
Dragon in the world of Beastmen

Charlotte after her second life came to an end in the apocalypse, was reincarnated in the world of Beastmen! with a different common sense from the two worlds and still can't forget the two people she fell in love with, can she adapt in this new world quickly?! **author note** English is my second language so I apologize to you all for my grammar error and repeating words! also although I put this novel in the male oriented category it is for all times of people especially woman, I put it the because there are no tags for harem in the female category soooo ╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭ please don't be mad at me and hope you enjoy this novel! PS. it may or may not be FxMxMxxx or MxFxM or even MxMxFxMxM. you all just have to find out.

Mimisugar_22 · Fantasy
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10 Chs


Whene Charlotte came to her senses what greated her was darkness, floating in this realm felt like eternity to her.

Charlotte can't understand why she was there at the beginning.

'hmmn, so this is what death feels like?'

Although the feeling was comfortable she felt the urgent need to see the light. However when she started to move her body she can't feel her limbs, however she did moved from her place.

Motivated she continues to go forward, searching for a way out or even find a little light in this endless darkness. After a long time that felt like centuries for her she was suddenly attracted to a light shining faintly in front of her, moving as fast as she can untill all her senses was covered in a blinding light.

Feeling the comfort of the bright surroundings she suddenly felt sleepy after a long time Ang fell into a deep slumber in the next moment.

Charlotte came to her senses after the comfortable sleep she had ever felt ever since she can remember, maybe even before the apocalypse or even before she stepped into college, not to mention her miserable first life ,she never slept so comfortably before.

She observed her surroundings once more, it was still dark but the difference is that it felt sticky and cramp in here, just moving her limbs also felt so tiring. However unlike the abyss before she felt warm submerged in this liquid like the warm embrace of her mother, feeling the surrounding warmth she felt sleepy once more, in addition to moving her limbs and observing earlier Charlotte succumbed to the sleep.

Meanwhile as Charlotte succumbed to slumber, outside her enclosure.

The place was surrounded by tall and thick trees, as tall and thick as The General Sherman trees. With this branches at the top shading the area with a few fleeting lights shining to the land bellow the gialt trees.

Right now under one of the smaller but still comparable thic tree, was a scaly red egg resting in the soft long gass and flowers surrounding it. The warm sunlight flitted through the leaves and shining lightly at the egg in a comfortable light.

Although this was a dangerous forest, no demonic beast dared to invade this particular area. There are however small creatures running around and doing their own things, the 'normal' animals that are in some way a source of food to living creatures living in this territory.

Suddenly a rustle came from a nearby bush, and a creature looking like a rabbit but with a rounded body and busshy tail suddenly appear.

It hop around cautiously got near the egg when sensing the has no odors of potential predators, as it got closer it sniff the air around the egg and tilted it's head in confusion.

It has never seen this kind of eggs before, although it look like the ones laid by the ground birds, the red egg has a strange color and weard patterns on the surface.

It wiggled it's nose of a moment and after staring at the egg with it's blue gem like eyes, it suddenly raised it's paws and smack the surface of the egg.

It shake it frot paws that just smack the egg as it felt it's hard outer shell, it concluded that it can't be eaten like the eggs of the ground birds. It even doubted if it's an egg at all, after all how can there be an egg as hard as a rock laid by those fat birds?

It concluded that it was just a strange looking big rock, suddenly the ' Rock' started moving slightly after it was smacked cousing the round furball to jump in its place and ran in a bush beside it.

After awhile it emerged it's round head and look at the ' Rock' strangely and cautiously, after a moment of pause it went back beside the egg again and observed it more closely.

It lightly tap the surface once more and felt the warmth radiating from it's surface and ting for a second, after tilting it's head for awhile it's big bright eyes suddenly bright up.

It has decided, it would be it sleeping stone from now on!

It snorted proudly and puff out it's chest and put it's hands on its tummy proudly, but it thought of the problem.

How is it supposed to take it to its nest?

It tried rolling it with it's head but it's just too heavy and big for it, the egg was almost the same size as it but felt much more heavier that it

It tried multiple other ways but still can't move the egg even an inch from its place.

exhausted, it lay atop the egg and rested, it moved it's head around and saw that this place has an abundance of food, like berries and it's favorite leafy sweet plans.

It suddenly has a brilliant idea!

It will stay here from now on!

I'm such a brilliant little bunny, the smartest in the whole forest!

But, where should it sleep?

It look around for a moment and started to dig, deciding to just dig if there's so place to stay near it sleeping rock

It suddenly heard a sound like wood rubbing and squeaking, not like it know what sound that is.

It raised it's head vigilantly and was ready to rud when it saw small hole In the tree roots, exited it didn't even bother where the sound even com from and directly inspected the hole.

It perfectly fit it and it's quite spacious inside, the space is quite big and it can even store it's fruits in a corner, now if it could just push that hot rock inside everything will be perfect and ready to live in.

It turned around and was hit with the rolling egg, it was slightly dizzy after the egg rolled into a corner and subconsciously look outside and caught a glimpse of a swaying brown vine.

It thought nothing of it as it suddenly jump up and started moving inside and outside the hole, cleaning it and puting fort grass and leaves inside it now new residence.

Happily bouncing around and filling the corner with it fruits and leaves it would eat later, rolling the egg to the center of the space with great difficulty until it was exhausted and hungry.

After tiring itself for a long time it started it's meal and lay on top of it's new stone bed, changing it position into a comfortable one laying on top of it and gradually falling asleep.

Outside, the tree leaves swayed with the winds as the sky gradually darkened and the sun retreating to the distant horizon, gradually darkening the ones bright sky. Encasing the Forest into a comfortable silence and the only sound is the swaying leaves and songs of crickets in the bushes.

Meanwhile our unsuspected protagonist earlier was awakend slightly from the blow the rabbit delivered to her she'll and uncomfortable moved as she felt like her whole world is shaking and was slightly dizzy. But she gradually fell into a deep slumber once again after shifting her position, emersed in the warm liquid.

' so annoying.'. That was her last thought as she fell into slumber, being unaware of her nearly becoming a meal by a bunny and being turned into a warm bed by the same bunny.

And so the night pass peacefully in the Misty Forrest, outside of it however is not so peaceful. As danger lurk around the border of the forest of tall trees. The edge of the Misty Forest is still a Forest, however the trees here are not as tall the the ones inside the Misty Forest and not as peaceful.

Danger lurk every where as the hidden shadows contain hidden dangers, with dangerous beast and berserk animals inhabiting under the shadows of the trees.