
Random Encounter

After slipping between the veil of the still-shrinking sea of souls and the physical plane of existence I felt a hunger that manifested in this sea of souls. Looking around seeing countless black holes and between the holes are thousands of threads of screaming souls and daemons being sucked in them. Along with all the souls, anything unlucky enough to be between the gaps between the holes is also devoured, kicking and screaming into the empty black void.

As I flew out of the way more and more of them appeared almost randomly to suck away every bit of energy and physical material around the holes on this side of the veil. Pausing trying to glean what is causing them. Not wanting to chance any kind of reaction from them I don't reach out physically or with my magic, after a countless amount of time I catch a small giggle and a flash of pale skin and black clothes which I know all too well... the Endless. Shaking my head I didn't want to enter them with Death of the Endless being the one in charge of them no telling what kind of prank I would suffer at her hands.

One of her variations thought it would be funny to make Deadpool have sex with an undead skeleton so he could go and brag about literally fucking death. He couldn't be more right and wrong at the same time. Shaking my head while ignoring the belly laughter coming from my waifu I continued with my journey for any kind of entertainment. While I travel I keep in the back of my mind a mental map of the paths the black holes appear and the ones that I had encountered so far.

As I made a mental map of every explored galaxy of the Imperium space generously sent to me by my Empress waifu who is now screaming at the heads of the Imperial cult. The more unexplored space I discovered the more pings in the back of my mind as I spotted ships of the Imperium that just sat there floating in the sea of souls protected by their void shields they are probably watching my passing in awe.

Comparing myself to a battle barge was laughable now. I had been entering the warp whose time was so fucked up it was almost comical I could enter and exit in a second but twenty years had passed. Or I could come out ten thousand years in the past. That was the case until Death started cleaning up the mess of subspace. Now it is more linear instead of spitting out at different points in time they travel is now linear the only thing that mattered is the distance and energy output by the flight systems. If your ship was powerful enough you could travel the known galaxy in minutes possibly seconds.

Before death fixed the dam place I have been using this as a cheat so to speak. I would enter and exit until I was far enough in the past that I would just make a pocket space protecting myself from being detected and enter a deep sleep until my company HUD was going off showing the date and time I entered the warp. As I felt my past/future self leave to go to the past I would keep on doing my own little hack/exploit. I couldn't just speed up local time around myself they patched that 'glitch' that was abused to hell I would guess. But since nobody had messaged me about my little exploit I would assume I was in the clear.

It is weird and at the same time my power was now at a galactic scale I could manipulate the fabric of reality with a thought. The only problem is if I just started pondering about the death star one would fucking appear so I have been working with death on how to counteract this. According to her, it is a common problem with 'baby' reality warpers. She kept on making vague comments like 'reality is a canvas all you have to do is paint it' or 'what you see isn't reality what you will is'. Fucking hell woman just tell me how to make an off switch. I am pretty sure I killed off hundreds of planets when I sneezed and my mind went blank.

Coming back to my reality I eyed the battle barge as I slowly passed by it lazily flapping my wings. The ship was the size of one of my teeth but thanks to my current grip on reality I could shrink to the size of a housecat or my current multi-planet-sized form. Thanks, to sexual calibration I didn't have to worry about breaking my property with my humanoid form it made them sensitive and stretchy in all the right places. It has been fun showing up randomly in front of the Koneko as all of my perks made her into a horny mess. Instead of just fucking her like she wanted I would act like I didn't see her driving her into a drooling, heat-induced mess that couldn't get off no matter how much she furiously masturbated on my bed.

The rest of Sona's and Rias's peerages didn't cause any trouble they all stayed away from me for as long as possible giving me plenty of time to myself. I would get to them when I was tired of their kings. Sona and Rias must have realized this as they had turned into perfect little housewives serving me hand and foot. They must have some kind of intuition that I will get tired of them and either sell them or get newer untouched versions of them.

Pausing my train of thought I felt something enter around me from a tear in space... something big entered the warp. Turning and spying a... moon rocket hybrid filled with billions of Orks headed toward me. Some of them spotted me pointing and yelling into the vast emptiness of space. Watching as thousands of them open a window like one would do during a hot summer day... in space. When the windows opened most of them started hanging out of the windows like the monkeys from Jumanji shooting their literal scrap guns out the windows toward me while screaming into the great empty echoes of space. I could almost taste their collective stupidity as four more moons exited the warp and headed to me.

Opening my contentment-sized mouth I let loose a single purple beam of energy that split off targeting each moon with no delay a mixture of death and space energy that I mixed at random took off after the moon... rockets. Along the trail of my beams cracks in space appeared as they sliced through all of their moons cracking into hundreds of pieces. After the beam died off the next surprise I sent to the Orks appeared in the form of small flakes of berserker cocaine fell into the broken pieces of the moon. After the surviving Orks inhaled the drug I watched as they all stood still for a few seconds before going ape shit on anything around them with the fury of a badger in a shoe box. Ripping tearing and consuming their fellow orks as the mech boyz made the smaller moon pieces into kamikaze death traps smashing into the other bases. Along with them was the traces of cocaine sill on them.

Thinking it was over until I turned back watching a group of Orks grabbing scrap metal and at almost impossible speeds making fucking rockets and hammering them into place with bits of wood and tape. Blinking a few times, tens of thousands of smaller ships are headed toward me. Calling upon my domain of Cocaine I placed inside and around their ship rage/psychedelic cocaine that took effect immediately as I watched frozen blood splatter into the great empty as ork turned on ork. The larges one stood almost fifty feet tall covered in metal from jaw to toe. He grabbed the smaller Orks shoving them into its mouth and chewing them up. While he was doing this a tidal wave of other Orks crashed into him. The tidal wave didn't only attack him they turned into an orgy of blood and metal as ork killed and ate ork to only be eaten in turn.

Standing on top of a mountain of his kin the giant ork painted with blood and ork bits hanging out of his mouth. Every ork paused watching him in anticipation. Waiting for the other shoe to drop as the once-paused orks tore after him with reckless abandon. I couldn't hear what was said but it must have pissed off the big Ork as he began moving with agility something his size didn't have any right to. Instead of waiting on the tidal wave of his WAAAGH to reach him, he moved and he met the wave slashing down with lighting claws cutting and rending flesh making waves of baked blood splatter onto his small moon base.

Watching as the Orks all turned on the closest combatants butchering each other until only a handful were left with only them and the Ork-warboss who still stood upon the mountain of corpses. The cocaine's effects wore off as they all looked around waving their hands and screaming. None of the yelling Ork's voices reached me as they celebrated grabbing some of the meat laying around from their once comrades' bodies, ripping them apart, and eating them.

As entertaining as this was I reached out and willed them away from around me deleting them from here. Chuckling to myself as I went back to my adventure lazily floating around what was left of the sea of souls.

A/N: A lot of stuff happened over the holidays so I could only now come back but it may not for long. Have too much going on to dedicate the time like I used to so I may only be able to do one or two stories a week at most. Between this new job, and taking care of my family I have little energy left for writing at least for free. But I don't feel like my writing is worth being paid for so I may open either a Cash. app/Patr3on/koi fish to accept donations to help pay some bills if I am doing this long term. Thanks for reading Hope you enjoyed it.