

The sky was a blazing red without a cloud in sight as I stare at it.

Yet it felt dark, gloomy, and despair was in this environment.

I pulled my attention back from the sky to the battle that will ensue. On a distant baren horizone at the edge of our forest , full of abandoned and dilapidated buildings, was a massive black cloud that threaten to swallow every building and soon what was left of life too.

I stare at it atop the high walls of the underground shelter as I recalled the past before this apocalypse happened ten years ago.

At that time I was still a fresh graduate of the arts academy, taking my first step to society.

Thinking my plans for the future, thinking of finally living with my Lover in our own flat, maybe adopting a pup and a kitten. Starting my internship at an art museum, and gaining experience.

Untill the sudden appearance of the blood red Moon approaching the sun.

The Blood moon covered the sun and at that moment the sky was forever a blood red color, be it in the morning of the darkest midnight time, it was still the same blood red colored.

With this phenomena animals started evolving, some People also start to evolved but mostly perished, becoming neither living nor dead.

Strange creatures also start appearing, like this hord of insect like creatures, having an insect body but the mouthparts are composed of tentacles and rows upon rows of sharp teeth.

They come in hords, and left death on its departure so we called them the Death hord. That's why we lived underground to avoid creatures like this.

At the time 3 months into the apocalypse, the government issued a bombardment of nuclear bombs for dangerous mutated animals and creatures that modern fire arms and bombs deem ineffective, resulting in multiple deaths of what left alive on that particular city inhabited by the undead and monster.

The results of their decision was a radioactive cities that can and still have important resources in them and a slitly injure lizard and Behemoth of a monsters residing in them. Some of these monsters escape with minimal injuries, or like the oversized lizard absorbing the radiation and evolving, becoming one of the walking disaster in the history of mankind till this date.

We build underground shelters, scavenging for resources on dangerous contaminated areas and mutated forest, hunting giant beast for their smelly and unappetizing meat for food or ended up being the food for these monsters. They are not limited to mutand beast and creatures by the way.

And those that can't hunt struggle to survive, males become scarce, and the young become scarcer.

In the early days of the apocalypse I struggle to survive with my Lover, as we go through dangerous zones one after another till we get to the current underground shelter. We were the only comfort for one another my light, my hope and my lifeline.

I felt so fortunate having him and not leaving me in the current erra where men are precious , even whene the powerful elders of the shelter was declined by him to be their consort.

He declined power, prestige, food, resources and a better, safer place to live.

He was one of the most beautiful and handsome male in our base, and a powerful one at that.

Untill I was announced his marriage with the bases powerful and influential woman, daughter of the base leader, become one of her male consorts upon my return from the danger zone.

That time he said he was cold, I notice that he have a pale complexion for a few days before my departure.

Worried I consulted my friend for possible cures, because even a simple cold can be deadly even when your a mutated human.

My friend was a reliable informat in the base and told me that there is a mutant beast that can be the cure, however when there are benefits there is danger.

It was an A rand Purple class dangerous beast, nearing the threshold of an S rank dangerous beast.

I was getting anxious as my lover become paler and paler by the day, afraid it might develop into pneumonia I made a decisive decision to go hunt the best for it's fur and blood. I bide farewell to him as I look at his presumably reluctant eyes as I departed.

At the 3rd year of the apocalypse I awakened my dragon bloodline, a feathered dragon to be exact. You might think I am extremely powerful but it contrary to your expectations.

My bloodline was unstable because of an interupted awakening and once in combat mode I need to finish it quickly or I might injure myself or my surroundings and ended up burning everything and that includes my lifespan. It's not helping that my bloodline seem to be full of impurities as I can't control my power freely.

Back to the topic, I venture to the supposed territory of the A level purple beast on the far south of the forest that surrounds the base. There I fought with my all, carful as to not scorch it's fur and cooking it's blood while avoiding being killed.

I eventually succeeded while being hevely injured, I wrap up the fur and bottled the purple blood and safely put them in a special box that can conceal it's aura and smell. Dragging my injured body and accidentally intruded into a creature's territory while on my way back.

It was a serpentine creature with a dark silhouette and a pair of small horns and arms, we fought for 3 days and since the serpent creature was injured I have manage to kill it with the cost of heavily injuring myself, adding more injuries.

I saw that it's guarding a strang flower fruit like plant and guest that it's for healing it's injured self, so I ended up consuming bothe the serpent and the fruit itself. Though it's unappetizing as the snake is burned you can't complain whene food is scarce.the fruit though was surprisingly sweet and I slightly regretted to it the whole thing without sharing to my lover.

After coming back to the shelter still heavily injured, that is when I heard his marriage with the base leader. I was in shock and disbelief, dragging my body to the place he now reside calling and waiting for his reply and for him to see me for an explanation or even an answer to why.

I waited for as long as I can remember till eventually passing out due to the pain in my stomach. Whene I wake up I was in my informat friend's residence. Staring blankly at the cealing before my friend can convince me after his sermon, I once again arrived at my once lover's residence requesting an appearance.

Yet what greated me was the wife of that man instead, she made an agreement to let me see her consort in exchange I would agree to the request of her's in the future , without hesitation I agreed.

I meet him once again, yet there was no questions I can ask, there was no need as he just stared at me coldly. Till eventually he opened his mouth.

" You must be wondering why I have done all those things. Why I have left you and chose to be one of her consorts?"

" .... "

" Well why do you think?.. it's because your weak, having no power and submissive. Your easy to be deceived. "

" A useless waste of my time."

" You should know your own position and stop waisting my time and embarrassing me in front of the whole base."

After a moment of silence I look at him silently, his face was still pale, with bloodless lips. I should feel angered and should despise him however all I felt at that moment was distress and concern for his well being, I guess I'm just a hopelessly in love idiot. But... At that moment I finally spoke.

"...you still have a cold." After finishing my sentence I placed the box containing the fur and blood on the table Infront of us, sliding it toward him.

His indefensible eyes instantly flicked something I can't quite catch but I did understand the following emotion, it was anger and disgust seemingly to directed to me.

" I don't need the things a useless waste like you anywhere near me." He said as he disdainfully glanced at the box. before he can reject further I hurriedly answered.

" It can only benefit you, and if you drink the blood Infront of me I will make sure to never bother you again, not even appearing in your sight, you can do anything to the fur as well."

He stared at the box for a moment as silence envelope us, and finally lifted the vial, opening the cork and drinking the blood directly as I watch him, making sure nothing bad happened and felt relived.

" Don you ever appear before me again, unless you are dying at least at that time I can watch you suffer in your last moment."

With that I left, I don't know anything after that as my life become hazy, all I know was my friend crying to pull myself together and to live on, so I did.

Untill five years later at the present time, Infront of me is the death hord.

I remember my conversation with the now head of the base woman that married my man. She now demanded to fulfill my end of the deal, and that was using my ability to burn myself and eradicate the death hord.

I thought of that conversation and I suddenly remembered that he already has a son, a 4 year old boy. I wonce glimps at them in the distance once, he was nothing like his father he resemble more of his mother,however he still is his child, his flesh and blood.

Maybe that's why I agreed to die, even after all this year's I still have feelings for him and thus want to protect everything related to him even that hateful woman.

As the hord got closer in the distance, I stood alone on the walls and take a breath of the stale and rancid smell in the air reminiscing of past memories one last time. When I slowly open my eyes as I heard the sound of my name being called.

" Charlotte!"

" Charlotte!!"

The man calling, that usually called me Lottie in a coquettishvoice and arrogant as feline like his name.

" Leo."

" Are you crazy! Why did you agreed to do what that woman told you! You IDIOT!" he said as he stop in front of me and grabbing me as he catches his breath.

" I have to, it has been agreed upon. I have to do one of her request unconditionally."

" You will die! You hear me?!" He stared at me with his feline forest green eyes as he tighten the grip on my wrist.

" Is it just for that bastard that left you? Why are you being like this, how many times do I have to tell you?! He's gone, so there's no point in doing this!!"

I stared at him, memorizing his features as I reach out and touch the corner of his eyes that were resent due to suppressed tears. While his eyes are widening I answered him in a steady and determined voice.

" I admit that I still have feelings for him, but it's not just for him now, it's for my sake too."

" I want to protect my important persons and this is the only way out to keep you all safe, and yes that includes you Leo."

He held my arm and tears are sheed as I begun to transform into my combat mode. slowly transforming from the bottom of my feet growing into clawed dragon legs, scales climbing up my body and a long powerful tail sway behind me as a pair of big Scarlett feathered wings emerged on my back.

" I have to go now." He opened his mouth to say something.

" I know what you wanted to say, I knew it since long ago however I didn't dare to confirm it. I'm afraid of hurting you for I still like my past lover. I don't want you to be miserable knowing my relationship with him." I turned around and was ready to depart when he grab my garment weakly and stare at my tall fully transformed figure.

" Just one last thing, I feel like I would regret it if I don't say it now, if and what if, given the chance you, him, and I living together. Will you..." He didn't finish his question that I instantly understand.

I lean in and kiss him deeply and answered,

" I would love and cherish you lot equally. through the years I would undoubtedly fall for you, but I was just too cowardly of person that's afraid I might hurt you."

" thank you for seeing me at this time, I might have regretted not telling you after I die haha."

As I finish my sentence I flew off the wall and headed to the hord.

" Remember Lottie! This is just a see you later! Not a good bye!" Leo shouted as I flew farther away.

"We will see each other again! And that I will make sure it happen!!"

I fly faster and faster til I can no longer hear his voice, staring ahead and finally entered the hord.

I can feely fire barely protecting my body as I made my way to the center of this calamity. Taking position I stayed still making sure they have their attention to me, through my sense some of the creatures continue to fly to the base outside the encirclement of the hord.

Opening my mouth and increasing the intensity of my flames, burning my lifespan and existence as fuel and I started to sing.

Firstly humming till increasing in intensity, until the attention of the whole hord is on me. Like moths to a flame, swarming me till they burn and died, spreading the flame to their companion and dropping below becoming chard remains.

I can feel myself loosing reason and control as I burn in intensity. My song resounding to my surroundings.

Pouring all my feelings and emotions to it as I burn the darkness away, till I shine the light and protection to the people I love.

' May I shine and burn brightly till I chase away this darkness...'

That was the last though in my mind as I felt the comfort of my flames consumed me.

Next chapter