
Dragonball : Super Raditz

Reborn as Raditz, he found himself with a hole in his chest, a critical situation yes, but not one without solution. With a strong willpower and sharp mind, Raditz would rise to become the strongest being alive.

ImagineMaker · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
166 Chs


In a stadium that would put world class locations to shame, a massive crowd was gathered, chatter and excitement was practically filling the air.

Before such a massive crowd stood a man, a man who simply belonged here.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the world martial arts tournament!"

The announcer who should have taken over in the universe tournament was showing his magic once more.

Hyping up the crazy crowd some more, he pointed towards the door on the left while standing right in the middle of the tournament arena.

"As you all know, the man who needs no introduction, The great Saiyaman himself, Raditz is here!"




"He is the reason all aspiring warriors can compete here once more! And that's not all, Raditz would be fighting against the top three, all by himself!"


Another loud tsunami of cheers broke out in the audience stands, Raditz has been marketed so thoroughly everyone knew him as some kind of big shot.




Walking out of the dark reaches of the door, a tall figure wearing Saiyan armour and white cape stepped out.

Each of his step had a flare to it, he was strong and he knew it, and now the whole world would know it too..




The cheers stopped, only the figure of Raditz walking towards the centre of the stage captivated the audience.

His confident smirk, his grace, the Raditz branded shirts they were wearing, everything was telling them one thing.


Taking the microphone from the announcer like he owned the place, Raditz raised his fist up.

His Cape fluttered and his long mane was revealed in all it's spiky glory.


The stadium once more stood in a standstill as everyone sitting here felt a shiver through their spine, it was as if Raditz was looking at them, nothing could be hid from him.

"...OH Yeeeeeeeh!!!"



The massive cheers flooded the place as the buildings themselves shook from the sheer excitement the audience was feeling.

Everything was on fire!

Except one room, a single VIP room, where a bule haired girl turned to look at a tall, muscled armored man.

"Oh yeeeeah...?"

Trying his best to not blush out of sheer shame, Raditz clenched his teeth internally.

"Do not talk to me, I'll settle this with Satan after the tournament."

Looking at Raditz trying hard not to act bothered by his image getting dragged to the ground was a bit cute to Bulma.

But she would never say that out loud, she knew him well enough to know how highly this Saiyan pride of his mattered to him.

"..You think this is cute..?! I'll have you know, I was not privy to this information before now!"

Bulma snickered, she wasn't able to hide her true feelings after all, so she just it out and hid her face to laugh a little.

Rubbing his forehead, Raditz decided to just let Satan do his thing, Raditz's inherent Saiyan pride was asking him to go and demolish this fraud.

'But it's not logical, he's a showman, this is a show, I gotta understand this-'

"And now! It's time for the Raditz dance!!! Come let's do this together!"

"Muscles! Muscles! Oh yes! I got those Muscles!"

While 'Raditz' danced with his cape fluttering and his hips shaking, Bulma had to physically hold down the red eyed Raditz.

"Wait wait wait! Don't go in there now!'

Turning towards Bulma who was doing her best to hug him tightly and keeping him in place, Raditz looked at her red eyed.

"Let me go! That bastard! I am shaking my hips like some buffon! I am a warrior-"

"I like it!"

Stopping in place when Bulma said that, Raditz looked at her like she lost her mind.

"You like that bizzare movement..? Are you finally out of your mind??"

Patting her forehead Bulma stopped hugging the struggling Raditz and spoke while giving him a look.

"I don't like the dance silly, I like it that you are finally loosening up."

Bulma didn't give the frowning Raditz time to ask, she herself continued.

"Don't be so stiff all the time!"

Holding his stiff muscles lightly, Bulma told Raditz while remembering their conversation at the lookout.

"You know this stiffness is what stops you from just speaking, a lot of misunderstandings can be avoided if you just say something."

"I understand you because I know you, you don't have to say anything to me, just enjoy the show, Tien won't go down on his own you know."

Bulma finished her speech, a speech that awfully sounded like an acceptance of apology, but Raditz didn't remember asking for one, so he shrugged.

Must be nothing.

"No idea what you mean by that Blue, if it's about the time I took your food, I'll have you know-"

Stopping for a split second, Raditz turned towards the field where 'Raditz' was currently dancing with a orange haired girl.

Pointing towards the field, Raditz asked Bulma who was closing her eyes after giving her splendid double meaning speech, feeling proud of herself.

"You sure that's okay too?"

"Hmm? Oh come on everything is- What is the hell is that guy doing?!? Hey! Stop this!!!! Hey!!!"

Now Raditz had to hold down the red eyed Bulma as the orange headed girl 'slipped and fell' into the embrace of 'Raditz', blushing up a storm, getting another wave of cheers out of the crowd.

'That's the woman, Miss Piiza, Satan's previous manager, talk about making a mess.'

Shaking his head at the display and cringing while thinking Pie pie and the rest of the Z fighters would watch him disgrace himself, Raditz let out a sigh.

'Never again, but this is a necessary step, as long as I get the attention of King furry and show Ki to the whole world, all this will be worthwhile.'

Raditz kept trying to control Bulma who was out for blood while thinking about his future plans.

If he played this right, he will shoot himself straight to the levels of fame Satan had after the cell games.