I am reborn in Kenichi But as a Saiyan with a system now I will become the strongest man alive this is an au multiverse fanfic
Kenichi was out shopping with miu he had heard from Honoka that she had met a boy.
Kenichi knew that said boy was hermit aka natsū tannimoto so he trusted her with him
during the past week Kenichi had been dealing with Loki's minions
the first time was while he was visiting junko's dojo to convince her to join the shinpakū alliance
the minute he left the dojo a man dressed in a trench coat armed with a baton came at Kenichi but Kenichi caught his arm in a trap and delivered a full power spirit punch to his stomach.
the second time was when Kenichi and the gang were given the venue for a meeting with Loki Kenichi was running late because he had been given newer training weights.
as his body had become adapted to his older ones when he arrived he found one of Loki's clones at the venue and though he was joined by a group of gangsters Kenichi's group was a lot more well trained and easily defeated them it also helped that junk had decided to join the shinpaku alliance to help support Kenichi.
after dealing with them Kenichi defeated the Loki clone with a swallow kick combination
then sent Loki a message by eating his heart's content of all the food in the café witch meant the day's entire stock it was worth noting by miu that Kenichi could even Eat Apachai's appetite under the table.
loki payed him back by sending a platoon of toughs and seigfried the sixthfist of ragnarock after him
however today was the day Loki had crossed the line Kenichi got a text from kaede tanimoto telling him Loki had kidnapped Honoka. and was forcing Natsu to do bad things.
Kenichi's innocence had shattered as Kenichi suddenly went into Ikari and burst through the doors of the dojo.
hayato wondered what that was all about when junko came in telling them honoka had been kidnapped the reason she knew was because niijiima told her.
everybody rushed to the scene.
the six masters wanted to support Kenichi but secretly Apachai and shigure wanted to witness the slaughter of the poor Bastard Who Decided to kidnap the granddaughter of kazuhito shirahama.
"Loki get your Ass Down hear!" Kenichi roared.
"Nah ah ah I call the shots Kenichi and if you want your little sister back you will fight hermit."
natsu gritted his teeth he knew he should help honoka so he devised a plan fake fighting Kenichi until the moment comes and save her.
hermit dropped down and took up his fighting stance he told kenichi to listen, we'll fake fighting untill i find an opening and then one of us will spring in and save honoka.
kenichi nodded he assumed his fighting stance from advanced shirahama martial art's witch was reminiscent of goku's fighting stance and waited for hermit to strike hermit attacked kenichi with a windmill strike witch kenichi blocked using a wing chun parry then kenich caught hermit with a combination of a right roundhose punch and doble roundhouse kick hermit managed to gaurd and counter with ainside axe kick he rushed kenichi going for a slap that caught kenichi on the jaw but kenichi returned it with a low blow into an uppercut and launched injto a dragon uppercut.
hermit pulled back then sprinted towards Kenichi, kenichi used the zanzo-ken and reappeared behind hermit "now." he whispered as he grabbed hermit's neck and threw him with an ippon-soushi-nage
the throw sent hermit hurdling into number 39 who was keepoing honoka captive he knocked her out using a chop to her ear/neck area.
"no,natsu remeber this is what the great kensei ogata ordered." snarled loki.
"oh really!" said a voice from behind as i recall i'm the only one who can recieve orders from him?" said voice belonged to a young man with glasses.
kenichi didn't pay Ryuuto no mind as loki suddenly sprung out of his perch and rushed kenichi with his folding tamé he used his wrist first then his forearm then his elbow.
kenichi managed to dodge the strikes then he played his trump card "north star hundred cracked fst!" he shouted and with two fingers charged with ki he struck a multitude of loki's pressure points over 99 in total all over his torso ending with a spear hand strike aimed at his solar plexus
when he pulled back loki laughed but then suddenly a multitude of painful hits eruptude all over his body bursting like huge firecrackers the last exploding like a gun shot as loki fell to the ground beaten he was fine physically but it would take him an entire year to recover his level of martial art's prowess after that.
loki got up weakly and rushed kenichi but kenichi caught his arm and pulled it back behind said arm's shoulder removing it from it's joint and slammed him to the ground like a rag doll with a swing throw.
loki got up and pulled out his shock baton but kenichi use'd a kiai to disarm him caught him in an arm trap and hammered him in the gut with a rush of snapping kicks ending with a axe kick to his neck all the while kenichi was roaring his rage.
loki had fallen.
"Kenichi!!" called miu.
kenichi suddenly realized what had happened and he calmed down.
loki lay his body literally broken apart.
ryuuto couldn't see the rythm of the first attack while the masters all agreed that technique must be one of plenty of others in kenichi's repritoire.
after witch ryuuto asked kenichi if they would live up to their promise.
Kenichi held up one finger
"give me one week to train and i will be ready." said kenichi
he smiled okay "I'll be generous one week."