I am reborn in Kenichi But as a Saiyan with a system now I will become the strongest man alive this is an au multiverse fanfic
i'm going to kill that guy swore loki
after hearing kenichi made his bill over 100.000.00 yen orth of food.
he would gather all his troops and sigfried to deal with kenichi shirahama.
kenichi was currently going over his stats with his system.
[name kenichi shirahama]
[fighting style jeet kune do, mixed martial art's, hokuto no ken]
[strength 380]
[speed 390]
[staminia 370]
[aggility 420]
[energy 500 in base 560 in ikari 600 in super shirahama]
[zanzo-ken level 400]
[spirit punch level 300]
[sledgehammer level 300}
[dragon fist max]
[kiailevel max]
[kamehameha level 300]
[passive skills]
{ki charge level max}{
{power up level max}
{super shirahama{super saiyan}}
[so what levfel would you say i'm on currently system-chan] kenichi thought
{host currently is a high level disciple but your skills put you on expert level}
'sweet and hoow many points do i have'
currently yo have over eleven billion points.'
and how much would super saiyan 2 3 4 and god cost.
all together 900,000,00.
great buy them all.
host will have to wait 24 hours before accessing them
'that's fine'
kenichi was in his room later that nite practicing his techniques for hokuto-no-ken when he got a call from niijiima ( i've heard a crazy rumour of an undead fighter named seigfried and also that loki was gathering his troops for a massive assualt on you.)
(okay we'll i can handel it) said kenichi.
the next day niijiima wasn't in class or the club room so after schhool kenichi used his teleportation technique to locate him and teleport to him.
kenichi then teleported them to the front of loki's platoon nd told niijiima to run.kenichi turned to face loki's forces
he smiled "this i going to be interesting!" he said he rushed the forces taking them out using spirit punches, low kicks, crane hand strikes, and slege hammer strikes, a well as other moves from his wide repritoire of mixed martial art's at one point one boy armed with a knife cut him and kenichi transformed into an ikari and punched him out with a ki powered hook punch he continued the fight relying on wing chun, karate, jujutsu, and muay thai, witch were known to be usefull in ten to one odd's kenichi had also use'd his kiai technique to take out most of them the crowd had fallen as every fighter had been beaten then kenichi heard a sound like an opra singer
as a man dressed in a coat and hat with a quil came at him with a chop.
kenichi blocked it and countered with a spirit punch but the punch didn't beat him he came back this timefor an uppoercut kenichi went for his kiai the attack didn't beat him kenichi went for a one inch punch, and he came back for a spin kick, kenichi used a punch kick roundhouse and then a bali club.
finally kenichi was done playing around he cried out "dragon fist explosion"
the punch hit sigfried so hard his eye's glazed over and he foamed at the mouth as he fell to the ground.
kenichi walked over to niijiima and handed him his gym clothes to make up for the fact he only had a duffle bag for clothing.