
Convincing through Strength!

Goku had risen out of the water carrying Raditz over his shoulder. He showed neither joy nor dissatisfaction from his swift victory. He laid Raditz on the ground, which was layered with sand near the shore.

"Wow, you really did a number on him, you even manage to crack his armor!" Krillen walked over to inspect Raditz and found that he had been utterly defeated.

"I haven't been slacking in my training, unlike some people I know, heheh." Goku joked. However, Krillen felt that one deep down.

"Hehe, I guess I better get back into it then." Krillen could only laugh bitterly.

"Oh, he has a scouter and it's a different color!" Bulma paced over towards Raditz's body and took his scouter, she wasn't gentle or nice about it either.

"Hmm, it doesn't pay to be a bad guy, what do we do with him? I think he should be taught a lesson for his bad behavior." Bulma declared.

"It's okay, he's been defeated. We should also be careful what we say, his scouter is...hmm, what did he call it?" Goku tried to remember the words Turles mentioned at that time.

Raditz hadn't done anything bad yet to them, but if they knew he killed a farmer, Goku would probably think otherwise.

"Ah, right... it's been wired and tracked. So, someone can hear us talking now." Goku nodded and lightly tapped his palm with his fist thoughtfully.

"What?! Being tracked?" Bulma looked at the scouter like it was a hot potato, she had thoughts of throwing it into the sea.

"Just smash it, Bulma." Krillen thought they should get rid of something like that.

"Hmm, I opened one of these up before, I should be able to remove all of that stuff." Bulma thought about it and decided otherwise.

Krillen recalled her talking about something like this, she mentioned that it could read a strength level of someone.

"Oh, uh, well, what do we do about him, then?" Krillen gazed landed on Raditz again.

"He won't be waking up for a while, I'll stay here until he does. He won't get out of hand when I'm around. I believe he should be able to explain a few things to us." Goku smiled and said.

Everyone nodded, as Goku picked Raditz up again and walked towards Roshi's house. Everyone followed, Bulma planned to stay and see what would happen as well. Gohan was watching the whole time, his eyes appeared to be filled with stars of reverence for his father.

Raditz was taken to the back room and placed on a bed. Bulma was outside, she pulled out a few tools from her Hover Car before walking into Roshi's house. Sitting at a table, she began to deconstruct Raditz's scouter.

Next, she sat Turles' scouter on the table, she was going to see the differences in order to remove the bug inside.

"Goku, I never knew you had a brother, why didn't he come sooner when we were kids?" Krillen wondered why Raditz hadn't shown up before.

"Well, I only just realized I had a brother two years ago, so I couldn't tell you." Goku laughed faintly, he was clueless himself.

Turles hadn't told him much, he only told him that their home planet was destroyed by a guy named Frieza. He also told him that there were very few of the Saiyan left, enough to be counted barely on two hands.

"What? I'm afraid I don't understand, how could you not know you had a brother?" Krillen asked in confusion.

"Well, I probably forgot. I may have been aware at some point but..." Goku scratched his forehead with his index finger while looking into the air; he seemed to be trying to recount something.

"This makes sense, as a child you suffered a blow to the head." Master Roshi, who was off to the side said with a sigh. Master Roshi began to relay the whole story to Goku, he even talked about Gohan's death.

Goku's eyes went wide, his expression grave to behold.

"I-it was me..." Goku muttered under his breath, he looked quite sad to hear that he was the one that killed his Grandpa. It all made sense to him now, the times he would wake up in places and not being able to remember.

Turles briefly mentioned that he should keep his son from looking at the moon when he has a tail, or else. Goku was surprisingly able to put the puzzles together after remembering Turles' words, and hearing Roshi's story about a Giant Ape.

The tail was the source of this transformation!

Krillen was stunned to hear this story, this was something he wasn't aware of. Goku was an alien and his brother had come to visit him, well, from what Goku says, recruit him.

Bulma found and removed the bugs in Raditz's scouter, there were two of them. One was for tracking and one was for recording via camera and voice.

Goku was thinking about many things, that story of him killing his own grandpa bothered him. He was secretly grateful that his friends didn't tell him when he was a kid, or he might not know how to handle it at the time.

Krillen had died once, causing him to go on a wild search for the dragon balls at the time. After Bulma reassembled the scouter, she went to play with little Gohan.

Goku talked to Roshi more and Roshi explained a few more things to him. He had a space pod out in the forest where Gohan found him. As they were talking, at least two hours had already gone and passed.

"Hmm, he's getting up." Goku immediately sensed Raditz's movements in the bedroom.

"Ah, man, why did it have to be the room I sleep in?" Krillen's face sank.

Once Goku said those words, everyone's gaze landed on the bedroom door. Goku didn't hesitate and walked straight into the room. Krillen wanted to stop him, but he remembered that his brother was no match for him.

Master Roshi, Bulma, Krillen, and Gohan followed soon after. Another figured had also sneaked in while no one was looking.

"Arg!" Raditz gripped his stomach, his face was filled with sweat. Raditz gritted his teeth and looked up at and towards the people that had entered the room.

"You're finally awake." Goku smiled and said.

Raditz suddenly remembered what happened to him and he wasn't thrilled.

"What are you doing? Are you siding with these earth dogs? You're a Saiyan, why would you side with them?" Raditz had already concluded that Goku wasn't planning to join him and Vegeta from hearing his answer earlier.

"Hey! Who are you calling a dog, you idiot! You have no right to demand anything, you were defeated so you better watch your mouth!" Bulma pointed and started yelling at Raditz after being deemed as a dog.

"Yeah, I'm not a dog, I'm a pig!" Oolong seemed to pop up out of nowhere confidently, this was the figure that snuck in.

'Then isn't your status worse?' Some people had these thoughts for a second before going back to the topic.

Raditz glared at Bulma, but she only hid behind Goku and stuck her tongue out at him. This further irritated him, but he figured he wouldn't waste his time on such a lowly being.

"I told you, I'm not joining any pirate groups, or whatever you're recruiting me into. My home is Earth, this is where I belong, and where I'll stay." Goku said seriously.

Looking at his expression, and how serious it was, it reminded him of his dad. Raditz clenched his fist, his parent were long gone at this point, so it was no use thinking about them now.

"So your willing to sacrifice everything for these earthlings, do you not understand what decision you're making?!" Raditz was furious, his brother clearly didn't understand what was possibly coming.

"Hey, stop yelling, we're right here! What's the point in yelling so much?" Bulma scolded again.

"Bulma, shh, don't provoke this guy." Krillen tried to stop her from running her mouth off, but she always had to say something. Bulma had a strong personality, everyone knew this, so how could she take any crap from Raditz when she was on the winning team?

"Hmph! What's there to be afraid of? He called all of us dogs, but at the end of the day, he ended up like a beaten dog himself, so who is the real dog?" Bulma grinned as she glared at Raditz, her hands were on her hips like she was nagging.

"Woman, you talk too much...arg!" Raditz couldn't believe he was talked down to by a mere weakling like this. He couldn't talk long when a sharp pain could be felt in his stomach, he was sure he had a fractured rib or something.

With his Saiyan make-up, it should heal in time, but it wasn't healing fast enough. That punch really did a number on him, he was stunned for a minute and started laughing afterward.

"Don't get full of yourselves because you defeated me, there are 2 other Saiyans that are stronger than me. I've already failed to recruit you, so we're all dead when they decide to attack this planet."

Raditz could only laugh bitterly, he couldn't beat Goku so he couldn't recruit and save him like he intended to—all that was left now was death.

"What?! There are more psychotic pirates out there trying to take over Earth?!" Krillen's expression turned unsightly. Bulma was also worried, this guy said he was dead because he failed, were these pirates all this crazy?

Master Roshi's eyebrows knitted hearing this, things weren't looking so good, again. However, Goku was calm and not worried. Turles had told him that his strength was enough to deal with his brother and his 2 crew members long before this.

"Then I'll be ready for them, I'll beat them all the same," Goku spoke in a calm tone and with great confidence.

Raditz just stared at his brother's face, Goku's soft expression told him that he didn't know what the meaning of death and doom was.

'Sigh, it looks like me and Kakarot will be joining you guys in death soon.' Raditz sighed lightly and didn't say anything more about it. He just laid back on a pillow and began to look at the ceiling of the room without a word.

"Huh? Is there something wrong, you're not talking anymore." Goku narrowed his eyes and asked.

"No, there isn't anything wrong," Raditz said stiffly.

"Hmm, that's not the kinda face that gives off the I'm not worried feeling." Goku joked and moved the side of the bed, staring directly at Raditz's face.

"What are you looking at?" Raditz caught a glimpse of Gohan staring at him, but he noticed his tail when Gohan hide behind Bulma.

"What? Who is that boy? Is he your son?" Raditz suddenly sat up looking towards Gohan, who was trying to hide.

"Ah, yes, that's my son," Goku confirmed.

"Why does he look like a little coward, what are you teaching him?" Gohan's movements and everything about him screamed someone that was raised in a flower house.

"Hey, blue, scram to the side, so I can get a good look at him," Raditz said rudely to Bulma.

"What did you say? For that, I won't move, come and get him yourself. If he runs from a sinister fella like you, don't even think about trying forcing him—you'll only give him nightmares!" Bulma fired back after being told to scram so disrespectfully.

"Whatever, all of you are dead anyway, what's the point?" Raditz sneered and didn't bother to argue with this woman.

"Hmm, I got it! I can prove it to you! Bulma, give him that pink scouter and let him use it. I'll prove to him that there's hope, he'll have no choice but to believe me then." Goku pointed his index finger toward the air when mentioning this idea.

"I guess I'll let him use it, but you better not break this device. I'm still studying it to see if I can create a better replica." Bulma fearlessly walked towards Raditz and handed him the scouter.

Black lines appeared on Raditz's forehead, but he put the scouter on, nevertheless. He recounted that Vegeta's battle power was 16,500 the last time he saw it. Goku's only showed 5,000, which was actually really good, better than himself—at least.

"I'll humor you..." Raditz scoffed.

"Everyone, stand back." Goku's expression was once again serious.

"What's he going to do?" Krillen asked

"I don't know, but we better listen to him, get back." Roshi wasn't sure but it was best to get back if Goku said so.

Raditz was looking at the scouter and scanning Goku, but he found that he couldn't read these numbers.

"I-I can't read these numbers..." Bulma had translated the scouter into this planet's number system, so he couldn't understand them.

"Ah, right...let me fix that." Bulma quickly skip over and grabbed the scouter from Raditz to change the language.

Once that was all done, everyone went back to their positions. Bulma knew what Goku was going to do, but everyone else was clueless.

"Watch, Raditz! Watch and see what training and hard work can accomplish! Haaaaa!"

"Uh, oh~!" Krillen Roshi took another step back.

Raditz gasped, his eyes went wide as the scouter's numbers kept rising rapidly.


Beep! 100,000

Beep! 150,000

Beep! 200,000

Beep! 250,000

Beep! 300,000

Beep! 350,000

Beep! 750,000


It finally stopped!

Krillen and Master Roshi were in deep shock. Goku's strength was beyond their imagination! Raditz was no different, his jaw dropped, he felt like he was seeing things.

Was this scouter malfunctioning or...

No way, how could this be?! He's a Low-Class Saiyan, there was no way! Raditz felt like vomiting blood, not even in his wildest dreams could he had imagined it.

He didn't dare to.

"What do you think now, me and Turles trained to our heart's content back then." Goku didn't hold the slightly grudge against Raditz, he was originally forced to kill him in the original. However, now that he knew that he was family and he couldn't beat him, there was no reason to be so hostile.

"T-this, it's enough, it is enough!" This was the only thing that could come out of Raditz's mouth. But he heard another shocking thing, he mentioned Turles.

"Y-you said Turles, was he here?" Raditz's tone changed towards Goku after this display of true power.

"Oh, man, I said too much, heheh." Goku wanted to keep that a secret, but it came out in the end.

"Oh, I know, just forget what I said, yeah...forget about it." Goku nodded with a smile.

Raditz's mouth twitched, that wasn't something anyone can just forget.

"This training, where...where did you train to get this strong?" Raditz wanted power like this badly, more than anyone else, probably.

"Oh, now you change colors after witnessing his strength. Oh, how the tables have turned." Bulma said teasingly.

"Woman, don't start with me!" Raditz blushed hearing her sarcastic tone, this was somewhat of a heavy blow to his confidence—if he had any to begin with.

"I'll take you there once you've healed. Bulma is supposed to go there with me anyway. She's going to upgrade the training room to a higher Gravity setting. She said she could boost it to 450 times the Earth's Gravity.

"Bulma? Who is that? It sounds like an incompetent clown, who can't do anything right." Raditz scoffed.

"You! You can forget about using any of my creations if you can't respect me! Damned porcupine." Bulma knew he knew her name at this point, he was doing that on purpose.

"Ah, guys, don't fight, we can all get along. We'll get you a Senzu bean to heal you, then we can start our training soon after. You'll have to learn the basics if you're relying on this device to pick up on things."

Goku waved his hands to lower the tension. However, he still seemed to have gotten Raditz to join his side against what was to come.

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