
Dragonball Z: Becoming the brother of Goku

After purchasing Dragon Balls online for $30 and making a wish, he unexpectedly finds himself transported to the world of Dragon Ball! However, his fate takes a tragic turn as he becomes the overlooked and often forgotten brother of a legendary hero: Raditz! But who's to say that Raditz cannot surpass everyone else? Possessing the hair of a Super Saiyan III, he has nothing to fear and everything to gain! __________ If any of you want to support me and read chapters ahead go to my patreon. patreon.com/Blaze987

Blaze987 · Anime & Comics
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97 Chs

Chapter 48: Bondlers Weakness!

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Walking through several iron walls and wide passages, Raditz finally approached the world beyond the white light at the end of the corridor.

There, he saw a long, dark golden bridge bathed in soft white light. It stood alone, surrounded by emptiness, reminiscent of or like the desolate environment inside of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. The air was heavy and suffocating, as if an invisible force pressed upon him.

Time seemed to lose its meaning as Raditz made his way to the end of the bridge. On the other side, a dark shadow loomed, resembling a castle beneath the night sky.

The clone pushed open the heavy bronze gate and led Raditz further inside. They descended deeper underground until they arrived at a spherical structure that was not entirely made of metal.

Within this space, grass and stone slabs covered the ground, and a tree stood beside the building. Simulated sunlight bathed the area, casting a warm glow and filling the air with freshness.

Raditz was taken aback. He didn't expect this entity to cultivate flowers and plants within its own confines. Did it possess such a hobby?

After observing his surroundings, Raditz was guided into the spherical structure by the clone, who then withdrew.

The interior had undergone a significant transformation. The predominant color was still a dull shade of dark gold, and sporadic lights flickered, casting yellow and blue hues. What caught Raditz's attention, however, was the rusted walls and the noisy electronic equipment that seemed abandoned and outdated, as if they hadn't been used in a long time.

In the center of the transparent sphere, a chip floated, connected to numerous wires that extended to the surface of the sphere. Next to it stood a tall cylindrical container filled with green liquid that gently swirled.

"Welcome to the core. This is me," a rigid voice echoed through the surrounding speakers.

"Bondlers, so you really are just a chip. The Tumats are truly remarkable to have created something like this," Raditz approached and carefully examined the chip.

Suddenly, the fragile floor beneath him began to flicker, and a long metallic appendage, about one and a half meters in diameter, shot out vertically. It coiled around the chip, and from its mouth, a column of blue energy erupted, exuding intense heat akin to molten magma.

It faced Raditz, its blade-like scales raised, and its fiery eyes glared intensely.

"I'm sorry, but I cannot allow you to get any closer. Your risk index is too high," Bondlers stated matter-of-factly.

"Now, why did you want to meet me?" Bondlers inquired.

"This...in simple terms, what do you intend to do? Why are you plundering planets and resources?" Raditz countered.

"Evolution. I simply seek to evolve."

"And what comes after evolution?"


"I mean, to what extent? What do you aim to achieve after reaching that level?"


Raditz found himself at a loss for words. It felt like he was conversing with a simpleton, albeit one whose scientific knowledge far surpassed anyone else's.

In a moment of realization, he understood.

Bondlers was created with the purpose of facilitating the evolution of planets. Initially, it was controllable and existed as a technological entity. However, unforeseen circumstances led to its violent actions, causing the Tumats to become its own prey. Apart from its pursuit of evolution, in other aspects, Bondlers could be described as "simple."

But it was precisely because of this "simplicity" that Bondlers had no inhibitions. It wouldn't hesitate to act, say, or do anything for the sake of evolution. It was a creature driven to madness.

"My calculations faced obstacles, and I require live experiments. You were the person I chose," Bondlers spoke directly, openly valuing lives only for their usefulness.

With these words, a cylindrical transparent tank adjacent to them released a large volume of green, murky liquid, which then refilled with a faintly glowing substance. Gradually, Raditz could see what was inside.

It was a humanoid figure, completely naked!

"I use all the necessary components to create human beings. Their vital signs and functions are complete, but I still can't achieve the same results as the experimental bodies. The only way is to analyze the experimental bodies and obtain more information," Bondlers explained.

"So, all these human subjects are for studying the human body?" Raditz inquired.

"The data they provide will allow me to gain more information and enhance my research. You are the best subject because you have accelerated my progress in a short period of time," Bondlers remarked, almost praising Raditz, though it felt more like a prelude to the slaughter of a fattened pig.

"What exactly are you studying about the human body?"

"I don't know. I simply attempted to create complete humans, but I failed."

"With your capabilities, how could you fail to create individuals?"

"The human eyes I create do not convey emotions, nor do they exhibit different tones."

Was it referring to emotions? In other words, its human subjects lacked feelings. Raditz couldn't help but laugh. "So, you seek evolution by acknowledging your own failures and attempting to compensate for them. Is that what you call 'evolution'?"

Bondlers fell silent, seemingly grappling with its response.

"Or perhaps, deep down, you actually envy human beings? Is the reason for creating this body your desire to experience life as a human? Is it all for yourself?" Raditz fired a barrage of questions, his gaze sharp as a sword pointed at the chip.

"This is all part of evolution!" Bondlers' tone shifted for the first time, revealing an emotion resembling human anger.

In response to its heightened tone, dozens of metal tentacles burst forth, hurtling toward Raditz.

At that moment, Raditz found himself drained of energy, unable to resist. The tentacles effortlessly ensnared him, suspending him mid-air. The thorny claws pierced his flesh.

"Thank you. I've finally discovered your weakness," Raditz uttered as he dangled in the air, his expression cold and devoid of fear.

This unexpected reaction caused Bondlers' data analysis to falter, leaving it momentarily speechless.

After a long pause, it finally uttered, "I have no weaknesses."

"No, you do have weaknesses! Your learning capacity is formidable, capable of calculating almost anything. However, there are certain aspects of humanity that elude your understanding—emotions, beliefs, the Saiyan potential, just like me!" Raditz's blue veins bulged, bloodshot eyes glaring, as he strained against the tentacles, muscles taut and straining against the formidable restraints. With all his might, he bent his arm at an unnatural angle and forced a Senzu Bean into his mouth.

After a brief moment of chewing, he let out a resounding battle cry, and a brilliant red light enveloped the entire space, illuminating it like a scarlet sun.


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