
Dragon God of Domination

The story is about a Boy named Clark Kent who is also happen to be wielder of Current Boosted gear. He was almost going to die during his birth but Ddraig managed to save him by Changing his heart with a Dragon heart, turning him into a Pure Blooded Dragon. What he will do next? Find out All of these Characters in this Story Belongs To thier Respective owners I merely wrote this Story for Fun

Power_King_4153 · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter - 3

"Are you kidding me?" Rias asked herself in disbelief.

She wasn't alone who asked herself that question.

There were Mio and her Peerage who had the same experience as her big sister is currently going through.

Akeno had the most annoying expression out of all of the em.


There was a rather unwanted guest, none of them wanted.

It was the fallen angel named Yumma.

Akeno was fuming in anger when Clark himself took her to the occult research club.

Yumma was scared to shit from the gazes she was receiving from Clark's friends, at least.

"Don't worry, be at ease no one will hurt you here Unless I do it myself." Clark tried to assure Yumma.

Who was still scared by the fact she was unwanted there.

"Clark! This is My club, you know that?! You can't just take anyone here! At least not a Fallen angel!" Clark was looking at Rias with a deadpan expression.

"Okay then I am leaving the Club" Clark stands up and starts to walk out.

"WAIT! SENPAI!" Koneko screams out to Clark, who just ignores her.

She definitely can't use Senjutsu.

But she can sense emotions. And she knows that Clark is serious.

Rias and Iris became horrified by his actions.

He is essential to both of them.

Iris is in debt to him for making her brother a proper person from a sore loser.

And For Rias well. She is head over heels for him.

"OKAY! OKAY! I GET IT! YOU DON'T NEED TO LEAVE." Rias runs over And Grabs Clark's arms, accompanied by Iris.

Clark just smirks and says.

"Thank you"

"Clark! You do know that our relationship isn't that good with fallen angels. Right?" Rias asks Clark.

"I know that, but it does not issue here. I will take full responsibility if a War breaks out." Clark smirks while Rias' sweat drops.

'He will take full responsibility?' Yumma thought to herself.

Clark again sits on the seat. And the environment calms down.

Akeno sits beside Clark, and Elsha sits beside Clark too.

Koneko for some reason, sits on his lap. Not that Clark minded particularly.

Kiba and Murayama take their places beside their respective kings.

Iris stands beside Rias.

Issei was sitting on the sofa, Katase and Aika were beside him.

Gasper was inside his box. Looking forward to the event that was happening in front of Him.

"So? Now let's get into the topic. Why did you want to kill me?" Clark asks Yumma.

Aria,Akeno, and Elsha we're immediately enraged after listening to the fact she tried to Clark.

The rest of them were no exception.

"I-I was ordered by the. . . Members of church." Yumma said tearfully.

"Huh? Church? Who is forcing you?"

"My surrogate family: Kalawarner, Misery, and Sis Marina, they're being held, hostage. The abandoned church in this town; a large group of Stray Exorcists are based there. They took my friends hostage and threatened to butcher them if I didn't kill you. They said that you were a dangerous obstacle and that you had to be eliminated."

Yumma looked at Issei with an apologetic look of guilt and regret.

"It's just not right! Even if I was born a fallen angel, it doesn't mean I want to kill anybody!" Yumma cried out.

Having heard enough, Clark knew what he had to do. He had to deal with the exorcists before they could harm Yumma's friends. He had to act fast.

It is the same good old rescue mission. He had to recall how many days it had been since he went to one.

Even Marina was at stake and she was also on their hostage list.

This angered Clark.

The rest of them were looking at each other. Thinking about what should be the right course of action.


A certain person was distressed.

"Hey, did you say Abandoned church?!" Issei was the one who asked.

"U-umm, yes, it is." Issei immediately panicked inside himself.

{told you, It wasn't a wise decision to leave her alone there} Dragoon said from inside the gear.

"Did something happen, Issei?" Mio asked.

"Yes, it's just I met a girl not so Long ago named Asia or something like that, she wanted to go to the Abandoned church," Issei said.

"Asia?! Oh no, she is already here?"Yumma panicked.

"Okay? What about her?" Clark asked.

"The thing is, she has a... Sacred gear named Twilight Healing. It can heal any wound, regardless of species. She is supposed to be forcefully extracted from the sacred gear!" Yumma said.

"And . . . What will happen if her sacred gear is removed?" Issei asked.

"She will die," Rias and Clark said in unison.

Which angered Issei from the very core.

{told you} Dragoon said.

'I know! It's just!' Issei said, clenching his fists.

"Ise-kun You are thinking too hard. We will save them all" Mio said, assuring Issei.

"*Sigh* So what will you do, Clark?" Rias asked.

"We will raid the church, Me and Issei will be on one Team, Akeno,Rias Koneko will be one and the rest of em will take care of the mobs. That's for the plan" Clark said as he stands up.

"Hmmm, It's not a Bad planning, it balances out our powers equally. It's just. . . " Rias said while closing her one eye and humming.

"It's?" Clark asked.

"The thing is . . I need a Solid reason to raid the church, as you know, Devils are in general. . Selfish. And I prioritize my precious servant's heath before anything else, she isn't even part of my territory, why should I bother saving her in the first place when I can trigger a Potential war between our factions? From her explanation, There will be hundreds of stray exorcists, and I won't tolerate anyone of my servants getting injured in a Meaningless fight." Rias said her reasoning.

Clark scratches his head confused.

He almost forgot that unlike him, who was taught since he was a Child to help them those who are in need regardless of profit or loss. While Rias grew up in a different environment where she may die any moment if she makes a Single mistake. And it's not like Sirzechs doesn't have any enemies who are after his life and His family, of course.

Everyone was looking at Clark. Cause she did had a Point.

Then Clark rubs his last two braincells.

Then he comes up with 1000IQ idea.

"Hmmm Okay Rias if we succeed this Church raid . . . I will take you out on a Date"

"Eh!?" Rias said.

"What!?" Everyone gasped out.


"I can't believe that worked" Clark said as he was standing outside of the abandoned church.

With his rest of friends of course. Mio and Her Peerage were left on club with Gasper.

"You played dirty there ufufufu~" Akeno said while she giggled.

"Okay! Be prepared by adorable servants we will be raiding this Church soon! Here's the plan Issei,Clark,Kiba,Koneko will head for inside Me,Akeno and Rest of the people will guard you from outside!" Rias said with great Joy and Confidence in her voice.

"Eh? It will be boring " Aria said making Elsha Giggle.

"Don't worry Aria I have a Very good feeling that things won't end in this way" Clark said

" Bravo 6 going dark" Clark said as he went inside.

"We are 4 though" Issei said as they were walking inside.

After walking for a while they can feel several presences inside.

This time Issei took the lead and Went inside by crashing door away.

"What!? Who are you guys?" said a rouge exorcist.

"Uninvited guest!" Issei said as he vanished from the spot.

[Storm Dragon Emperor's Iron fist]

Issei covers up his fist with Bluish flames as he punches the guy in the face.

The force behind his punch was so much that it destroyed a Portion of the church instantly.

"That's. . . A bit much!" Kiba said who had chills running down from his spine from Issei's display of power.

Then Clark noticed other Exorcists were preparing to launch attack.

Clark not wanting to waste anytime he simply.

Clapped his hands.

And It wasn't any normal Clap.

It was thunder Clap

The shockwave created from the Clap was so powerful that it destroyed.

The remaining Church instantly.

"Senpai is . . . Strong " Koneko muttered under her breath admiring his strength alone.

"So that only leaves the Underground, and She isn't here" Clark said as he looked at issei who had a Perplexed look

"Issei, this base is yours " Clark said as he jumped off from the ground and starts Flying.

'Akeno, Elsha,Aria Come with me' Clark messages them telepathycally.

'Roger' They replied as they also blasts off from the church and Starts Following him.


Issei recovering from the shock decided to move forward.

"Kiba,Koneko let's go" Kiba and Koneko looked at each other and nodded.

They didn't expected to see this kind of side of Issei.

There were multiple Doors underneath the Basement of the church Issei looked at Koneko and Kiba who had same questions on their faces.

"I am going to left one and You two should Go to right one. Left one will be left for last. " Issei ordered both.

Kiba and Koneko looked at each other

"Take care Issei-kun" Kiba said as he and Koneko went inside the Door.

Issei also choose to enter the Door in front of him.

Unknown to him what I awaiting for him.

After a while of walking.

"Ah shit, here we Go again " Issei said as he found himself surrounded by stray Exorcists equipped with Guns and Light swords.

{Things can be messy you shouldn't take any risks} Dragoon said from Inside.

'Yes You are right!'



A blue aura engulfed the space as The Dragon scales covered Issei with his own dragon Armour.

His very own Balance breaker he can be proud off.

His scale-glasses covering his eyes were Glowing blue as a Malicious intent was in air.

"F-Fire!" a stray Exorcist who got scared of the Aura he was emitting ordered.

But Issei wasn't finished of course.


Inspired by Issei's favourite anime DragSo Ball's main Character's move Issei developed this physical enhancement Skill.

Of course Ddraig helped him with this one.

And He can't go more than 5× for now.

Issei coated his armor in an aura to shield himself.

They all reached into their robes and pulled out guns, with each of them firing at him.

As expected, the bullets rebounded in random directions, some hit the exorcists.


Issei spammed his energy blasts in the room hitting remaining exorcists.

With all of the exorcists in the room dealt with, Issei went out of the room.

"Bravo Six room clear".


On the other room Kiba and Koneko had same ambush.

But they were able to manage it better than they both expected.

Kiba drew his black-bladed sword and cut down 3 enemies that were in his path. Grinding to a halt, he used his knightly speed and dashed in a different direction, slashing his enemies as he passed by them.

Suddenly, a Stray Exorcist got in front of him and locked blades with him. To his surprise, Kiba's black sword created a dark aura that nullified the light of the fake holy swords in his opponent's hands.

"What's with that sword?"

"This is my weapon, the [Holy Eraser]. It can absorb and devour light." Kiba replied before swinging his blade down on his opponent, striking him down.

Cutting his way around enemy lines, he formed a perimeter that was clear of opponents. Where Koneko can Hop in and Move freely cause of her lack of speed.

Suddenly, a large mannequin statue creaked and rumbled as 2 white eyes lit up on its face. The mannequin was placed in a far corner of the room and was hidden from sight. It was easily 25 ft. tall and a strange dark aura seemed to trail off of it.

"What's up with that?" Koneko looked up at it in skeptical criticism.

"Hahaha! That's a holy golem. A machine of stone that has holy energy flowing through it. It's perfect for fighting Devils!" A Stray Exorcist exclaimed triumphantly.

Kiba immediately jumped at it and impaled it in the head. Through the use of his sword, he absorbed the holy light from the golem, weakening it to the point that it wasn't much of a threat.

"Koneko!" Kiba jumped away from his position as Koneko leapt into the air and bashed is head off of its shoulders.


It was shocking to the deluded Stray Exorcists that a weapon that they were so proud of were defeated by such regular sized opponents. Well, save for one.

"How can a bite-sized pipsqueak like her punch the head off of our sacred golem!?"

Unfortunately for the Exorcist that said that, Koneko turned to him and rushed at him, punching him with a violently strong aggression.

Koneko's brow twitched as she took in what he said.

"Size isn't everything." She replied to his earlier statement as a vein popped on her forehead.

Lifting the massive face of the dead golem, she threw it at a cluster of Exorcists, who didn't manage to dodge her projectile.

Kiba just scratched his head from the funny scene.

"Bravo six Room Clear."


After that Issei alone Made his way out for the last room.

Deep downstairs, Asia was wearing a white dress and was chained to a large metal cross with green lines and symbols lining it.

"Father Freed, why are you doing this?" Asia asked with her usual innocence.

Freed stared at her with a mad grin and calmly responded.

"My dear child, it's because of the fact that you have such a sinful power that it must be removed. A power like yours is too much of a burden for you to carry. That is why I will take possession of it." Freed snickered.

"I don't understand. This power is able to heal people. It isn't a wicked power!" Asia bellowed with resilience. While the cross she was restrained to, sapped her strength, her mind remained resistant.

At this comment, Freed sneered as his brows furrowed.

"Raising your voice with me, are you? Don't get cocky!" He backhanded Asia's face, causing her to yelp.

"With your power, I can gain immortality and then, I will become even stronger. I will be able to rid this world of Devils and Fallen Angels. It will be so blissful to walk around and do as I please without anyone getting within my enlightened way." Freed spread his arms as he ranted before finally, he stretched his hand over Asia and began the ritual.

A green magic circle appeared over Freed's hand as a powerful light of the same color erupted from Asia's chest.

Slowly screaming louder in agony, Asia felt as if something was being torn out of her, as if her very heart and soul was being ripped apart. For what seemed like hours, Asia endured the pain, holding out hope that someone would save her. She even thought of Clark

During the short time with Issei,he treated her like his own sister.

Issei taught her the joys of the outside world and the activities that it offered.

With her last few breaths, she silently thanked Issei and, as well as everyone else in her life for befriending her.

'Issei, everyone. Thank you all for standing with me and taking care of me. I will never forget any of you. May Heaven bless you all.'

At the last word, Asia felt her life force slowly slip away; the light in her eyes began to fade as the rings on her fingers disappeared. They reappeared with a bright green light as they left Asia's body, symbolizing the severed connection between wielder and Sacred Gear.

Freed eagerly snatched the rings from the air and grinned as he admired them.

Issei,Kiba and Koneko immediately rushed down the many stairs that led underground before arriving at the doorway that led to their destination. Raynare's eyes widened in horror as she saw Asia's dead body chained up.

With the fact that Freed was standing in front of her with a strong green aura around him, it was clear that they were too late.

"I got it! I got the Twilight Healing! Yes! Hahahahahahahahaha!" Freed leaped for joy as he put on the rings.

Issei felt intense anger well up inside of him. He detested the injury and murder of innocent people. Seeing the gleeful acts of the murderous fallen priest, his twisted excitement at inflicting cruelty and violence. It enraged Issei to no end.

"Get Asia. I'll take care of Freed." He growled, almost sounding more like a beast than human.

"ASIA!" Issei shouted as he flew forward.

Suddenly, a barrier of light blocked the beam, causing Issei to muse on it.

"He's getting some outside help." Issei didn't care. He was going to pay Freed in full for what he did.


Issei accumulated a large ammount of Fire inside his belly, he blasted a giant fire beam that completely shattered the barrier that was protecting Freed.

"What?! You- Blegh!" Freed didn't even get to finish his sentence as Issei punched him in the face. A loud crack echoed as Issei's fist collided with Freed.

The exiled madman was then sent flying to the other side of the room with a loud crash.

Coating his hand in energy, Issei flew after him while he was midfall. With one big motion, he punched Freed into the ground.

"Take Asia and go! Get her to Rias and Akeno!" Issei growled as he continued attacking Freed.

Kiba and Koneko took the Chance and Decided to carry Asia to on Kiba's shoulder.

After making sure that Asia is out of the scene Issei glared at Freed Darkly.

Freed who had his arm Previously blown away by Issei's attack healed away.

"Ahahaha! Freaks like you are useless against me. Not even the Super Dragon Emperor can kill me now. This time, I'm going to pay you back for what you did to my arm!" Freed lunged forward with his sword of light and gun with a deranged expression.

{What a damn fool}

It wasn't long before Freed realised that things weren't that simple he was thinking it actually was.

He stoped on his tracks and Backed down from assault.

Something was definitely wrong with the Person in front of him.

He was anything but CALM.

"You monster, you pure evil! You, You will pay for this! You definitely will" Issei was shaking with anger and Guilt of not coming in time to save Asia.

If he didn't let Asia go inside the church alone that day.

This day may wouldn't come.

Lightning crackled as clouds colored blue started to gather around the church.

Was that a sign of thunderstorm?

No, it wasn't.

It was wrath. Wrath of Storm Dragon.

Freed was shaking underneath his boots. From the sheer force he was emitting.

Issei created a Magic Circle, and he placed his hand inside the Circle.


He pulls out a what it looked like a sword.

The Demonic Sword, painted in black steel and Dark Purple colour which looked like decoration.

It's a Demonic Sword.


The thing is, it's not your typical everyday Demonic Sword that is used by Kiba.

It's a Sword.

A Sword that was used by Original Satan himself.

And Issei's ancestors protected this last remaining of Satan for thousands of years.

To save it from falling into the hands of Other Devils.

Now Issei who is strong enough, is at this moment it's owner.

Satan's Successor. Which was passed down by his Parents.

"W-What's with that s-" before he can finish, he felt like the world started to spin.

He felt like he fell on the ground with a loud thud.

He can't speak.


He can see.

He can feel things to a certain degree.

Furthermore, he can hear.

His blood pouring out.

He can see a body with no head lying in front of him.

He now understood.

He was beheaded.





