
Dragon Lord travels the Multiverse

Kalis Kalikrates is by far the most powerful dragon in existence, but due to circumstances caused by his action, he must flee from Gods and demons alike. Follow Kalis epic journey through the Multiverse, as he fight against Gods and horrors beyond the veil.

DrewMeister · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 1: The wild hunt for a Dragon.

Above a world bath in flames, with cities once majestic and beautiful, now a ruinous relic. A being of otherworldly origins hover above it all with indifference. Unidraxes, gaze upon a world in suffering, caused by his hands. Gilded in silver armors that radiate like the stars in heaven, with skin as black as Cassiterite marbled by ruby red lines tracing down horizontally underneath his eyes, arms and legs. Muscle bulging from underneath his armor. His wild silver mane fluttered through the wind.

His bushy brows furrowed as flaming eyes narrowed from down below. Unidraxes, hears the cries and anguish of the creatures below. They beg, plead, and try their best to run away from their homes' destruction. But above all else, they pray.

They pray to their Gods for safety, deliverance and mercy. They prayed and hoped that their gods answered. But none came to their aid. Unidrexas Scoff at such a display.

"Naive fools," He grumbled, crossing his arms.

"Why depend on others and not yourself. What sense does it make to ask an assistant towards beings without knowing their intent or purpose. Why pray, when time again and again they paid little heed. It is utter insanity."

"But can you blame them though?" A voice inquired on his right. "How can creatures such as they hope to fight against forces beyond their understanding. Why, it is as though you demand insects fight against the sun."

Unidrexas glanced and sneered at the interloper in his midst.

"You have no business here Veximus," Unidrexas growled. "Return back to your domain or face the same fate that will befall the beast when it comes."

Veximus shook his head as he sighed.

"Always violence with you, never once have you entertain the thought of pleasantry first. I suppose that's the closest thing I'll ever get to a greeting from a barbarian."

Unidrexas narrowed his eyes, fire blazing hot white within his socket.

"I'll not be baited this day, Viper. The beast will come soon and unless you plan to aid me, stay out of my way."

Veximus gave a casual shrug, and sat down on empty air in the sky, defying the natural order of laws of physics.

"I'm not going anywhere," He stated coolly. "Besides, seeing you fail on so many occasions is a great source of entertainment. Ah, I wondered if you'll actually be eaten alive this time. Or maybe be burnt to a crisp under the Dragon flames. Tell me Unidrexas, how far do you believe his mercy will extend, despite your history with each other."

Unidrexas ignored his taunts and glared at the open orange sky. The sun would be setting soon.

Veximus gave a toothy grin. As much he loves toying with the man, he'll gain more satisfaction when the humiliation begins anew. Chasing after the same Leviathan for aeons.

Veximus was a being of ambiguous sex, his golden brown skin was contrast to his fiery coarse red hair of shoulder length curls. His eyes were ruby red which appeared to glow under the right lighting.

He wore a three piece suit, a solid color of primary black and red.

Veximus waited patiently for the great beast to arrive, but not before taking a longful gaze upon the world below. The inhabitants didn't stand a silver of a chance. When Unidrexas came to their world, laying waste to their defenses, and decimating their armies, the Shakti'Ar were like helpless sheep being slaughtered by a raging behemoth.

Veximus felt quite the pity for them, but not enough to risk a fight with Unidraxes. At least not at the moment. Unidraxes did all of this, to draw the great dragon attention. How effective that will be is left to be seen.

Does the creature in question care for such a display of brutality?

And all this for the dragon. For Kalis Kalikrates. Once a friend and hero of the wars of eternity. Now a branded traitor and murderer against the Hegemony of the high seven sovereign.

It is only when Veximus felt the fluctuation of ether energies, that they both notice that it came from up above. In the sky colored in merigold, space and reality itself seems to ripple and unwind. Cracks form like broken glass, which appears to manifest into the heavens.

Unidrexas grin wildly, like a mad dog on the hunt.

"There you are," Unidrexas said, exhilaration building up within him.

Veximus has witnessed the dragon prowess before, yet it always amazes him how it makes its entrance. He gazes at the display of power with slack jaw and befuddlement.

It was like a tear in the fabric of reality, as a pulsating wound stretching far and wide like veins. It grew in size, as a dimensional tide of indistinguishable colors spilled out into the known reality. The way it wrapped around them and tried to press both Vex and Unidrexas down with force, was unimaginable.

Veximus has to admit, it was such an overwhelming presence that it was beyond suffocating, but that also seemed to excite Unidrexas more.

Any survivor caught by the dimensional energy tide, was cawtowed to the ground, as though huge hands slammed them down in place.

When the wound stopped its spread and covered half the sky in neon light, the dragon that they were waiting for, had arrived.

A colossal scaled hand of midnight, reaches out, iridescence under the rays of the sun and glimmer like the multiclass vibrancy of pearls.

Then, the regal feature of the dragon peered forth. The rest of its body follows suit, sailing out as its majestic frame grace the planet below. Veximus drifted in the sky, as he gazed upon the dragon Kalis Kalikrates, in reverence.

Towering over them like a looming mountain, with nine serpentine long tails writhing in agitation. Kalis glared directly at Unidrexas with disgust. His orange eyes and pupils of white pearls and starlight turn to dangerous slits.

This world, and the inhabitant upon it, did not deserve Unidrexas ire. For what reason did this man commit such an act of atrocity.

"All this was to garner your attention." Unidrexas stated. There was not even a trace of shamed as he proclaim genocide as his way of drawing Kalis to him.

"You've visited this world quite often than most Kalis. It was easy to track your venture into a simple pattern." Unidrexas cast a insunciently look down below. Those that still live stare at Kalis with more fear than they had with Unidrexas. Even one man below, one that holds Kalis rapt notice most of all than the others.

He held the limb frame of a beautiful woman in bridal carry fashion. Like all Shakti'Ar race, with jagged ears, long thin tails, and various skin tones of blue. The male firm body was a cobalt colored and short black hair, while the woman- once a lapis now an arctic hue.

Kalisar could not feel the very essence of life emanating from her. She was no longer a part of this world. "Ignore them, Kalis," Unidraxes roar, catching the beast of myth scrutiny.

"Your focus should be on me and me alone. Otherwise your death is assured." Unidrexas grabs hold of a hilt strap to his side. Kalis growled, his teeth bared. He knows that weapon. Though bladeless now, it is by far the most terrifying weapon in all of creation. An instrument of war, which is told to rival beings of omnipotence.

Veximus, further away from Unidrexas, eyes wide in astonishment, was appalled that he would use such a weapon.

"The Akashic Bane," Veximus muttered in disbelief.

From within the hilt shaft, a pale blue light was slowly emitted. In a flash, the light shot out from the hilt. It elongated and curved, turning into a saber of raging flames of octave blue. The air crack at its mere presence, as tidal waves of powerful wind current carries off like a booming hurricane.

"As acting agent of your judge and executioner," Unidrexas boom. "I give you two choices. Return at once to the high heavens and face trials or," He got in a fighting stance, His frame croached, legs apart, Akashic bane raised in the air with both of his hands. "Died here where you are-"

Kalisar strikes with blinding speed, cutting Unidrexas mid-sentence. His clawed hand raised to swat at Unidrexas torso. But Unidraxes was just as fast as he parried Kalisar blows. Deafening boom echoes with the clash alone. Veximus was almost blown away from the sheer force unfolding.

"I see that you made your decision," Unidraxes grinned, "Good, I prefer this option better. Show me your full might, Kalikrates."

Kalis let out a blood curdling roar, which shook the very heavens and caused the planet below to quake.

"Well I certainly don't want to be close to you two." Veximus said, floating away from them and hoping not to be caught in the crossfire. He really doesn't want his suit to be ruined.

"Try not to die together, okay. It'll be a proper mess if I carry two dead bodies."

But none of the two paid him any heed, as they glared at one another with killing intent. The air fizzled around them, space itself warped and distorted. The inhabitants that still lived look on in fear, the prospect of the two monsters fighting above their heads sends chills down their spine.

The man carrying the dead woman in his arms stands resolute, accepting whatever fate befalls him. If this was to be his final moments, so be it. At least he'll soon join his Beloved in death.

The two beings of absolute power look for any opening the other had. Weighing the options of when to strike.

Minutes pass, as foreboding premonition of promise destruction eschewing on the world.

Then, with a thunderous crack, Unidraxes and Kalisar blitz towards each other with a clash. Massive shockwaves erupted from their collision, as the sheer force shook the entirety of the planet. Buildings crumbled, earth split open into huge crevices and fissures. The Shakti'Ar fled as best they could, but most were either swallowed whole by the massive cracks or crushed by the structure they crafted. Their battle rages, unrelenting amongst the clouds, as the heavens themselves appear to break away under their might.

Unidrexas jab his blade towards Kalisar's heart only to be swatted away by the dragon paw hand. Kalis lunged forward, jaws wide open with the intent of biting off his enemy head, only for Unidrexas to pirouette away, this maneuver caused him to be blindsided by one of Kalisar's looming tail.

With a resounding smash, Unidrexas flung across the sky, and crashed down on the beach shore. Water splashed into the air, before falling down like rain.

The dragon Kalis was already upon him before Unidrexas had the chance to Stand. He held up the Akashic Bane, as the pale-blue energy morphed and changed, and incase him in a forcefield.

The Leviathan slammed his paws down on Unidrexas protected shield, causing tremors beneath them but the barrier held firm. Realizing it had no effect, Kalis let out a frustrated roar as he pummeled down the spherical barrier repeatedly. His hands were blurs as he struck down Unidrexas protected shielding. The divine being struggled to hold the barrier in place, as cracks were giving way. Unidrexas held out his left hand while still gripping the Akashic bane. Pinprick of orange light danced on the palm of his hand, culminating into a ball of energy.

Kalis saw this display, and sneered. The dragon leaped back as a concentrated beam of orange light shot out where he once stood. The roaring pillar of light darkened the sky under its heavy ray before dying out.

Unidrexas stood up and huffed. He glared at the dragon with regards. Kalis returned the gesture. He held back, not running towards him like before, uncertain of Unidrexas next move.

"You're quite powerful Kalis, your achievements in the past proves that fact," Unidrexas noted, leveling kalis a look. "You could, in a moment's notice, end this fight whenever you wish." His gaze hardened, as his grip on the Akashic bane tightened.

"So for what reason do you hold back? Do you enjoy toying with me, you monster."

Kalis did not respond, his silence only served to infuriate Unidrexas.

"Very well then, if you won't take this battle seriously there is only one path left for me to take-."

Unidrexas points his finger unto the sky, the stratosphere above ripples as the orange sky darken into grey. Hundreds of purple swirls of fire covered the heavens above. Kalis's eyes narrowed as the temperature of the planet rose slightly warmer.

"And that path," Unidrexas eyes gleamed in violet flame as he glared down at his foe. "IS TOTAL DESTRUCTION!"

He cast his finger downward, pointing at Kalisar's general direction. The purplish swirls spirals into deadly vortexes.

"Moto wa Milele, Ingris!"

(Eternal fire, ingris.)

Roaring fire blasts down to Kalisar position, faster than the speed of light. The hulking leviathan vanished where he stood, as the beam-like plasma smashed down the ground. The earth erupted into a brilliant color of purple explosion.

Kalis bounded upon the ground below, as the bombardment of raging flames followed his every move. Despite his size, Kalis was as nimble and agile as a feline, he avoided the scorching fire with ease, though he could not say the same for those caught in the crossfire.

Whenever the flames of ingris touch, living or otherwise, were completely atomized. Kalis passes by a few survivors, avoiding stepping on them. Only for them to die by fire, never having the chance to scream.

Ingris, powerful etheric source of all flames, which is said to be capable of destroying entire universes. A power that Unidrexas mastered.

Kalis gritted his mulors, he couldn't stay on the defensive for long. He'll have to end this now, before any more damage becomes irreparable.

A spinning ball of white fire dances within his maw. The plan that was brewing within his mind, will only work if Unidrexas falls for it. And oh, how he hopes that Unidrexas actually does.

Kalis halts his sprinting, skidding down a once proud city center, now a skeletal charred ruin. He points his maws towards the purple flames falling towards him like homing missiles. Kalis discharged the white inferno from his jaws, as it raged towards the purple fire with a deafening cry.

The white hot fire engulfed the purple flames and disintegrated them in an instant. It slammed against the wall of purple vortexes, roaring towards the sky like a pillar reaching the heavens gate. It pierce through, continuing on through space, resulting in the wall vortex to vanish and a deep gashed tearing through the stratosphere, exposing the cosmos.

Unidrexas took advantage of this momentary distraction, as he materialized under the dragon.

"You're wide open!"

He proclaimed, planning to strike at Kalisar's heart once more.

Kalisar grin mischievously. Just as planned.

Kalisar caught the Akashic bane with his bare hand, catching Unidrexas by surprise. The blade of eldritch origins pierce through Kalis palm, inchor spilling from the open wound. Kalis stifled a cry of pain, and held firm on his enemy weapon. The act of Kalis injuring himself baffled Unidrexas, which was enough time for the dragon to act. Balling his left claw into fist, kalisar threw a blinding fast right hook, and with a thunderous boom sent Unidrexas flying through the air. He crashed through several buildings until he came to a booming stop into a distant mountain.

The dragon did not relent as a spinning ball of flame erupted from his maws. He let loose a deafening blow as the fire spewed forth, incinerating all that stood in its path. It atomized several buildings until it slammed against the mountain from whence Unidrexas lay.

The fire imploded upon the mountain, casting the world in its radiants, as dawn turned into twilight grey until the world simmered down to its natural hues.

Nothing remains but trails of destruction before Kalis, a linear line of burning embers and scorched earth. And the mountain was all but obliterated out of existence. Kalis would have let out a victorious roar, knowing that his enemy may have been soundly defeated.

But he was not naive. Unidrexas was a great warrior, a warrior who has fought cosmic horrors that wrought suffering and madness. A God who had no rivals upon the battlefield until Kalis was born.

He doubts such a meager display of power would be the end of Unidrexas the butcher. Silence descended upon the world, save for the crackle of fire that ragings on and the howling wind.

Kalis waited, with the patient of a predator that stalks its prey. The moment Unidrexas comes up from the debris, Kalisar will cut him down. And from the ashes, Unidrexas rises. The armor was covered in dust but otherwise umbleamised. He suffered harshed burns, but in unearthly fashion the wounds are healing in rapid cession. Kalis expected this. The armor was also made of the same material of the hilt. It explains why Unidrexas remain unscathed for so long.

Kalis let out a billowing roar, leaping towards Unidrexas before he had a chance to stand. This must end. He will kill Unidrexas here and now. Failing to do that, will be an endless cycle of hunter and prey. And ridding himself of Unidrexas will convince others of his ilks that coming for him will be their biggest mistake.

His claws were almost upon him, prone to rend armor and flesh. It would have all been over. The man before him, his eyes widened in surprise, nothing in his general arsenal would be able to stop the final blow. The dragon attack would finally kill his ancient enemy. And once a long time friend and father figure.

The attack came down as though a meteor struck the planet. A deafening boom resounded across the entirety of the world, as shockwaves blasts away and alright obliterates any object in a thousand miles radius.

Dust clouds swept away towards the city of the Shakti'Ar like a tidal wave. More buildings crumbles, and few unfortunate Shakti'Arians was lifted off their feets and cast away to the wind as if they were weightless paper.

The world quakes beneath, as the landscape breaks apart, and the sea rises and churn in chaotic whirlpools.

When all the destruction was happening around the dragon, his main focus was on his enemy. He roars in indignation, his cacophony rages on across the world.

Unidrexas still lives and it was the aid of the other interloper. What Kalis intended for, was to skewer Unidrexas in half. Instead, his claws caught the near invisible vector field. Aura-like in appearance, it manages to stop the full might of Kalis blow.

Kalis growled in hostility, as Veximus stood before him. His hands outstretched, his legs buckled, and breath unsteady as he tried to gather Ether into his system.

His golden brown skin lost some of its vibrancy. And if his entire ragged body was any indication, Veximus looks as though he could collapse at any moment.

"That." He inhales, trying to muster his strength. "This whole...ha… vector...field...ha… took all it had from me...ha… to… oh heavens.."

He bent down, using his one hand to land on his knee while the other still holding the vector shield in place. Using the best of his time to gather his bearings. He was quite thankful that Kalis didn't straight out killed him and Unidrexas,

Inhaling deeply, he gazes into Kalisar's eyes. Those starlight pupils, beautiful and yet horrifying to behold. Still, Veximus kept his panic in check and stood up in a stoic fashion. Unidrexas was befuddled by the whole endeavor.

What could compel Veximus to save his life?

"Damn Kal,"Veximus exclaimed, straining to keep the vector field at bay. "You sure as hell weren't holding back on that attack. Look, you even caused a fracture on the shield I'm holding."

Kalis's eyes narrowed. He didn't entertain a thought to respond. His clawed hand grip tighter unto the vector force, causing it to rippled and fizzle before their very eyes.

It was like grasping paper, all it took was one squeezed and his enemies would be defenseless.

This display of might, sent a panic chill down Veximus spine.

"Wait, just wait a minute now, let's not get hasty here." Said Veximus in a panic tone.

Trying to remedy an angry Dragon was not one of his to do list. Hell, he has no idea why he is even trying to save Unidrexas. History maybe? Their past with each other was quite the complex one. A history which was paved in war, of lost, and perhaps a once kinship which now soured through the eons.

"Kalis," He said softly. "Allow me to say my piece and then make your decision. Please, that is all I asked." Veximus was pleading? Kalis was caught off guard by this, as well as Unidrexas.

Veximus let out a tired sigh.

"Oh come now, it's not as if I'm some stuck up asshole. I say please all the time, I just kinda phrase it differently." He said, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

The blank expression of Kalis made Veximus shake his head.

"Okay whatever, onto the main topic." Veximus again gazes into Kalis's eyes, hoping that the lumbering beast was still a friend that he once knew.

"Kal," He began hoping by using Kalis nickname would cause the familiarity of their past. "What I'm about to ask of you is selfish beyond anything you're willing to allow."

Veximus took a deep shaky breath. He was definitely stepping on a ticking time bomb after his next words.

"Will you please spare Unidrexas life."

The air seems to be still after his request. Silence descended around them as cold chills seeped into Vex being. Veximus could hear only the thunderous beat of his heart with every passing second. Kalis didn't react or respond. He just stared at him with a frosty gaze. It was all Kalis seemed to do. And it frightened Veximus to no end of comfort.

Unidrexas tensed up, prepared for anything. His Akashic bane still lodges in the dragon's hands. Did Kalis not feel pain anymore?

The intense tranquility was shattered in an instant, as Kalisar broke the vector shield within his grasp with a crunch.

Apprehension crossed Vex's face as Kalisar was just about to cut him down.

There was no hesitation, or any signs of mercy, as Kalis was ready to kill him as well as Unidrexas.

The back of his suit was pulled from behind, as Unidexas strode forth.

"Get behind me." Unidrexas commanded. Unidrexas was going to try to tank Kalis blows. Even with the armor, kalis would tear Unidrexas into bloody ribbens.

Despite he pleds despite the history they shared, and the suffering they all endured, in Kalisar's eyes, they were just enemies, nothing but obstacles in his way. Veximus understands Kalis vitriol towards Unidrexas, but to go after him as well, that crosses the line.

"Dammit Kalis, this isn't what Juniper would have wanted!" He screams.

Kalisar raged, as he slammed his paw crashing down. Shockwaves erupted as dust flew into the air. Veximus was certain it would be the end of him. Kalis was keen on killing Unidexas, why show him any leniency as well. And yet, when he opened his eyes, Veximus was unscathed as well as Unidrexas, both of them shocked at the turn of events. Kalis' hand was a few feet away from crushing them. Veximus let loose a long sigh that he didn't notice he held on for so long.

'LEAVE' Kalis demanded, His tone dripping with finality. 'AND NEVER APPEAR BEFORE ME AGAIN.'

Veximus bobbed his head erratically.

"Yes, we'll leave right away, isn't that right Drex."

"NO." Unidrexas refused right away. A statement which seems to rile up Kalis more. He crushed the akashic bane that lodged in his hand. Leaking ichor from the open wound, and glared at Unidrexas.

Unidrexas look into Kalis' eyes steely.

"I cannot refuse orders of a sovereign supreme, no matter my desire of it or not."

Veximus sighed in dismay.

"Of course you wouldn't, even though you could easily challenge one of their positions if you wanted." Veximus seethed.

Veximus held out his hand. Pinprick of light gathered together to form a scroll in golden parchment.

He displayed it for all of them to see.

"This scroll was handed down by Lala'hojo themselves." Veximus said. "By their command you are to stop any and all pursuit of Kalis Kalikrates, and return to the higher planes for further notice."

Unidrexas scrutinized the parchment, before huffing in acknowledgement.

"Their will shall be done." Unidrexas intone. He looks to Kalis, mulling over a decision in his mind.

He nodded.

"Be well Kalis," He said, "My goodwill to you on whatever journey you may take."

Kalis turns away from him, refusing to acknowledge Unidrexas any further.

"Begone," Kalis demanded, his voice rumbling the very earth.

Veximus and Unidrexas nodded without question. Within seconds, pillars of light-golden white, engulf them whole. They jump to the sky, soaring like missiles towards the crimson soaked heavens.

Kalis watched them go, making certain that they left for good. They were like the many flickering stars, only they shone the brightest. Eventually they left for good, leaving Kalis upon a broken world.

One that he must make right.

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