
Dragon Chronicles

Cyrus Black, a young orphan finds out the truth of his heritage and vows to get stronger, with the help of a friend of his deceased father. the man trains him to be the strongest Dragon in order to avenge his parents death. but can he really succeed in doing something so many people had failed to do?

Uzumaki_Rikuto · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Allen’s Return

Chapter 2

Cade grunted as punch after punch was landed upon him.

'So heavy! Cade thought as he narrowed his eyes, Katie punched him again, however this time he was sent flying through a tree, the opposite direction of the hospital . Katie watched as Cade rose from the tree a grin on his face as the last attack didnt faze him. There wasnt even a scratch on him.

"Is that all you've got Lightning Queen?"

Katie glared at him. "I wont hold back against you. I know doing so would be a death sentence." She said

Cade watched as her wings appeared from behind her back and blue scales covered the entirety of her face and her lips turned a darker shade of blue. All of her skin turned into ble scales as well, yet her hair remained the same. Cade looked impressed as he whistled.

'Her power is no joke. Her Core...amazing... interesting'. The Dragon King thought. He knew that she was nowhere near his or Allen's strength, but this woman she was no ordinary Dragon. Cade evaded a blast of lightning before sending a volley of fireballls at her. Katie flew up before appearing behind him. Cade widened his eyes. Before he could do anything she had a palm to his back. A huge blast of Lightning escaped from his back and exited through his chest. Cade coughed up blood a painful look on his face.

Without blinking she removed her palm from his back before sending him flying upwards in the air, she then appeared above him and with an axe kick he was sent crashing down. The sound of broken bone was heard as soon as he slammed onto the ground Cade gave out a cry of pain Katie landed on the ground and immediately began preparing for her next attack.

She gathered lightning into her lungs before unleashing a devastating swirling Vortex of Lightning. Cade screamed in agony.

'Damn it!' He cursed, the leader of the Fire Dragons realized that he underestimated the Queen.

Katie's breathing was heavy, instantly she reverted back to normal. Normaly she could remain in that form for hours. Katie was out of shape and hadn't trained in quite sometime. Despite that she was doing well against him. She was no fool, Katie knew that attack would do no more then delay Cade. She had to stall until her husband could get here. Allen had never won in a battle against Cade before, but there was a reason for why all their duels ended in a draw.

If Allen were to go all out he would destroy the surrounding area. Cade never had to worry about protecting others and so he never had the problem Allen did

The dust cloud created from Katie's attack began to settle. It showed a mangled and bloody Cade. Katie widened her eyes as the blood under him began to disappear back into his body and his bones began to snap back in place.

She knew he would heal fast, but this was insane.

His healing was on par with her husband's.

Cade grinned as Malicious laughter left his lips. He rose and looked at Katie. Katie couldn't do a thing as he made his way towards her. The Queen gasped, her eyes wide as Cade's hand and entire arm was cloaked in flames, immediately he pierced a hole through her, burning a hold through her.

Cade glared at her as he increased the intensity of his flames. Katie screamed, she felt immense pain as the flames spread throughout her body.

Cade watched with no emotion on his face as Katie exploded, her body reduced to ashes. He sighed. His mission was half complete now. Now he had to have his duel with Allen.


Allen, Moments after he was sent flying

The Lightning Dragon King was seen flying through a building. He crashed through the building creating a hole through both sides of said. Building. The people in the area looked at the building and began to gather around him, a crowd forming.

They saw the nasty wound he had.

"An animal attack?"

"I dont know. Why did he fall from the sky?"

"I'm not sure."

Suddenly the wound began to close up, the blood returning inside his body. Several eyes widened: Allen snapped his open revealing electric blue eyes.

"Wait isnt he the Lightning Dragon King?"

All the people gathered instantly recognized him. The entire world knew of the history of the two dragon clans. Throughout Millennia many Dragon Kings were born. Allen was a Lightning Dragon King and for someone to wound him bad like that the enemy must be formidable.

"Sir are you okay?" Asked a little girl. Allen rose from the ground and looked at the girl. He was reminded of what he had to protect, the ravenette looked at the man and women beside the girl.

"Get out of here." Allen looked at the entire crowd.

"The enemy is still out there?"

Allen nodded.

"He is extremely Dangerous and powerful. I cant guarantee your safety if you stay here."

"Who could give you such a horrible Injury, I cant imagine it was simply an animal attack."

Allen had a grave look on his face. "Cade Jones."

Multiple gasps were heard.

"The Fire Dragon King?!"

"Draco is here?!"

"Oh no."

"My lord we understand: you have always protected this city from the Fire dragons. We are grateful. Please be safe out there."

Allen smiled and was about to say that before his eyes widened, he smelled the scent of blood and flesh burning.

'Fuck! Katie's Dragon Core...its fading!' He thought Wings sprouting from his back as he took to the sky above.

"Sorry...I've got to go. Get out of here while you still can!"

"Yes m'lord!"



Cade sighed. "Well, wasnt that anticlimatic?" He asked to nobody in particalur.

Cade narrowed his eyes as men with guns and dark clothing surrounded him. It was a swat team.

"Cade jones! For all the lives you've taken...you'll pay the ultimate price!" Said Dragon laughed.

"Men, Fire!"

The bullets ricketche'd off of him and even took out multiple of the Swat team members. Cade grinned before spears of flames formed in the sky.

Screams of pure agony were heard as the spears pierced their hearts.

"Fools. Did they really think bullets work on a Dragon?"

A few moments passed before Allen appeared. He looked around and cursed. Before he arrived he already knew his wife was gone. He couldnt sense her Dragon Core anymore. Allen looked at the dead Swat team members and guilt began to settle in. Maybe if he were here sooner all these innocent people didnt have to die.

"Cade!" Roared Allen, Rage in his voice.

"Allen." Cade smiled. "Your a bit late aren't you?" He laughed maliciously.

He glared at him. He knew what he had to do.

Allen concentrated and after a few moments the ground shook,lightning crackled all over his body before discharging outwards. He roared as his eyes turned into slits and all of his skin turned into blue scales. Lightning cloaked and empowered him. A crown of lightning formed floating above his head as well. Allen glared at Cade who at the same time did the same as him. Red slitted eyes, red scales for skin, flames cloaking his body, and a flaming crown floating above his head. The two dragon warriors gave a battle cry before charger after one another.