
Chapter 66:- Meeting of Nepo-Istar Territory [IV]

Listening to Aditya's direct warning, Ethan's face turned pale. "At most, it would take his Majesty one week. By then the whole Nepoca Kingdom would fall in our hands. We simply could have attacked back after defeating the force of 50,000. But we didn't. His Majesty was kind enough to call for this meeting yet you're disrespecting his kindness." Watson's words added more pressure on King Ethan.

"So what are you going to do now King Ethan? Will you choose to give up a part of your territory or will you choose to lose your entire territory with your life?" Aditya drank the remaining wine inside the glass as he waited for Ethan to answer.

Both Watson and Aditya knew that they have managed to push King Ethan to the corner. By limiting his options, he would have no choice but to agree with Aditya's conditions.

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