
It Ends Here!

Kayn continued on his way while looking at the Dragon Radar. His speed was fast, nearly arriving in the location of the DragonBalls in just under 2 minutes. After landing, he looked around but still didn't see the DragonBalls.

"Well, it looks like Frieza lost them as expected, but it's only showing four instead of five." Kayn looked at the water and knew this was where they were hidden. Kayn dove in, nearly reaching the bottom.

Sure enough, he was able to locate them, but why were they underwater? Kayn grabbed the DragonBalls and stored them away. At this time, Kayn felt a power burst out afar, it was coming in the direction of Bardock and Gine.

They had started.

Just as it started, he heard the notification that made him laugh.

-Path #2

[Ding! Mission Wrathful Parents] COMPLETED!

[Ding! Handing out Rewards....]

⭑Congratulations, you've earned: 750,000 System Points!

⭑Congratulations, you've earned: Silver Crate!

"That easy, huh? I got that large sum of Points and a Silver Crate, let's go!" Bardock and Gine must have trashed talked Frieza first before ending him soon after. Either or, they didn't waste any time and killed him on the spot.

Kayn had just got here and the Battle was done, but he also felt several life forces in the other direction fade away. This was where Nappa and the rest were fighting, he had even sensed Vegeta and Anya in that direction.

"Looks like one is running away." Kayn sensed that one of the people that Goku and the rest were fighting had fled. He believed this to be Jeice, of course, he ran away in the original to get Captain Ginyu for help.

Jeice had run away a while ago at this point.

Captain Ginyu had retrieved the DragonBall from Gohan and them, so he had to get the last one from him, but he was unaware of it. Kayn didn't have anything he particularly wanted to wish for except getting to Universe 6, but he wasn't going there now.

Not until Cell and the Androids were dealt with, he wouldn't go. Majin Buu would appear about 7 or so years later after Cell's death.

Bardock and Gine were already heading in his direction after feeling that he was the closes person to them. Bardock had even stomped Zarbon out after Zarbon was initially shocked seeing Frieza being killed off.

Kayn decided to take out all of the Dragonballs, he controlled them, and they levitated around him like planets. Eventually, Bardock and Gine had arrived, then they landed near Kayn with satisfied smiles.

"Well, I guess that went well, huh?" Kayn asked with a smile.

"It went Perfect, you should have seen his face when we transformed, it was priceless, it's something nothing could buy!" Bardock laughed joyously, he wished he could've taken a picture, then he would have hung it on his wall or something.

"Yes, we crushed him together with each of our punches, his body exploded on the spot!" Gine nodded and said.

"These are those Dragonballs you guys were talking about, right?" Bardock looked at the Balls orbiting around Kayn and ask.

"Yeah, they'll be used soon, we'll have to restore the damage that was done on this planet, then wish those people back." Those people were Yamcha and Chiaotzu.

"Wasting wishes on two weaklings, this really is a waste." Bardock sighed but didn't deny them.

"But they're their friends, we can't just let them stay dead." Gine shook her head and disagreed.

"Uh, huh. Anyway, you guys head in that direction. A fight is about to occur, we should prevent Captain Ginyu from using that body change skill." Kayn thought about it, he didn't need Goku or anyone to get caught in this Technique, he had an idea on how to train them without such a risk.

Kayn had already warned them about Ginyu's body switch Technique, so they would be on the lookout for that anyway. Of course, they asked him how he would know about Ginyu having such a skill, but Kayn said he found data on them while journeying throughout the universe for years.

Unfortunately, Kayn couldn't go with them. Captain Ginyu should have left the Dragonball behind because Frieza had never returned. Kayn didn't know Ginyu had in his possession, but he had a radar to track it.

Gine and Bardock nodded and flew off in the direction of Raditz and Company. This was what Kayn called getting straight to the point. Kayn also flew away at Mach speed toward the direction of the Dragonball.

Kayn sensed something on his way there, and he discovered that a fight broke out between two parties. There were a total of 3 of them, and they were fighting against one guy.

Kayn didn't even bother to hide his strength when he came flying in.

"What's this?" One of the men looked over in surprise, his Scouter and the 2 people he was fighting; Scouters exploded.

"Is it Frieza? Lord Frieza has come back, hehe, you shouldn't have shown yourself. My new Ginyu dance was able to call and summon Frieza when I needed help." Yes, if you hadn't guess already, this was Captain Ginyu.

Captain Ginyu was originally fighting against Turles until Jeice suddenly came in with a panicked expression. Nevertheless, he decided to help him defeat Turles before going back to settle the rest of the people that caused him to run away.

Turles had been secretly eyeing Ginyu for a while; this was the location of Frieza's ship, at least what was left of it.

Kayn stopped mid-flight and eyed the 3 who was staring off into his direction. Turles sighed in relief after knowing that it wasn't Frieza.

Turles looked at Kayn closely and Kayn didn't hide his tail. Let them all know that he was Saiyan just like himself.

"Why are there so many of them? What is going on mate?" Jeice was stunned, this was more troublesome than he thought. The others couldn't break his scouter and it could always get an accurate reading on their strength, but this Saiyan was different.

'It isn't Raditz, but his hair is just as long as that idiot?' Turles thought.

What shocked them, even more, was the Dragonballs orbiting around him, he was clearly here to collect this Dragonball! Kayn stuck his hand out and a suction force came upon the Dragonball that was sitting all alone.

"What?" Turles was surprised but despite that, he acted quickly as he darted for the Dragonball.

"No." Kayn shot an energy attack at Turles, but Turles was easily able to dodge the attack. Sadly for him, the attack had lock-on to him and followed him.

"What are you doing?" Turles was annoyed and questioned, they were both Saiyans, so why was he attacking him of all people?

Kayn didn't reply, as the DragonBall was received in his palm. The attack had landed on Turles at this point, but it didn't harm him, instead, it acted as a bind of energy that wrapped around.

Turles struggled, but he couldn't break free no matter how hard he tried.

"How did you get all of those Dragonballs? You must have stolen the couple from my crew!" Turles' face scrunched as veins bulged from his forehead.

"Oh, those two, yeah, they were hiding in a cave so I just snagged them after knocking them out." Kayn shrugged and looked toward Jeice and Ginyu. Ginyu wasn't stupid, he knew when he wasn't a match and would try to fight back knowing this.

Just as he was about to say something, Kayn turned into the distance. "It looks like everyone's coming this way, and just on time at that."

"As for you 2, you may as well just leave, Frieza is dead so there is no point in staying any longer. If you guys want revenge then come to earth to fight us." Kayn said nonchalantly.

"Frieza is dead!" Turles eyes went wide from surprise for a moment. Jeice and Ginyu were the same, but how could they believe this?

"Captain, he's lying, I reckon he's doing this to get us to leave." Jeice didn't believe this, there was no way Frieza was defeated!

"Hehe, there's no way someone could have beat Lord Frieza, that ain't possible." Ginyu smirked as he gazed at Kayn.


Kayn didn't have any proof, but they could wait around all day and Frieza would never show.

"I told you, mate, this guy's trying to get one over us." Jeice's forehead was filled with sweat, he didn't know why but he believed Kayn deep in his heart.

"You guys don't have to believe it, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, even if any of you managed to summon the dragon, it wouldn't grant your wish." Kayn didn't say anymore, but at that moment, multiple figures could be seen in the distance.

Everyone was on their way, including Vegeta and Anya.

Jeice and Ginyu turned, they had some pretty good hearing, so they notice the change.

"Crap, they caught up!" Jeice wasn't looking so good and Ginyu frowned.

"I suggest not trying to use that Body switch Techquie either, everyone knows about it." Kayn added.

'What!?' Ginyu yelled in his mind, 'How could anyone know about that? I haven't shown anyone that Technique!' Ginyu's face turned crooked hearing Kayn's words.

Bulma was being carried by Krillen, while Dende was being carried by Gohan.

Once they were close enough, they all landed except Bardock, Raditz, Gine, and Goku, who flew over towards Kayn.

"It's Kayn, and he has all of the Dragonballs, he collected them all!" Bulma was elated to see all of the Dragonballs, this saved them the trouble of searching for them.

"The rest of the Ginyu Force, we have to kill them off, they can't get away!" Vegeta looked Coldly at Jeice, his eyes filled with killing intent but his face had a smirk on it.

"I couldn't agree anymore with that, they all deserve to die, we really should put them out of their misery." Nappa also smirked and agreed.

Goku didn't say anything, but it was clear that he didn't agree with this.

"The Ginyu Force, it about time you guys joined your friends in the other world, you can set up and Dance Class there for free I heard." Bardock also agreed and even joked about their upcoming doom.

Raditz didn't say anything, he had other things to strive for. Anya also didn't say anything, but she agreed that the should be killed off. They knew Frieza was dead at this point and that they all had been set free.

"No, they can go, we don't need them. Take your ship and get lost from here and remember planet earth, we're there." Kayn said loudly.

"What!? You're letting them walk free? These guys killed more people than you know!" Vegeta looked at Kayn like he was an idiot, why would he let these guys off!?

"Killed more people than we know? We've all killed more people than we know." Kayn didn't understand his point, they all killed more people than they knew, even Kayn himself wasn't an exception to this.

Bardock and the ones that wanted them dead looked at Kayn strangely, they knew the misery of the Ginyu Force well.

"I'll explain later, relax." Kayn said to everyone.

Ginyu and Jeice were outnumbered and outpowered, Ginyu's trump card was even figured out somehow, so they did what any smart person would do.

They left back to their Pods.

"I really want to know why you let them free, oh, I can't wait to hear it!" Vegeta said sarcastically. Vegeta couldn't take this, he was having a hard time accepting it.

"You wouldn't understand but it's to draw the other big fish our way. After all, they're the only witnesses to all of these events."

"Big fish? What Big fish?" Bardock and Raditz were curious, and so was everyone else.

"Frieza has a father called King Cold and a brother called Cooler, so they will surely want to seek revenge. The Ginyu Force will naturally alert the two and they'll come our way to seek us out. At that time, we can take them all out and finally be freed from this threat."

Kayn also didn't want to implicate the Namekians since King Cold was aware of Frieza going to Namek. In the series he found Frieza floating in space, and once Frieza woke up from recovery, he quickly went to earth after knowing Goku was on Yardrat at the time.

A few Yadratians were working for King Cold, so they knew about Goku's relation to Frieza since Goku outright told them that he had beaten Frieza.

"That guy, I remember him, though he wasn't as crazy as Frieza, he was still insane." Vegeta remembered Cold, he was the father of Frieza, and he was the one that handed the Saiyans over to him.

"Good! We'll relinquish his whole family!" Bardock smirked and finally found this idea to be the best.

Everyone paused and looked towards Turles, who was looking at everyone with shock!