
Dragon Chronicles

Cyrus Black, a young orphan finds out the truth of his heritage and vows to get stronger, with the help of a friend of his deceased father. the man trains him to be the strongest Dragon in order to avenge his parents death. but can he really succeed in doing something so many people had failed to do?

Uzumaki_Rikuto · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

A Duel between Dragons

Chapter 1


Long ago, Dragons roamed the earth. There was two great Dragon Clans. The Fire Dragon Clan and the Lightning Dragon Clan. Dragons had amazing abilities, they could breathe fire and manipulate lightning. Essentially, they were immortal beings. Dragons aged regularly like humans until they reached the age of 22 at which point, they stopped aging completely.

The only way to kill a fire dragon was to eradicate it with lightning from a Lighting Dragon. And the only way to kill a Lightning dragon is to completely turn them into ash so they couldn't regenerate. Atop of both of these clans there were two Dragons who stood atop of the Dragon Race. The Fire Dragon King and the Lightning Dragon King. While regular dragons were hard to kill Dragon Kings were even harder to kill. It had been over 4,000 years since the great Dragon war that had taken many lives including both Lightning Dragons and Fire Dragons.

Cyrus Black looked into the distance: a far off look on his face.


It looked like he didn't even hear his nickname being called. Two sets of eyes looked at him with worry in their eyes. It wasn't like him to be this quiet. About a year or so Theo had taken Cyrus in and recently he was told of his heritage. Like Theo he was a part of the Dragon Race, Theo was over 500 years old and had quite a lot of experience. He was pretty powerful as well. Probably one of the strongest Dragons alive. Cyrus had been training the boy in the ways of the Dragon for the past year. And he showed great potential.

Theo couldn't help but think back to that day all those years ago.

7 years ago- 9 Months before Cyrus was born-2005-Detroit.

A woman with long brown hair and green eyes smiled as she looked at herself in the mirror.

The woman looked happy as she felt her stomach. She looked down at her gut and rubbed it affectionately: she did so for quite some time.

Suddenly her ears twitched as she heard the

key unlocking the door and said door opening.

"Katie, I'm home!"

The woman now known as Katie smiled as her husband made his way into the house.

Katie exited the bathroom and walked into the living room where her husband was waiting.

The Livingroom was quite spacious. It had two large couches, a reclining chair, a few bookcases, a coffee table and a 65-inch tv.

"Dear." Katie said.

Allen Black blinked. He saw that she was happier than usual. "Anything Interesting happen today?"

Katie nodded. "I... found out I'm pregnant." She told him.

Allen widened his eyes, his mouth agape. "I'm...going to be a father?"

Katie smiled. A happy expression on her face.

Allen ran to his wife and picked her up and hugged her spinning her around.

"I'm going to be a father!" After a minute or two he placed her on the ground.

"So..." Katie giggled. "You have any baby names in mind?"

"I have a few ideas." Allen said. The couple began talking about baby names for hours but never decided on a set name. They didn't have to decide on one right away. He was excited to be a father to his child, but he also knew Case was also a problem and he would most likely make an appearance one day.


That night

Allen stared at the ceiling deep in thought. 'As the King of the Lightning Dragons I have to think of the future.' He thought before sighing. The enemy was extremely powerful. Although the war between the Fire Dragons ended 4 Millennium ago, they constantly attacked and killed their friends and family. To the lightning Dragons this was the worst thing that could happen to them. They believed above all else that family must be cherished and protected. The Flame Dragons were their worst enemies and Allen couldn't for the life of him get the conflict to end. He tried reasoning. He tried to end things peacefully but that just ended in more bloodshed.

Allen frowned. He could only think of one way to end the conflict. They would have to completely wipe them out. Allen didn't like to kill, even if it was people who killed and butchered his clan. His family. But still, he would do so for the future of his clan's future. For his family. Even if it meant war spilling out onto the streets of Detroit. It would be a tough battle. The Fire Dragon King was about as powerful as him. They had crossed fists many times but were never able to land a fatal blow on each other. Allen looked at his wife before getting closer to her and wrapping his arms around her. He would save his current thoughts for a later date. He closed his eyes and after a while the Dragon king fell asleep.


A few days later

"Me, the godfather?" Asked a wide-eyed Theo.

Allen grinned as Katie smiled rubbing her tummy.

"You're the whole reason I'm even Dragon King." Allen said. "If it weren't for you, I'd be long dead by now. "

Theo scratched his head. "What can I say I'm honored.... Have you decided upon a name yet?"

Allen looked at his wife who nodded before he looked at his teacher.

"If it's a boy, Cyrus and if it's a girl she'll be named Ava." He said.

"Those are lovely names." Theo said smiling.

With a few battles here and there with the Fire Dragon's it was mostly peaceful within the city of Detroit.


9 Months Later

A door to a hospital was slammed open as Allen ran through it He had been training with some of his men when he received the call from his teacher.

Katie was giving birth. Allen made his way to his wife's room.

"It's a boy."

Theo was there standing over Katie a smile on his face. Allen walked forward and stared down at the child, not even realizing the smile on his face. Katie held up the baby and smiled as Allen took the baby in his arms.

"Cyrus say Hi to your father." Katie said as the baby giggled as he looked up into Allen's blue eyes. The Child's eyes were an Emerald Green, Similar to his mother's eyes. He held the child as if he were the most important thing in the world and that was true. Theo crossed his arms and Katie smiled. There would be hard times ahead of them, difficult battles would be fought, and people would die. Theo knew the next battle was just around the corner, and even though he didn't want to he had to gather the rest of the clan in North Carolina. It was Allen's job to do things like this as the king, but Theo wanted him to spend time with his family before he had to go into battle. If he went at his top speed, he could make it there in 5 hours and another 5 to return.

Theo uncrossed his arms and looked at his student. "I will be heading out now."

"You don't have to go you know. I can make it here and back in a few hours." Allen said still holding Cyrus.

"I know but stay here with your family. I'll be fine Allen, trust me."

Allen nodded.

Theo revealed one last smile before blue scales wings came from his back. Allen watched as he vanished in a flash of lightning. He turned to his wife before placing Cyrus in her arms.

Allen narrowed his eyes. He knew Cade, the Fire Dragon King himself would make a move soon. The question was when and what were his plans.


Five and a half hours later

Katie was sleeping soundly, her body recovering from the pregnancy. Being a member of the Dragon clan, she would be all healed up when she woke up. Allen was asleep in a chair in front of his wife and Cyrus was asleep in the nursery within the hospital.

The couple continued to sleep for quite some time.

Suddenly Allen snapped his eyes open.

"Katie!" Allen exclaimed, his voice loud.

"Honey wake up!"

Katie opened her eyes wide.

"Can you sense it, Katie?"

The female Dragon nodded.

"This Core it's...."

Allen nodded. "This Dragon Core belongs to Cade."

All Dragons could sense each other's Dragon Cores. Each and every dragon is born with one from birth.

"Katie how are you feeling?" Allen asked his wife.

"All healed." Katie replied. Allen nodded before exiting through the window followed closely by Katie.

"This is one battle we can't afford to lose Katie." Allen said as King of Flames Zero'd in on them.

"I know dear." Katie said softly. If they didn't win here, then everyone within the hospital including Cyrus would be killed.

Their eyes narrowed as The Fire Dragon King made himself known.

"You've come Alone?" Asked Allen.

Cade smirked. "I don't need my men to take you out."

Allen said nothing as he got into a battle stance. Katie followed suit, a serious look on her face.

"What a treat." Cade grinned, an evil look on his face. "The King and Queen themselves. I'm going to enjoy this."

Katie and Allen's forearms glowed before blue scales appeared over, they're skin and their eyes turned electric blue and their pupils turned into slits. In Allen's case his eyes became even more blue than they already were.

The couple charged Cade and unleashed a series of powerful punches and kicks. However, the Fire Dragon king evaded all the attacks with ease. He grinned as he appeared behind them. Cade gripped his hands into fists his claws extended. Allen widened his eyes before he pushed Katie out of the way. He winced as his claws sliced deep into his shoulder and ripped through his chest painting the ground below crimson. A trail of blood poured out of his mouth.

Katie had tears in her green orbs. "Dear!"

Allen felt unimaginable pain as the blood continue to spill on the ground. Cade laughed maliciously before he kicked him sending him soaring. Katie's ears twitched. She heard him crash through something, most likely a building.

Katie glared at Cade hatefully.

"A wound like that won't kill Allen." Cade said.

"Then why did you...?"

"While he's recovering it'll give me time to kill you."

Katie widened her eyes realizing his goal. She knew he was strong. Way out of her league, but she would stand her ground. For Allen, for Cyrus. If they failed here not only would their son die but countless of innocent people would die as well. She would give it her all even if it meant death. And so, she ran at him at full speed, a determined look on her face.

To be continued