
Setting Up!

Gine, in particular, looked at Turles strangely, the reason very clear. Bardock's eyebrows twitched but he didn't say anything. Raditz was stunned to see that Turles had survived, and was actually here of all places.

"I thought you died already, who knew you still managed to survive after all these years. You even managed to get pretty strong." Raditz was surprised when he sensed Turles' strength.

"How could I die when you're still alive, of course, I would survive!" Turles grinned smugly but he knew he had failed.

"His strength, huh? I wonder." Kayn shook his head and landed on the ground.

"Yo, Dende, you can come over now and do what needs to be done. Restore your people and grant Bulma the wish needed to restore her dead friends. As for the last wish, that's up to you guys to decide, I wouldn't know."

Bulma walked over and so did Dende, she was told that this Dragon was stronger and granted 3 wishes.

"Free me from this bind! Why do you still have me locked down?" Turles sounded calm, but he was clearly angry.

"Turles, you're pretty good at living, you even look like this fool Kakarot and his dad, do all idiot look like you two." Vegeta insulted without restraint.

"Hehe, little prince, I'd like to let you know that your days of ruling are over, so watch your mouth in the face of the strong!" Bardock raised his eyebrows mockingly as he glared at Vegeta.

"Tsk! Whatever, don't think you guys can be the strongest forever!" Vegeta was not the type to easily give in.

Dende looked nervous, but Gohan was with him and told him that everything was okay.

"The last wish, I should use it; I wanted to wish for ultimate power, but I'm not sure what to wish for now." Anya suddenly cut in, she wanted the last wish for herself.

"Wish for Ultimate Power?" Kayn looked at Anya with a bit of disdain. "So you need to wish for power in order to gain it? Try not to be like this guy here who uses underhanded means to gain strength." Kayn pointed at Turles and said.

"..." Anya didn't know what to say in response or what Turles' underhanded means were.

At that moment, Dende called out the words in Namekian and the Dragonballs lit up and the Dragon soared to the sky.

Raditz and the ones who hadn't seen the Dragon before were stunned; this was basically just about everyone. Yamcha and Chiaotzu were restored and so were the Namekians that died on the planet recently.

Bulma herself didn't know what to use the last wish for, but Kayn seemed to have remembered something, no, it was an idea. Kayn told Dende to have the Dragon Rid the Saiyan known as Paragus of his hateful revenge of King Vegeta and his son.

Vegeta's eyes squinted, he knew who this Paragus was but he didn't know why he would have hatred for him. Paragus wasn't that strong, so the influence the Dragon had over him was easy to sway, thus ridding him of his vengeful heart.

The Dragon said that it was within his Power and his eyes flashed one last time; indicating that it had been done.

"Perfect! This makes things way easier!" Kayn sighed in relief.

"So Paragus is also alive, just how many others survived beside us?" Bardock knew Paragus well, but he assumed this guy had met his end as well.

"Yeah, he's alive; him and his son are alive. They're the last survivors besides Vegeta's brother Tarble, who was banished by King Vegeta." Kayn grinned and rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"Banished?" Gine looked at Vegeta with question, his father actually banished his own son?

"Tarble was a weakling and shamed my father, so he banished him from Planet Vegeta." Vegeta didn't seem to think much of it, but he knew his brother was alive.

"*Sigh*, the things you guys do to save face." Kayn shook his head and looked towards Turles.

"Speaking of which, there is a good reason as to why Turles has grown so strong. After all, there's no way for him to accomplish the strength he has today without them." Kayn walked over to Turles with a strange smile.

"Really? What could he have used to get strong then?" Raditz was curious just like everyone else. Turles was able to hold his own against Ginyu and Jeice, no, he would have beaten Ginyu overtime.

"Bulma, what reading are you picking up on this Turles guy?" Krillen asked.

"Hmm, let me check." Bulma focused her vision on Turles, who she was initially shocked to due to his face.

"140,000 Battle Power!" Bulma announced.

"Well, I'll be damned!" Kayn said. He bent down next to Turles and reached for a pouch on his waist.

"Hey! Don't touch that! Hand that back over to me! Once I get out of here, you're going to pay!" Turles started to panic seeing the pouch being confiscated.

Kayn ignored Turles' complaints, he put his hands in the bag and pulled out a seed. Everyone saw the seed and was lost in confusion, did these seeds help him accomplish his strength?

The seed looked like a Senzu Beans, but it was veiny instead.

"This seed is called the seed of Might, it's used to create and grow the Tree of Might." Kayn began to relay what needed to be done and how it worked.

"You evil scumbag!" Bulma pointed and Turles and said.

"Using this to gain power that isn't your own, how pathetic!" Vegeta looked at Turles with disdain.

"I think I should hold onto these seeds, they're meant for Gods, so I'm sure they may appreciate them." Kayn put them into his Storage Watch. Of course, he wasn't giving these to anyone; they may be of use to him.

"You've really killed a lot of people to earn your power, that isn't the way anyone should gain strength." Said Goku with a serious expression.

"Oh shut up, my goal to get strength was to beat Frieza! Don't act like you guys are innocent, you bunch of hypocrites!" Turles flared hearing everyone's insults, how dare they condemn him when they were killing people during missions over the years?

"See, we don't have to work for Frieza, so we've changed, there are better things to strive for now." Bardock said a few words, but he didn't look at Turles.

"Anyway, let's head back to earth, you guys need to train to become Super Saiyans! You guys are too weak for the upcoming dangers in the future." Kayn stretched and said.

"Good, I can't wait to become a Super Saiyan!" Nappa clenched his fist in excitement.

"Super Saiyan? Whose become a Super Saiyan?" Anya looked confused, wasn't that just a fairy tale?

Vegeta always believed in the tales of the Super Saiyan, he was told by his father because his great grandfather was a witness to it.

Vegeta always had something to strive for, that was why he was stronger than most Saiyans, it was that strong belief of his. He had a goal, unlike most Saiyans who had given in to become mere lackeys for Freiza.

Anya and Vegeta were surprised at how strong Nappa had become, he was currently stronger than them!

"Your restraints will disappear in an hour, your free to head to earth if you want real training. I also better not hear you causing trouble for the Namekians either." Kayn looked at Turles one last time before flying off.

Raditz shook his head and looked at Turles one last time as well before leaving like the rest.

"Damn, it!" Turles cursed as he watched everyone disappear into the horizon.

Kayn wanted Dende to be chosen as the next God of earth, this would make the Dragonball on earth better than they were now. He was quite the talented fellow, so Kayn felt it was the best. Even if he refused, Kayn would later have the ability to make his own Dragonballs anyway.

Five minutes later, everyone arrived at the ship's Bardock and them came in.

"I can Quick Travel to earth, so we don't have to take the ships to get there." Kayn told everyone to choose a ship to get into, so they could leave.

The process was quick and everyone arrived back on earth in a flash. They still hadn't used the Earthly DragonBalls, so there was room for another wish.

"You guys need a shower, definitely you, Nappa!" Bulma couldn't help but look at Nappa with a scrunched nose.

"I don't smell anything." Nappa sniffed his armpits and shrugged.

"Okay, anyway, Kakarot, you know about the Hyperbolic Time Chamber; this is where the real training begins."

"Oh, yeah, I know about it but I haven't tried it." Goku nodded.

Kayn explained what the plan was regarding the Chamber. After so many uses, you would end up getting locked inside the chamber, but he wanted to test his Pad's usage in this place. Goku, Raditz, and Gohan remembered these Pads from before, so they knew what they were capable of.

"As long as I can get to a Super Saiyan, then we'll have that Rematch!" Vegeta glared at Kayn and announced.

'Your gonna need more than a Super Saiyan to beat me.' Kayn thought, but he simply nodded to Vegeta's remark.

"Super Saiyan, huh? I want to see it with my own eyes." Anya had yet to see this Super Saiyan. Right as she said that, Gine transformed on the spot.

"W-what?" Anya's eyes went wide from surprise.

"Now... are you a believer?" Gine stretched and said.

"No wonder you could beat me while I was an Oozaru, you had already achieved this level!" Anya felt cheated and annoyed, she just thought that once she got a Super Saiyan, just you wait and see!

"Okay, you guys can go clean up and prepare for the training. We'll have some powerful visitors between 3 to 7 months from now."

Everyone nodded seriously, even Gohan who was eager to train as well.

"Oh, yeah, you guys may as well use Bulma's bathroom, I hear it has the best shower in the city; guaranteed to clean you real good!" Kayn announced with a smile.

"Really? Then I'll go there to clean my ass every day from now on!" Nappa smiled in delight.

"Get hell out of here!" Bulma's face turned pale as everyone raced to her house!

I'm gonna make a Power Level Video and upload it to Youtube. It will show the Power level of the first Saga.

Pursuit Of Power!

Monster_Paradisecreators' thoughts