
Dragonball: Goku’s Legendary Son

What if when Gohan was born, he had a twin younger brother? And what if that younger brother was a legendary Saiyan? But he’s a half-Saiyan. So what does that mean for his emotional scale? A Legendary Half-Saiyan. This will start off at Kami’s house, like the beginning of Z, and continue on into Super I hope. I do not own anything related to Dragonball, Z, Super. I only own my OCs. I definitely can’t draw so the art used isn’t mine either.

Quade_The_Unknown · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Ch. 10 Disaster Arrives

"Daddy, can we go get some ice cream?" A little girl, no older than 5 asks her father.

The dad holds his daughters hand as they walk down a street in the city. "We can get some ice cream after we meet up with mommy"

The little girl squeezes her fathers hand. "Yay! Where is mommy?"

"Mommy should be parking her car and coming to meet us right…. about…. here!" The man stomps his feet in place and stops walking. "Now we just need to wait for mommy to come from there" He points across the busy street towards a parking garage.

The girl looks across the street. "If we're waiting can you hold me? I can't see over the cars"

The father is wearing a business suit and fedora. He isn't super strong, but he's not weak either. He crouches and leans down. "Up we go~"

He picks his daughter up and puts one arm underneath her while his other arm holds her back. The daughter sits so that she has her arms around her dad but is also able to look the direction he is looking.

"How long will we be waiting?" The girl asks in her innocent tone.

The father looks at the sky with his eyes. "I don't know. Hopefully soon. I want some Vanilla ice cream!" He playfully says.

"Vanilla? Bleh!" The daughter sticks her tongue out. "Chocolate is better!" She cheers.

"Hahaha!" The dad laughs. "You're just like your mother. Always making fun of my Vanilla ice cream. And you haven't even tried it in years, did it leave that bad of an impression?"

The girls rests her head on the father's shoulder. "No, I just like chocolate more"

The dad leans his head on his daughters. "Fair enough" He says while still looking up at the sky.

But that's when he sees something.

Something falling from the sky.

And very fast.

He strains his eyes to try and see what it is. "What is tha-"


The first object crashes into the street.

*Rumble* *Krzsh!*

Screams fill the city as the entire ground is shaken. The garage park shakes but isn't sturdy enough to handle the impact so close to it. The entire garage park collapses.

The father had turned his back to the impact and explosion in the street. He isn't able to stay standing and falls to his knees and elbows as his daughter screams in his arms. He can feel dust and pavement fall on his back.

As the dust settles he doesn't dare move his body. But he raises his head and looks behind him to see cars flipped over, a big hole in the street, and the garage park, where his wife was parking, collapsed.

The man's heart freezes. But his daughters screaming keeps him grounded in place. He turns back to his daughter and holds her tightly. "Don't worry baby, daddy's got you. Daddy's right here". He says to try and calm his daughter who stops screaming but begins sobbing.

After about 30 seconds the man tries to get up. It's a bit difficult since his arms are holding his daughter but he managers to get to his feet somehow. He holds his daughters head to keep her from looking around at the distraction and chaos.

Screams, crying, shouts, and other sounds are heard everywhere within the city.

The man looks at the hole in the street and sees something with in it. But instead of staying and finding out what is inside the weird satellite looking thing he decides to get his daughter to safety.

He can't walk properly because debris or something hit his ankle. But it's not broken, maybe sprained or a little worse. The father begins shuffling away from the crash site and makes his way down the street one step at a time since he can barely put weight on his foot. "Don't worry, daddy will get us away from here" He consoles his daughter through gritted teeth.

The daughter clutches into her dads suit collar for dear life. "W-what about… mommy?" She asks between tears.

The father pushes her head further into his chest. "She-" He takes a quick glance over his shoulder at the rubble of the garage park. "She is....." He tightly closes his eyes for a few seconds before continuing. "...going to meet us somewhere else sweety. That's why we have to get away from here fast. To go meet her" He holds back his fear and his tears that threaten to fall down his face and wet his daughter's blond hair.

The girl cries on the fathers jacket. "B-but you said-"

"I was mistaken" He quickly responds. "So that's why we're going to go meet her. Away from here-"

*BOOM!!!!* *RUMBLE~!!!*

A second impact hits the city, even stronger than the first.

Some windows break from the tall buildings in the city and go crashing towards the street below. And a few other building collapse.

The father is once again forced to his knees as he protects his daughter. He might not be able to stand up again as the throbbing in his ankle gets worse and an extremely hot sensation spreads across his back.

The city stops shaking and soon the screams and crying die down leaving an eerie silence rarely interrupted by shouts of families and people searching for eachother.

"Daddy?" The girls shakes the collar of her father gently.

The man lets his daughter's head move away from his chest a little and looks at her. "I-…. I'm right….. here" He struggles to say as he gets a little light headed.

The girl then looks over he dads shoulder. She sees some people moving towards the street where two holes are now in the ground.

"ALIEN!" One random man shouts. "And he's getting out!"

"Ahhhh!" A woman screams in fear. "No! It can't be!"

A tall and muscular bald man with a mustache exits from one of the holes, and from the other comes a short man with tall spiky hair and a weird hairline. Both men are wearing weird armor and a device over their left eye.

"Daddy~" The girl cries.

The man holds his daughter. "Everything will be fi-"

She watches as the big bald man holds his hand out and a weird energy surrounds it. Suddenly he points his fingers in the air.



The warriors of Earth can feel the insane power levels of the two Saiyans that arrived no matter where they are. Whether it's at Kami house, in the desert, in the mountains, or in a forest.

Suddenly everyone was able to feel and see a massive explosion in the distance. The winds from it could be felt for hundreds upon hundreds of miles.

After the light from the explosion dies down there is nothing left of the city that was there before. Only some of the outskirts of the city and the roads leading to it.

Nappa looks down at the now barren and smoking ground. "Hahaha! Do you think I was trying too hard to impress them Vegeta?"

Vegeta floats next to Nappa with his arms folded over his chest. "There isn't anyone left to impress Nappa. I should have known better than to let you have any fun"

"But why?" Nappa holds his fist in the air. "Hey, cmon. One explosion won't affect the selling price for this planet. What's the big deal?"

"Try to use your brain" Vegeta looks at the big idiot next to him. "We came here for the Dragon Balls remember? For the wish. You remember the wish don't you Nappa?" He questions.

"Well, yeah. We were gonna wish for immortality weren't we?" Nappa uncertainly responds.

"Good. And don't we need all 7 Dragon Balls? So let me ask you this" Vegeta points at the ground. "What of a Dragon Ball was inside the city you just destroyed?"

Nappa looks down. "I-I'm sorry. I guess that slipped my mind"

Vegeta sighs. "Let's just forget about it. What's done is done and it cannot be undone. Now first, we need to find out who has the highest power level. That will be the one that finished off Raditz"

Both Nappa and Vegeta begin pressing a button on the side of their scouter.

Nappa picks up on a power level. "I'm picking up at least half a dozen people on this planet that have power levels over a thousand" He says somewhat surprised. "How is that possible?"

Vegeta begins looking in various directions and lets his arms rest at his sides. "How should I know? Maybe they've been preparing for us" He says in annoyance. "Not to worry, we will start out by finding the strongest one"

"Hmm" Nappa nods.

A second later and Nappa's scouter begins beeping and alerting him of two individual power levels. "Just found two of them. And they definitely have the highest power levels on the planet"

Vegeta turns the direction Nappa points out and gains a villainous smirk. "Really? Good then. This might be interesting after all"

Both Saiyans take off through the sky.


At the Kami house Bulma, Oolong, Puar, Turtle, and Master Roshi are watching tv.

There is a man reporting about the destruction of East city and that it wasn't not an act of war. But they also stated that they aren't sure exactly what it really could have been.

Roshi clenches his fists and looks down at the floor. "Well….. the day has finally arrived"

Bulma stands up and grabs her scouts. She is wearing a blue blouse and skirt. "Cmon guys. I can tell you where they are"

Oolong gets mad. "Are you crazy?! What are we gonna do?!"

"Oolong, you're such a coward!" Bulma shouts.

Roshi shakes in frustration.

Puar brings its paws to its mouth. "Yeah! We're going to help! You just tell us what to do Master Roshi and we will do it!"

Roshi stops shaking and helplessly lowers his fists. "Sorry gang. Oolong is right on this one" Roshi smacks his lips. "Yep, definitely don't like saying that"

""What?!"" Puar and Bulma shout in surprise.

"I'm afraid it's true. This sort of battle is tricky and just WAY out of our league. We would only get in the way of the others if we went there with them"

Bulma closes her eyes as she calms down. "Yeah…." Her brows narrow in slight frustration. "… I guess so"

Puar puts its paws on the sides of its head. "Oh my gosh! Yamcha!"

"Urgh! Goku!" She clasps her hands together. "Where are you?!"

Roshi grabs his hands behind his back. "And are you sure you lost both Raditz's and Gochi's power level yesterday? They haven't popped back up?"

Bulma taps the button on her scouter. "Nothing. Nothing at all! It as if they-"

"Disappeared" Roshi finishes. "But that means they either got teleported or…."

Nobody can bring themselves to finish that statement. They thought it was a glitch at first but after hours of tinkering Bulma couldn't find the bug. And if someone's power level disappears it means that they have passed away. Because even when suppressed they have a power level.


Vegeta and Nappa fly through the cloudy blue sky at insane speeds.

"Hahahaha! This planets weak gravity makes me feel like a kid again! I'm invincible!" Nappa states.

Vegeta doesn't respond but smiles as he continues to fly.


All the fighters of Earth are preparing themselves. They can feel the Saiyans fly fast.

Everyone knows that the Saiyans are heading towards Piccolo and Gohan since they have the highest power levels besides Raditz and Gochi. And they haven't been able to sense them in almost a day now. This puts them in a sour mood since their two heavy hitters just kicked the bucket right before the big day. But they must step up.

Everyone prays that Goku hurries up and gets back.


Piccolo's left eye twitches. "Gohan, get ready! They're heading right towards us!"

Gohan nods. "Right"

Tien and Chiaotzu are flying towards Piccolo and Gohan. Tien tries to convince Chiaotzu to stay behind but the small warrior refuses.

Krillin ditched his weighted clothing and heads towards his best friend's son and the villain turned ally. And he's the first one to arrive.

Piccolo takes off his cape and turban.

Krillin smirks as he greets the pair. "It seems Goku is running a little late. Guess we will have to hold them off until he can make it"

Gohan takes a step towards Krillin. "Y-You mean that. Don't you? He's really coming right? You're sure?"

"Sure am!" He gives a quick thumbs up. "Master Roshi just talked to him the other day and he's on his way here now. He will definitely be here"

"Wow! That's great. Thanks Krillin!" Gohan jumps towards the short and bald man. "And what about my brother?! Piccolo hasn't told me anything"

Krillin takes a step back and glances at Piccolo who has his eyes closed. "You're brother? Gochi?" He shakily asks.

"Yeah! Gochi!"

Krillin wipes away a bead of sweat on his face. "I'm sure he is on his way too"

"Really?!" Gohan jumps in the air. "It's been so long since I've seen them! I can't wait!"

"Well they aren't here now boy!" Piccolo shouts at Gohan. "So we can't rely on them! So forget about them until they arrive or else these Saiyans are gonna kill us before they get here!"

Gohan shrinks down a bit. "R-Right…"

Gohan and Krillin make some small talk for 3 minutes before Piccolo shouts. "Enough!"

"They're here" He says with a confident smile while sweat drops down his green face.

All three of them look up and see two figures in the sky. But the sun is behind them and only their silhouettes can be seen.

The Saiayans slowly fly down towards the ground.

"Hm Hm Hm!" Nappa chuckles. "I guess one more joined them. What do you suppose these three are doing out here in the middle of nowhere?"

"I think they were waiting for us" Vegeta slowly says. "Yes. I'm sure of it"

Krillin begins tending his muscles. "This is it. It's really happening. So these are the Saiyans…. can you feel their power levels?! They're even stronger than I imagined! What are we going to do guys?!"

Gohan takes a half step back.

Piccolo wipes the sweat off his face and glares at the floating Saiyans.

Nappa and Vegeta land on the ground across from the three weaklings.

"So~, we meet at last" Vegeta states and looks at Piccolo.

"The pleasures mine" Piccolo jokes through his teeth. "I'm only going to say this once. Leave this planet! This is your first and last chance to leave alive"

Vegeta ignores the green man's words. "That voice. I see. You were the one that killed Raditz one year ago"

"My voice?" Piccolo doesn't understand.

Vegeta points at the scouter on his face. "Didnt Raditz tell you? Our scouters also work as communicators"

Nappa remembers something. "What?" He looks at Vegeta. "The green one is from Namek isn't he?"

Vegeta points at Piccolo. "He's from Namek alright. No wonder Raditz had such a hard time with him and Kakarot"

Piccolo's face turns to that of shock. "I'm… from Namek?"

Krillin looks at his current ally. "Piccolo, I didn't know you were from outer space. Of course, now it kinda makes sense…"

Gohan looks up at his teacher. "Is that true Piccolo?"

Piccolo doesn't respond and angrily stares at Vegeta.

The Saiyan raises his eyebrows. "You didn't know? Well, what a surprise. Surely you must have suspected something before now. The green skin and pointy ears are a dead give away don't you think? Or how about the antennae?"

'So, I'm from the planet Namek. I can't believe it. But at the same time I know it's true. Yes, it's true' Piccolo has a brief mid-life crisis.

"You were the one to tell us about the Dragon Balls" Vegeta lowers his arm. "So tell us, where are they?"

Krillin shakes his head. "What? Nobody knows where they are! Not for a whole year!"

"That's enough" Nappa takes a step forward. "We know the balls are down here. Make no mistake. We will find them" He clenches his right fist and holds it in the air. "With or without you dead. It's your decision. Tell us where they are or you all will be killed"

"Hah! I wanna thank you" Piccolo raises his head in the air. "Because of you, I now know that I come from the planet Namek. But…" Piccol grins. "This is my planet now. And no one is going to tell me what to do with it! So back off. We're not here to bow down to your demands. We're here!" Piccolo enters his combat stance. "To fight! So go ahead and do whatever it is you came here to do"


Up on Kami's Lookout

Kami is seen looking off into the distance with Mr. Popo standing behind him.

"Are you alright Kami?" Popo asks.

The old green man leans on his cane in his right hand while his left is behind his back. "I am fine Mr. Popo. For the first time in my long life I have heard about my origin. Now I know the reason why I have always had special powers" He lowers his head slightly. "You see. They just said I'm from space. A place called Namek. It all makes sense now. When I created the Dragon Balls I fulfilled a deep yearning. The blueprints for the balls existed in my mind and heart long before I was able to give them form. When I finally succeeded, I felt as if I had made it home. Or rather as if a piece of home had found it's way to me"

Mr. Popo blinks. "Then does that mean…"

"I believe so Mr. Popo. I believe so" Kami closes his eyes. "But that won't matter unless these two Saiyans are defeated. How much longer do Raditz and Gochi have? They will be needed very soon"

Mr. Popo looks down a hallway. "They will most likely be using the full 24 hours. So we have some time until they exit. Every second they aren't out here is time extended for their training. I think there is less than one hour left"


With less than an hour left for Gochi and Raditz in the Time Chanber will the warriors of Earth be able to hold off the Saiyans? Just how much stronger will Raditz and Gochi be after another year of training? How close is Goku to arriving? Where are the others? Can Piccolo, Krillin, and Gohan hold the Saiyans off until the others arrive?

Find out! In the next chapters!

3,130 words

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