
Dragonball Z: Becoming the brother of Goku

After purchasing Dragon Balls online for $30 and making a wish, he unexpectedly finds himself transported to the world of Dragon Ball! However, his fate takes a tragic turn as he becomes the overlooked and often forgotten brother of a legendary hero: Raditz! But who's to say that Raditz cannot surpass everyone else? Possessing the hair of a Super Saiyan III, he has nothing to fear and everything to gain! __________ If any of you want to support me and read chapters ahead go to my patreon. patreon.com/Blaze987

Blaze987 · Anime & Comics
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97 Chs

Chapter 47: Meeting the Bondlers(Chip)!

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The numerous clones formed organized formations, standing in perfect squares like a disciplined army. Their synchronized footsteps shook the passage, creating a tremor that seemed capable of collapsing the surroundings.

Their expressions were cold and stern, resembling ice, and their piercing blue eyes exuded an eerie calmness that pervaded the entire space.

Within the solitude of the white light, a haunting melody accompanied the metallic clinking, creating an unsettling atmosphere.

Bondlers had fully utilized its true ability, using Raditz and the others to create a more powerful army. Each clone possessed combat power exceeding 100,000, and their regenerative abilities were incredibly strong. Raditz realized that he couldn't defeat them alone.

While solving one problem was possible, dealing with such a large army was simply impossible. They were backed by the entire planet, making it impossible to confront the entire planet as their enemy. To defeat Bondlers, they had to find a way to directly destroy the chip. The fact that Tumats had done it before indicated that there must be a way to stop it.

First, they had to locate the chip...

"I surrender!" Raditz raised his hands.

This statement surprised everyone, and they looked at Raditz in astonishment.


Rather than attempting a futile escape, he chose to surrender?

But Raditz wasn't finished. He continued, "However, I want to see you. Understand? I want to see your body, Mr Bondlers."

After a brief silence, one of the replica heads responded on behalf of Bondlers.

"I have no gender, so don't address me as 'Mr.' And you cannot destroy me."

The voice remained harsh and devoid of any tone.

Raditz smiled and replied, "I never said I wanted to destroy you. I just want to see how advanced this so-called 'evolution' chip really is. Well... you might be surprised to learn that my thoughts are far beyond your expectations!"

"I want to see you too," the replica said, concluding the conversation before walking towards the group.

"Damn it!" Goku clenched his fists.

"No, Goku, it's useless to fight them head-on. We are trapped within them, and everything is under their control. We cannot win," Raditz said with a determined look. "Trust me and place your bet with me once more."

Goku hesitated for a moment, glanced at the clones, and finally released his clenched fist.

Over the past year, Goku's trust in Raditz had gradually grown. It was because of Raditz that they were able to defeat formidable enemies. This time, he chose to believe in Raditz once again.

Confronted with the horde of clones, Raditz made his move. While Goku and Piccolo weren't sure what he was planning, they understood that there was no hope of fighting against them. Surrendering was their only option. Nappa struggled briefly but was easily captured, and the others didn't resist either.

Once again, they found themselves back in the prison cell. Their energy was drained, and electronic chains bound them, leading them into a massive transparent cage. Observing Raditz being captured again, the mood of the group plummeted. They had hoped for a hero to break free from captivity, but it seemed that they couldn't escape their fate of being controlled.

The Tumats let out sighs, and their eyes dimmed once more, resembling flickering candles.

However, a glimmer of hope sparked in the eyes of one Tumat child. She pointed at Raditz and exclaimed, "Look, that man is smiling!"

As natives of the planet, the Tumats also resided within a large transparent cage. Though their circumstances differed from the experimental subjects in separate compartments, they could hear the child's cry and turned their gaze towards Raditz. They saw him smiling.

He's still smiling?

"Is he alright?" one Tumat asked.

"Maybe he's gone insane," another speculated.

"But he does seem quite competent..."

Indeed, Raditz, leaning against the cage, was enjoying the company of the orange-haired girl.

Initially, the girl expressed her gratitude to Raditz for saving her life. She reached out and touched his thigh, startling Raditz. He wondered if people in the universe were now so open. Even if she wanted to thank him, such an intimate gesture shouldn't be done publicly...

While pondering this, Raditz felt the girl's skilled fingers begin to massage his thigh. Her technique was fluid and nimble, her cool fingertips soothing his weary muscles.

Wait, it's a massage.

Raditz's excitement momentarily subsided as he allowed himself to relax and enjoy the experience.

The others in the same cage could only watch with envy. Krillin sat down, gazing at the ground while holding his head, feeling a strong sense of longing. Tien Shinhan thought of Chiaotzu and suddenly remembered Launch, causing his face to slightly redden. As for Piccolo and Goku, they remained unfazed, while Vegeta wore a disdainful expression.

Among the prisoners, the reactions varied greatly. Seeing Raditz's blissful state, they pounded on the walls and cursed at their captors, even though no one could hear them. They wanted to vent their frustration.

"We're all prisoners. Why are we treated so poorly?!"

"We deserve spacious rooms! We deserve luxury! We deserve massages too!"

Raditz noticed their expressions and proudly struck a pose of enjoyment, further embarrassing them.

"Yes, yes, that's it. It hurts where I fell earlier."

"Here? Massage it gently~" The girl carefully tended to Raditz.

"Good... very good. Just focus on the shoulders, don't exert too much force. We'll continue tomorrow," Raditz casually remarked, though the girl became even more enthusiastic and energetic. She couldn't help but glance at Raditz.

Continuing tomorrow? Does he plan to stay here?

Raditz's words were merely casual, as his eyes had already changed the moment the door opened. His mischievous smile vanished instantly, replaced by coldness as he muttered, "They've come swiftly."

Passing through the gate was a team of blue primitive robots, with a clone leading them. They passed by numerous cages until finally stopping in front of Raditz.

"Experiment body No. 0, proceed to the unknown area! Experiment body No. 0, proceed to the unknown area!"

No. 0? Everyone heard this announcement, but they had never heard of the existence of No. 0 until the mechanical soldiers brought Raditz out of the cage. It was then that everyone noticed that Raditz was designated as No. 0!

Each prisoner had an electronic chain with a number, existing merely as a numerical entity. And on Raditz's ankle, the black screen on the buckle displayed a bright yellow number, indeed a zero.

"Bondlers, can you see me now?"

"Yes," the clone spoke on behalf of Bondlers, gripping Raditz's shoulders and escorting him outside. As the gate opened, Raditz felt a shock. In addition to the incoming clone, there were dozens more individuals waiting outside.

Bondlers understood that Raditz's strength couldn't be underestimated. The blue machines stood no chance against him. Sending multiple clones was a precautionary measure to prevent his escape.

Raditz had no intention of escaping; he wanted to confront Bondlers and destroy it!


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