
Dragon of Space and Cocaine

Well Starting in Wh40K With the new and improved Dragon of Space and cocaine. This is more of a crack with leads. Having writer's block on my other books. None of my books are dropped unless I write them and say it is. This is more of a fun-and-done kind of story I have been playing with for a while seeing how it will go. Also own nothing but the OC's , Everything else is owned by others.

resistingsea · Anime & Comics
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Looking over the reports from the Adeptus Mechanicus I can't believe how stupid the once glorious organization was too proud to bow to me until I took care of the nay-sayers. Forge World Agripinaa forced refugees from Cadia to be converted into Servitors and Skitarii. Hydra Cordatus. They gave all the guardsmen that served their space cancer to keep it quiet.

Rubbing my face thinking it over. It's blue and orange morality with most of the Adeptus Mechanicus they don't see it as evil, they see it as helping. The Lord's Dragons are...interesting. They act as the Inquisition for the Calixian Mechanicus and probably beyond. They have a massive, sector-wide surveillance grid called the Praecursator Grid. Cherubs are pretty bad I mean, they are vat-grown. Still horrifying but not as monstrous as creating servitors or archo-flagellants.

It seems my absence made them forget they didn't join willingly but since they refuse to collect and store data for the greater Mechanicum. The whole sliding farthing backward is their fault at this point. A knowledge tax or method of prying information from reluctant fingers would have slowed the imperium descent without question. If the Admistratum can levee humongous taxes of wealth and manpower, why isn't the mechanicum doing the same with engineers and data? Shaking my head putting mars into the back of my mind right now I will get to them eventually I have all the time now.

A gene-stealer cult was here; I don't believe nobody knew about it. It was either negligence or complacency. Having the Adeptus Custodies receive orders for the first time in ten thousand years had lit a fire under their asses. The High Lord didn't have any hands in the Gene stealer cult no this was low level probably merchant fleets.

With almost reverent awe they took to cleansing the planet within weeks of the orders. My living sons are also coming back to the Palace soon along with the rest of my government. Now how to deal with the Imperial Cult. Feeling the anger coming back to me from the years of being suppressed by a bunch of children infuriated me to no end. They are lucky my husband came along and took care of the problem before the worse was to happen.

Soon the High Lords of Terra will be coming time to prune the bush that has become complacent. Sometimes you need a tyrant to clean the house. Torquemada Coteas the chosen representative of the Inquisition. He is an Inquisitor Lord of the Ordo Malleus who gained his reputation for being a fearsome Daemonhunter through years of action against the Forces of Chaos. He is now known as the High Protector of the Formosa Sector.

After meeting the High Protector and the High Lords of Terra I will need to speak to my sons about the changes that are about to happen around the Imperium. It seemed that they were serving as a high council of sorts for the dead Guilliman. The survivors of the counsel should be either the most connected or the most cunning of the lot. I wonder how they will react.

"Presenting the High Lords of Holy Terra." Watching the overweight gaudily dressed men all strutting in watching their apprehensions turn to lust when they look at my body. Oh, these fools need a lesson to be taught to them. For too many years they have been fat and happy riding the coattails of their better forefathers.

Feeling them all coming through the warp watching their souls most of which are close to becoming full blow daemons with the amount of excess and depravity they partake in. Seeing this I wonder how this Imperium even survived this long.

It would seem that they don't know about each other near decision into daemon hood. Well, they almost made it too bad they thought too highly of themselves. I can practically taste their sins wafting off of them.

They are brave to enter the same room as me. Opening my eyes I focused on the corrupted souls and pulled. Watching half their number twist, and contort flesh falling off turning into blobs of flesh. Daemons now in flesh and blood charged at me I scoffed bathing everything they touched in warp fire.

A golden flame spread out washing along and covering the less corrupted individuals around them. Hearing them scream as their souls are washed and twisted to my needs. Once they are done writhing in pain they all stand up looking healthier than they had in years fresh skin and clean souls.

"Now that you are cleaned of the filth polluting your souls I shall give you instructions and I expect them to be followed in your sections. I will also find better replacements if my expectations are not met." Looking over the reverent faces of the last High Lords I waved to one of the Custodies. The paperwork was handed out to the last few. Purges are continuing even now they are removing the threats here on 'Holy' Terra.

Several smaller Chaos cults are still around something for the Inquisition to take a look at I don't need to clean up these children's messes for them. Some of the higher nobility will be reeling at the fact that I killed off several High Lords knowing their once solid positions are now more of a liability to them than ever. Let us see how they react.

Off to the side, a door opened and twelve giant spacemarines coved in their armor six on one side and six on the other they carried the coffin as they walked as if they didn't even feel the impressive amount of weight they stopped at the bottom of my throne. Standing up they all kneeled with a whisper of "Courage and Honor" looking at the floor I walked forward waving my hand opening the coffin and spying Familiar blonde hair in a neat cut. Reaching forward I rubbed my hand along the chiseled face of one of my most loyal sons. "My boy."

Pulling on the warp I repaired the wound on his neck cleansing his body of the poison and bringing him back to his best shape. Cleaning him off I levitate him over to the waiting bed. He shall not leave my sight. Maybe it is me becoming closer to my maternal side but I feel a protectiveness for my most loyal boy. I started humming an old tune from the tribe I was born into. Looking back into the coffin I grabbed my old sword placing it next to my boy. "Weald it well".

Leaning back watching the rest of my son's marines take up a protective circle around him. His loyal and silent guard. It was a pain to get my son from his stasis to here, especially with all the pilgrimages going on every day with everyone wanting to go and meet the Emperor's favorite. Her poor boy had to deal with the stupidity of the High Lords on his own.

But with his will, strength, and charisma it would be easy for him to take over that was until he met his brother Fulgrim in battle twisted by Slaanesh. The little perfectionist had been twisted by his ideals into his current form. I am glad that his soul has been sent into the afterlife. That is two of my eighteen children accounted for now where are the rest of them?

Konrad was killed by a M'shen a Callidus Temple Assassin. Death told me he was tired of all the death and destruction so he let the assassin take his life as a last act of sorts. Alpharius was killed in the battle of Pluto back during the heresy. Perturabo after he fell into madness after the drop site massacre fleeing into the eye of terror with the last of his Iron warriors residing on a planet in the eye. Lorgar became a daemon prince to the Chaos Undivided.

Angron became a daemon prince to Khorne. Horus was destroyed by body, and soul during the siege of Terra by myself personally. Magnus lost himself to the ruinous powers of the warp he was always a studious one, and now he is a Prince of Tzeentch. Those nine are what they started calling the turncoats, traitors, and dishonored ones.

The Loyalists are the ones who tried to help humanity after my fall. Nine sons on each side it was almost prophetic the last two are not to speak of in public even in the privacy of my mind I forced myself to put their existence out of my thoughts. Those two dared to go and join Malice becoming cannibalistic mutes only for Malice to kill them. Good riddance to bad trash if you ask me.

Corvux Disappeared, last seen heading for the Eye of Terror. Having become mutated by long Warp exposure and now seeking to slay all the Daemon Primarchs in the Immaterium, starting his hunt with Lorgar. Vulkan is gone from all records nothing about his current location is even known. Ferres of the Iron hands was beheaded by Fulgrim long ago.

Sanguinius Slain by Horus at the climax of the Horus Heresy. His death imprinted a psychic scar in the Blood Angels Legion's genetic memory, which is thought to be the cause of afflictions like the Black Rage in carriers of their gene seed. I will have to fix that as well as the last gift to a fallen son. Lemon my favorite son disappeared into the Eye of Terror. What is with my sons and that eye? Rogal is believed to have died during the Black Crusade but I have a feeling that he is alive somewhere.

The last is on his way to be fixed being escorted by his Dark Angels. Lion El'Jonson was kept in stasis on The Rock. Poor boy after his brothers failed to kill him his most trusted men almost finished the job. Convincing them to bring him to me was difficult, but once they found out we could heal there was a soft hope coming from their planet as after they left with him they told their fellow spacemarines. Now we have a battle barge coming with quite a few of their chapter. Taking no chances with the life of my son. It warmed my heart for him to have such devoted followers.

Thinking back to making the Primarchs it was probably a bad idea to toss them to different low-tech worlds hoping they survived and would be loyal... yea that was dumb. Then again I was powerful and with no one to tell me no I took extreme measures to secure this galaxy for humanity.

Now though everyone with a connection to the warp can feel it shrinking at an alarming rate as the sea of souls is drying up. Never before-seen horrors that came to be in the warp are starting to show up out of the unexplored regions keeping the daemons busy the whole Universe is waiting with bated breath. But with death, they are not a problem. Let alone two of them I still get a chuckle at hearing Lady death complain about the other death's work ethic.

Now she had a multiverse worth of deaths complaining about being woken up. Shaking my head at how it takes one conceptual being not doing their job to screw over the little people even me. The warp is not natural anyone would tell you that but to confirm it was another. Wasn't that a shock it was a prison for death even though our Death laughed in my face when I asked if she could be sealed?

That death wanted to take a nap of all things for this multiverse to get bent over the table. Untold horrors created for nothing but a nap for a higher being. Rubbing my face at one of the possibly horrid places being created when Death goes away for a while. In my 'short' forty thousand years of experience even I know how dumb of a reason that is.

A Custodies sent me a message via servo skull first who in their right mind wanted their skull turned into a glorified messenger? Going over the contents Dark angels are two days out from arriving here on Terra. The inquisition representative is a day out coming from his sector that is a miracle that he was even able to make it that quickly.

A/N: Hello hope you enjoyed the chapter. If I have any of the lore wrong sorry but there are dozens of different sources with different answers I tried my best to make it as close to cannon as possible but when cannon is as straight as a wet noodle can't do much so I may or may not have thrown some Fannon into the mix.