
Dragon Lord travels the Multiverse

Kalis Kalikrates is by far the most powerful dragon in existence, but due to circumstances caused by his action, he must flee from Gods and demons alike. Follow Kalis epic journey through the Multiverse, as he fight against Gods and horrors beyond the veil.

DrewMeister · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 2:A Dragon's Repentance

Kalis roams the ruinous planet, as blazing flames and a broken city surrounds him. It was all quiet now, save for the crackling of fire, and the whistling wind. He looked around the skeletal city, charred and broken, like the carcass of a grand beast left to rot.

He does not hear the cries of the Shakti people any longer. He could feel their life essence slowly epping away back into the ethers, where all energies of mortal coils returned.

They are dying, and he was to blame. If not for him, would Unidrexas even think to come here.

As he prowls at the center city, oval shape in design, he stops. Wondering the streets, cradling a dead woman in his arms, was a man Kalis knew all too well. Kalis crept towards him, slowly so as not to frighten him. When Kalis got close, the Shakti man stopped, his jagged ears perked, as he turned.

The Shakti stared blankly at the beast before him, gazing into its eyes. He closes his own, awaiting whatever fate befalls him. He just wants it all to end.

"Khani,"The beast rumbled. And yet, its voice holds a sense of familiarity. The Shakti known as Khani opens his eyes and looks up. Khani stared into the eyes of the beast again, only this time, he knew of them. Orbs of lava flow, with pupils of starlight.

They belong to a friend that Khani knew. A friend who came from beyond the stars, who helps them with tending crops, shows them new wonders and ideas. A friend who may be responsible for his world destruction.

"K-Ka-lis," Khani's voice cracked, hoarse by the act of screaming.

"Yes," Kalis said, softly. "It is me." He looks down upon the limb frame that Khani carries. A deep gash of purple blood covered her chest. Charred flesh of arms and legs, bent into angles that shouldn't be possible.

Kalis could not tear his eyes away. Transfixed by her mangled body, as though he hardly believed that it was real. Her name was Terra. A beautiful woman who brings joy to those around her. She even brought out the secret depression out of Kalis.

And now she is gone. His voice shudders, his body quakes uncontrollable. Kalis was trying his best to repress a guttural roar that would most certainly destroy the planet. He bottles in the frustration, chaining it down until he was far away.

Khani, as though instinctively sensing Kalis' mood, holds Terra's body in a protective manner.

"Kalis," Khani voice was more firm now, steadier than ever.

"When that...thing came into our world,"Khani began. "Tell me, why did that being seek you? Why destroy our world to draw you out?"

Kalis did not respond. How could he begin to unravel the many intrinsics layers of the politics of deities, and the wars taking place even now.

Khani sighed.

"I supposed it doesn't matter now." He looked around the ruined cityscape. Desolate rubbles that would put natural disasters and battlefields to shame.

"Everything is so quiet now, and everyone is sleeping." Khani bowed his head. "I believe that I should hate you for this, for bringing that monster here. But… I'm just so tired Kal, I don't have it in me to care about anything anymore."

Kalis did not like what he was hearing. He did wish to see this side of Khani. To see him this despondent, this close of despair that would have driven many to the brink of insanity.

Kalis knew of both him and Terra for three years. A short span of time for him, but one that he treasure deeply. And now, those memories are shattered by the tragedy befalling around.

"Khani,"Kalis said, "This will be the last time we see each other."

Khani's eyes widened a fraction, but nodded solemnly.

"No manner of apology would fix what I allowed to happen. But as a friend that you once knew, I asked you to do me one last favor."

Khani gave a dry chuckle, as he smiled wryly at Kalis. "I suppose one favor can't not hurt."

Kalis breathes deeply before exhaling. "Close your eyes and I shall make it quick."

Khani did as he was told, holding Terra close to him. Kalis pupils of starlight grew brighter than ever, radiating power. The energy that governs the universe swirls around him, obeying his will.

"For all its worth," Kalis lamented softly. "I am truly sorry for everything. And I hope that you'll find happiness this time."

'This time?' Khani never had the chance to ask Kalis what he meant. When Khani opens his eyes, a golden light engulfs him whole, erasing the world around.


Khani has no concept of how long he's been unconscious. Moments ago he was there before Kalis, holding the body of Terra, and the next he was nowhere. He felt as though he had no body, no sense of self. But he was aware.

The feeling of warmth surrounded him, like being cocoon before metaphorizing, or being inside a womb before birth. It was the oddies feeling he ever had, but pleasant nonetheless. A warm hand caresses his face, and he leans towards it.

How Familiar that touch was.

"Khani," A soft feminine whisper to his ears. And that voice, it couldn't be could it?

"Khani?" The voice was very urgent this time.

Worried etched her tone.

"Terra," Khani whispered her name, refusing to believe that she was actually near.

"Khani, is something wrong, why are your eyes closed?"

And yet the way she spoke, the concern, it sounded so genuine. He opened his eyes and saw...her.

There she was. Standing there with worry. Her skin is a healthy shade of cobalt, frizzy hair, and eyes of merigold. A beautiful voluptuous woman. A woman that Khani once held in her lifeless body. He looked around.

The city of white marble stone, glistened under the rays of a white star. His people, the Shakti'Arrs, are celebrating the summer festivals, as though the tragedy that befalls their world never. He looks up to the mint colored skies, as ships of all sizes sails through the air like fishes in the sea.

Everything was back to normal. How was this possible?

"You alright there, Khani, you've been standing like a statue for quite a minute now." Terra placed her hand on Khani's forehead. "Maybe we should head home, you do kinda feel warm."

Khani shook his head. "N-no...I'm perfectly fine." He gazes into her eyes, searching. It was her, nothing about her was fabricated or made up in his mind. Which means all that surrounds him was real as well. So how? How was Kalis able to do this? Khani had long realized that Kalis was powerful, but never to this extent. It was as though he brought back every individual on the planet and fixed the world back as it were.

To be able to muster such a task was beyond conceivable.

Terra frowned at him as she placed her hands on her hips.

"Are you sure you alrig-"

Terra couldn't finish her sentence as she was embraced by Khani, almost tumbling to the ground.

"Khani!?" She yelped in surprise. "Just what's gotten into you!?"

"S-sorry,"He stammered, tears falling freely from his eyes. "I'm just very glad that you're here. That Kalis made everything right again."

Confused as she was, Terra nonetheless patted him on the back, embracing him.

"I have no idea what's going on, but." She pulled from him, giving Khani the biggest smile, the warmest smile he had ever seen.

"Everything will be alright. So quit ya crying, you big baby."

Khani chuckled loudly, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Also,"Terra began, puzzled. "Whose Kalis?"


Blitzing through space like a shooting star, flames of gold and violet covered his body, Kalis left the world of Shaktara, never to return again. It was a vow he made with himself. Kalis believes that if he should stay, more problems will arise.

And though Unidrexas will no longer hunt him, that isn't to say that others won't take his place. Kalis will find a place to rest. And from then on, he will have to make a decision. Will he continue to be prey or become the predator?

A choice that will most likely be forced upon him.

But he'll gladly put the Gods in their place. And shows them how foolish it will be to challenge a Dragon Lord.