'll talk then I'll cast magic on her!

This is the best plan.

"Listen! If you... UWAAA!"









I can't face her!

This monster!

Run! I need to run!

I can't do this anymore!

I.. just.. have...

Gods! Why?

Why did he catch up?


[Jon's POV]

Three Justiciars on horses, thirty Thalmor soldiers on foot. Such a force!

They walked into the trap and everything is turning out well, but they may survive. I don't want them to survive.

I had to take down a Justiciar with an arrow first, these are the most annoying kind of Thalmor. Something like the law enforcers that act as judge, jury, and executioner. The most annoying thing about them is their magical power, one can't just allow them to live.

The system helped in assessing the situation too by detecting the energy from them.

<Thalmor Justiciar Lv.27>

<Thalmor Justiciar Lv.20>

<Thalmor Justiciar Lv.22>

<Thalmor Soldier Lv.12>

<Thalmor Soldier Lv.14>

And so on.

I managed to take down the <Lv.22> but Jull couldn't get a hit on any of the other two and they ended up taking down half of the Atronaches.

Not good!

I can't let this continue.

"Jull, cover me! I'll go wreck some havoc."

She nodded and I jumped on the Fire Horse and cast 'Bound Spear'.

Only one Justiciar was nearly unguarded and that was the <Lv.27> one. Let's take him down!


I made a charge.

Feels like fun!

Between this! Behind that! Coming through! Excuse me! Aaaand.


One skewered Thalmor Justiciar for you!

Hoho! Bastard is putting resistance! You just have to die, sir.

I took the poor elf on my spear and pinned him on the ground!

This time it the spear must have gone through his heart!

He was dying under the Fire Horse while taking the spear in his chest.

Must have looked cinematic from a third person view!


<Confirmed! Please choose...>

'Generic name dammit!'

The others saw the strongest one among them die in this state and broke into a run! Wait for me.

"Red.. hair!" The Justiciar I took down was still clinging to life and held my spear.

"Red.. hair.. blue.. eyes.. fire.. mane!"

Oh! Why are those guys so famous! First the pirate and now him? Anyway, "Nice to meet you!"

I mocked him but his face looked grimmer! He was dying anyway!

"Can't.. let.. you.. live!" He said while trying to evoke magic.

"Too bad!" I evoked 'Force Bullet' as it was my fastest spell and cast at his head three times.

Looking at him!


Very dead! Disfigured and all!

"Don't waste the time here! Let's kill the rest!" Jull was excited as ever. Killing is her hobby after all.

"Let's go!"

I rode faster than Jull who rode slower to shoot her arrows easier and also was pulling move our luggage horse.

The Thalmor were dispersed and didn't even organize their escape! They were easy to hunt.

The last one was the female Justiciar. She seemed to have slid on a small snow slope. Well, not bad!

I will follow her on foot then.

"Jull, go around the slope and be careful, pinpoint me!"

Jull cast 'Pinpoint' on me so she can feel my location.

Our cooperation is the best.

Now! Let's get this little Thalmor!

On the slope I am sliding, weeeeeeeeeeeee!

That was fun!

Let's look for that one!

Is she here? Nope! There? Nope!

Where did she g...



Something must have caught her before me! Gotta be careful here!


Wow! A girl did that?

Scary! She has two swords. Curved swords!

Now I can't let her see my face. Let's just put the face cover for now!

I show myself up but the Thalmor Justiciar girl tried to run my way only to see me and fall on her knees.

"Too much for that elven superiority, isn't?" I couldn't help but mock!

The girl with swords looked at me and she appeared to have put a white face veil too.



Black hair! Pale skin! Aaaand Red eyes?

"Wel-met!" I said, completely forgetting the Justiciar girl I was planning to kill.

The girl nodded to my greeting silently! She is the same height as me, tall for a girl, wearing an expensive looking classy white robe and looked so calm and peaceful unlike what she did. Cutting someone's hands like this was brutal.

"Hmmm! I was chasing this Thalmor Justiciar or whatever... really was going to kill her. Well, if you want to kill her you can go ahead... or we can kill her together... or let me kill her! What do you think?"

"I still need information about her team and the people they were chasing!" The girl said in a very enchanting voice. I was not sure of what kind of girl that is.

"Already taken care of! Met the people less than an hour ago and gave them directions to the Shrine of Azura." I said, "Of course I killed of her team!"

The girl raised her brows and looked at me not believing what I said.

The Thalmor girl, however, rushed at me screaming, "YOU DEMON!"

I kicked her abdomen and sent her on her butt. They killed all these Nords and now is calling me a demon for returning the favor. Reminded me of my past world all of a sudden.

"Will we let her bleed out, or kill her?" I asked.

"By all means, be my guest." The girl gave her blessing.

"Okay! A painful death it is. Smile!"

I approached the Thalmor girl who was looking at me with all the hate in the world and raised my fist.

I was finally trying this spell on a living target. I evoked my original Expert level spell, 'Thunder Cookie'.

My right fist turned shining with a *Bzzzt* *Bzzzt* and I punched at the girl.


It was... SPLENDID!

The Thalmor girl's upper half was nowhere to be seen, and a cloud of light snow formed around the place but went down rapidly.

"Haha! That was one painful death!"

I was proud of what I did!

The swords girl looked at me and was shocked.

"I am not sure, but that was a painless death?" She said.

"What! Really?"

"Yeah, it took less than a second."

"Come on!" I was dispirited, "I mean, look at the mess it caused. How can that be painless?"

"Well, I guess everyone has his own standards of pain."

She is right! I like her attitude.

Anyway, after that kill, all that is left was a boy with red hair, a girl with red eyes, and a trail of red blood in between.

As Deadpool said: "Technically this is a murder, but some of the best love stories start with a murder. And that's exactly what this is: a love story."

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The Cultists:


-Thorfinn Hammer-Fist



-Alex Martz

-Astarot Attor

-Daniel De la mar

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-Marvin Ulrich

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