
Dragon Quest V Reimagined: Hand Of The Heavenly Bride

Note- This is a Fanfic work that is adapted from the original game version (or NDS version which is also exactly same as original version except for some additional changes)known as Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride. The primary purpose of the story is to provide narrative lines and make the silent protagonist's dialogue by expressing him throughout the story. Some elements of this novel remake version may change depending on the situations, people, places and etc... The main focus is not to rush the story and keep going at it's own pace. I would suggest you to respect the original content (that includes ds version as well that is basically same as the original one) and if you haven't played this game before then I would recommend you to play it but you don't have to play it if you don't want to since you don't need any knowledge about the game to read this remake version. Just keep in mind, players who like modern like settings or world building may not like this game much since it is an old game with medivel period or something. The name of the protagonist will be Abel, that is one of the default name of this character. If you want more information about the game then you can check out the Wikipedia on google for this game. Note 2- I have added Romance Genre according to what I discovered in the game as the name also suggests but the main focus will, as usual, be on the mainplot lines because it is originally an adaptation of the game and game mostly focuses on the combat, actions, adventures, twists or other genre without relying on Romance Genre so much. --------- Synopsis: The world of magic and sword, which is a peaceful world, is going to be corrupted by the enemy force in order to either rule the world or destroy it completely to make a new world or for some hidden motives. These unknown forces are truly terrifying and only a hero is capable of saving the world. However, the hero is not yet decided. The story takes place from a small ship where the father and his son, the main protagonist Abel who was 6 year old, wanted to go back to whealbrook that is their hometown. The protagonist isn't aware of what will come in his life. This boy may not be a hero but who knows what will really happen when he will show what he can do. Abel faces a tragic event in his childhood that changed everything and therefore, he changed..... The darkness was overwhelming but he never seemed to give up... The world will be in danger and the hero(es) must emerge in order to put a stop to the real evil.

CyberDevil_2051 · Video Games
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10 Chs

Three Slimes Against One

A little bit back to time where Abel had left for roaming around after taking the world map from Pankraz...

(Pankraz's Pov)

I was discussing something with my acquaintance about something while I saw Abel leaving.

Then suddenly the person in front of me spoke once more.

"Poor kid, I feel bad for him that he didn't get the chance to see his mother... I wonder what happened."

"....Yeah anyway let's get down to business."

I deliberately ignored this topic and started speaking about some unfinished business but after sometime suddenly-

"Hey Pankraz! Is that boy your son?" asked an old woman.

"Uh, yes. Something happened? You seem to be acting as if something bad is happening."

"That boy just went a little far away, I also noticed that three slimes were following him as well. Please hurry up and save your son!" exclaimed the worried old woman.

"What did you say!? I told him to be careful- sorry but I have to go now. We will discuss later."

"No problem, more importantly save that boy. Hurry up!" said the person in front of me.

I hurriedly moved and went to the plains, trying to find my son. Then I saw him from a little distance.


Part 3- Abel was enjoying himself but he was somehow distracted by so much joy he felt a moment ago and three slimes took the advantage as they tried to attack him by ambushing.

(Main Protagonist's Pov)

"I will prove you slimes that I'm also stronger just like my dad! Heh, this wooden sword will be my weapon for now!" I said, holding my wooden sword and raising it a little with my proud looking face.

I usually love staff weapon but since I had not that kind of weapon, I have no choice but use my wooden sword.

"Here I come! Evil slimes will be annihilated by a hero like ME! Yo hoo!" I was so excited for my battle.

One of the slimes suddenly jumped and wanted to attack me from above by forming it's appearance as a hammer. The slimes can shape themselves but they are just stupid because only the spikes can be dangerous but other forms are meaningless. But still I dodged because the attack power of a slime is same after all.

When I step aside by evading it's attack, I slashed the slime. The slime split up into two with a little lower height than usual but I sliced them until they disappeared. Finally, the slime was completely defeated by my own hands.

"How's that? This is the real strength of a Hero!" I said as I rubbed my nose proudly with a smile.


I had completely forgotten that there were two more slimes and I was hit by their attacks at the same time. I was knocked back a little by force.

"Ow! That hurts!"

I was unable to stand up since my leg was injured due to the sudden fall on the ground.

"Uh oh! That is not good!"

The slimes were approaching me to attack me.

"Oh come on leg, don't betray me!" I was struggling to stand up but my left leg was injured thanks to my carelessness.

"I guess I got carried away by joy, I made a little mistake by neglecting the warning my dad gave me." I thought.

When one of the slime was going to attack me, I closed my eyes but I hadn't felt any pain and instead I felt like something in front of me was slashed down as I heard the sound.

When I opened my eyes to see what happened, I saw my dad holding his sword and I witnessed that the slime was defeated then-

"Take that!"

Dad also defeated the last slime into many pieces by slashing it horizontally. Then he approached me.

"Are you alright Abel, well it doesn't seem like. Let me heal you right away." he said as he casted heal on my left leg.

"Try standing up and moving carefully now but don't overdo it."

I was able stood up and move around again.

"Thank you dad, I am able to move now." I said.

"That is good."

I was ready for a scolding from my dad as he was staring at me but-

"I won't scold you since it was just my fault for not carefully giving you warning but please heed my warnings carefully okay, Abel?"

"Yes dad, I won't do such mistakes ever again and I apologise for not taking your warning seriously." I said while my face was a little down.

"A person should never let their heads down if they are aware of their mistakes and instead lift their heads up as they try to overcome their mistakes. If you already realised your mistakes then there is no reason for me to tell anything extra or scold you. Besides what matters is that you are completely fine so cheer up and let's go alright?" He said while giving me a thumbs up as he smiled.

I lifted my head and smiled back as I nodded.

"I won't do silly mistakes like this anymore."

"Okay then, let's head back to our village Whealbrook! Follow me and don't lose sight. You can also fight but just be careful."

We had started moving again and on the way we found some of the monsters. However, my dad is too strong that I couldn't help but get astonished again and again.

"Dad is so amazing when fights with those monsters. He is like a hero and ideal character that I also want to be just like him." I was so engrossed in his fighting styles.

It is not just for the first time but I have seen him fighting monsters so many times and I also want to become like him someday.

"Are you alright Abel? Let me heal you just in case." He healed me again.

"Now then, let's start moving again. Whealbrook is too near and we will get there in no time."

"Okay dad." I replied.


To be continued...