
Dragonball Z Rebirth

After dying I somehow came back, but I wasn't in my world anymore, in fact, I wasn't in my body anymore. This world was different with aliens and people who could use powers capable of destroying planets. It's the World of Dragonball!

ForceFromBeyond · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

The Planet Namek!

Far off in a distant place in the galaxy, other events were taking place. But, these events had already ended with one side being wiped out.

Vegeta and Nappa had been listening and watching for a brief moment. And even if they weren't watching at first, it would be recorded for them to look at later. However, the scouter was shut off, but even so; they could listen—but someone had taken the bug out!

"That useless idiot! He failed the minute he got there, he was beaten with a single punch." Nappa was stunned, he didn't expect Kakarot to get so strong.

"Raditz is useless anyway, what do you expect?" Vegeta smirked and continued, "Did you see the readings, Kakarot had a battle power of 5,000. There was no way for him to beat someone like that, it's expected."

Vegeta didn't seem worried about this ordeal, it didn't matter if Raditz failed or not, really.

"Do you think he's dead? Maybe they spared him and took him as a prisoner or something...? If we go now, I think we should be able to rescue him." Nappa scratched his head, he clearly wanted to go retrieve Raditz if he was still alive.

Nappa was pro-Saiyan, if he could save one of his, he surely would. He was an old-timer, so he knew the value of his race—this was especially so with how few their numbers were.

"Rescue? Hahaha! Nappa, we don't need to rescue dead weight. We have more important things to handle. We'll start our trip to Earth next year and see what the big deal is, starting with Kakarot. For now, we need to prioritize our missions for him." Vegeta stood up and walked away without a word more.

"Uh...okay!" Nappa got up and followed, it was time to head to the next planet.


Space Ship.

*Snore* *Snore*

Meanwhile, Turles was sleeping silently... uh, loudly to himself. Traveling through space was both interesting and boring at the same time. If this was back in his other world, he would be scared to death to travel like this in space.

One fatal error could end it all.

Turles slept in a wild position, his legs this way and his arms over there. He was drooling and scratching his chest every now and then. He was constantly chanting about fish and crabs to eat.

Ring! Ring!

Turles reached his hand over before it landed on an alarm clock. This alarm meant he was an hour away from Namek.


I got up and cracked my neck before heading toward the bathroom to wash my face. Afterward, I brushed my teeth, showered, and other things before getting dressed in my traditional armor.

"Another day of life, huh? Namek, here I come!" I laughed slightly, then I went off towards the kitchen to dine for a bit.

I ate to my heart's content since the food was already made and ready to be eaten. In no time, I cleared the table with a satisfied expression. In the same way, I went to the control room to await my arrival.

I would be there in 10 minutes from what I could see. I sat back in my chair and sank into deep thought again. I was just recalling the few techniques I could learn on Namek. I took a big interest in that Space Tear skill.

However, there were other Techniques that caught my attention. There was one Technique called [Space Rupture]. This move, upon being explained by Pybara was similar to Jenemba's space punch move.

A person who knew this would punch towards an empty space, then their fist would appear at an enemy's blind spot. This Technique dealt with space just like that Space Tear skill.

Then, there was a spirit skill that was also another similar Technique that Jenemba used in the movie. This skill allowed him to dematerialize himself and form himself quickly behind an enemy to deal a swift blow to them.

This seemed like a movement Technique like Instant Transmission, but it didn't require high concentration. This move could only be learned if a person's spirit and strength were in balance with one another.

It dematerialized your spirit and body, it could make you undetectable to ki-senses for a very short period—while it was being used.

The Technique was called [Spirit Shift.]

Jenemba seemed like some sort of evil spirit anyway, he did possess someone to take his form. So he must have been some sort of spirit type being, this was all just speculation, though. I really couldn't tell you exactly what he was.

Right as I was done thinking to myself, the red light flashed on the control system. I looked out of the window, and there it was—Namek!

Eventually, when my ship was close enough, I had it descend towards the planet. I knew this place well, and the people here were peaceful. I had no fear of landing my ship in this place, I didn't have to worry about it being destroyed. This wasn't so for every other place I had been, I had to confirm a few things before landing there, even for Earth.

My ship quickly descended on the planet and landed on a small island. I immediately stood up and left the ship before flying high into the sky to get a better view of the landscape. I decided to fly to the highest Ki-signature, if I was right then this should be Nail.

My presence had long been discovered by the Namekians, there was no need to hide either. My speed was fast, it was a good thing I had landed close by. Within five minutes, I arrived over a village where I could see a Namekian staring at me from afar. He was present in the village but someways away from it.

He had a frowned-up expression, he didn't seem that thrilled to see me. This was the Namekian known as Nail, he was meditating the whole time while floating in the air at one point. However, once he sensed me coming towards the planet, that broke his meditation.

He was tightly guarding a white house-like structure, it looked like it had two horns on it. But there was nothing more to say about this house, really.

It was obviously Guru's home. It sat on an isolated cliff that towered towards the sky. I didn't waste any time or hang on charades, I went over and landed in front of Nail.

"Foreigner, why have you come to our planet at this time?" Nail could sense how strong this guy was, but he still didn't show or have any fear of Turles.

"Relax, I know a lot about the Namekians, I just wanted to talk to your Elder... Guru. I have no intentions of causing trouble, but if you help me with something, then you can consider yourself a savior of the universe."

I was worried about something when I came here, would Guru blame me for the Previous me?

"Oh, saving the universe, huh?" Nail grinned, was this guy serious? Guru was too important, he wasn't going to let Turles in no matter how strong he was.

Just when he was planning to tell Turles to leave, he heard a telepathic voice. His expression changed slightly, but he nodded in return.

"This way..." Nail turned and walked into Guru's house first.

I didn't say anything and just followed quietly. Once I entered, I was greeted with a spacious room that had nothing in it. The only thing I could see was an old wrinkly Namekian sitting on a large white spiky throne.

'Dang, not even a single strand of dirt, it's spotless!' I thought in surprise.

"Child, why have come to visit us at this time? I can sense that you have no bad intentions, but you're really eager for something." Guru's old and tired voice rung out.

"I don't want to lie to you, but I wish to have my potential unlocked and I also want to use your Dragonballs." I was straightforward as shameless as it sounded. Coming all the way here for this, and telling it to them in their faces.

At the very least, I could protect this group of people with all my might for aiding me like this. Though having my potential awakened by a Kai was better, but I could settle for this for now.

"No way! He can't do something like, that'll hurt his life force." Nail's expression scrunched hearing Turles request.

"Well, that isn't up to you, it's his decision." I gazed at Nail, I understood how he felt but I needed this. It was bad that I was thinking about my own interest but I could only think about that right now.

"You...a foreigner, who just randomly shows up and starts making ridiculous requests, how unreasonable!" Nail's face turned into that of disgust, as his eyes flashed coldly.

"Nail, settle down. Everything's under control." Guru smiled and said.

Nail's eyes twitched, he was very reluctant.

"We don't get many visitors around here, and you're a pretty strong one at that. Come, let me check you out, I need to know what kinda person is making these requests."

Hearing Guru's words, I was nervous, but this was something I was already expecting. I slowly walked to the side of Guru, where his arm rested on the arm of the throne.

"You're nervous, this won't hurt so be at ease." Guru slowly reached his hand over and put it on my head. Nail's expression was a bit ashen but he didn't say anything, and just watched the whole process.

Guru's mind flooded with my history, my intentions, who I was but not the fact that I was a Transmigrator. These thoughts seemed to be protected, where no one could read or discovered them unless I told someone.

Guru sighed deeply, then I felt energy flooding my body, he seemed to have made the decision to help me. My eyes went wide, I could clearly feel my strength growing but Guru was far too limited on how strong he could make me.

After the golden light was done flashing over my body, he lifted his hand and placed it back on the armrest of his throne.

"You decided to help me, thank you." I gave Guru a quick bow. I had always liked this character from the show, he was one of my favorites. Perhaps I'll use the Dragonball from Earth in the deep future to wish this guy's youth back.

For some reason, they didn't use their own Dragonballs to help themselves. Afterward, I discussed the Dragonballs. Guru said it was okay, as long as I didn't tell any evildoers and greedy people about them.

Nail scoffed and had the Dragonballs collected for me. I could tell he was upset, but it had to be done. I had to use the Dragonballs for myself now and I had to use them for King Kai later.

I could see many Namekian from afar where the Dragonballs were placed.

Nail called out the words to summon the Dragon in the Namekian language.

"I wish to have the ability to speak all languages." Before Nail could ask, I told him my first wish. Nail gazed at me briefly before turning towards the Dragon.

"He said this is going to hurt, so be prepared." Nail grinned and said. Right as he was done speaking, I felt a piercing pain coursing through my head!

I clenched my teeth and held my head. I tried my hardest to not let my voice escape, and I succeeded. My face was drenched in sweat after the experience, the Dragon and Nail just watched without saying anything.

'Screw you guys!' I thought.

This wish would help me read better on Earth while learning all languages, including that language. As for the second wish, I may well wish for something that would benefit me now, instead of something later.

Anything related to leaving the U7 for U6 would have to wait, I needed to take care of my current situation. I thought about this on the ship a lot, so I needed to wish for something else.

"What's your second wish?" nail asked bluntly.