Both of us charge right toward each other initiating combat once more, our attacks were so fast and violent that the shock waves produced by our clash caused the arena we're standing on to crumble away slowly, giving us another timer to our battle.
Blocking Mira's kick and dodging his ki blasts, I flash behind him punching Mira in the stomach, though he moved out of the way just in time and tried grabbing hold of my arm, but I didn't let him and launched a ki wave from my mouth at close proximity. The ki wave managed to hit him, but it caused minimal damage as I didn't have time to charge it, kicking him into the distance I quickly launch a Galactic Burst toward him, however, he used Piccolo's move and shot a Special Beam cannon, piercing right through my attack, almost hitting me in the process but I tilted my head just in time.
Mira suddenly flashed in front of me with a punch aiming for my stomach, but my instincts were warning me of something coming from behind, so I took the punch to the stomach and flashed behind Mira, just in time to dodge a ki blast that exploded right where I previously was, and in the distance, I saw another Mira before it disappeared into a puff of smoke.
Clicking my tongue in annoyance at the clone, I block another kick to my head, while counterattacking with a punch, but he flipped around my fist and kicked me in the side, though before I got sent flying in the distance, I fired off a few ki blasts that hit him right on the chest, sending him flying away in the distance as well.
Sage-'We're practically equal in everything, power, skill, technique, anything that matters in a battle, we are even, but that isn't good for me, Mira can heal, I've seen it happen while we were fighting at least he isn't like 21. However, this is going to make it very difficult to beat him, luckily I don't need to kill him right now, all I must do is knock him off the arena, otherwise, I don't know who would've won the battle.'
While I was thinking of ways to defeat Mira, I got up out of the ground I crashed into, and looked over in Mira's direction, only to see him also get out of the ground before charging right toward me, of course, I did the same.
As we continued fighting and trading blows, my body was constantly gaining a new injury with every attack, while all of my attacks would practically heal after enough time had passed for Mira, but luckily he didn't seem to have infinite Ki, otherwise, I don't even know.
While we were in the middle of the fight, we suddenly stopped fighting as in the bigger arena, we could see Kakarot, with an incredibly dense blue aura and pure white hair standing right before Jiren, his presence reminds me very much of Whis, and Merus.
Sage-'About damn time, now I can fully focus on Mira and not have to constantly worry about Jiren sneak attacking me.'
Though because I wasn't paying attention I almost got hit by one of Mira's punches, however, I counterattacked by kicking his chest, pushing him back away from me. Now that I could fully focus on fighting Mira, we no longer stayed fighting in one area and started flashing around the arena while fighting, we fought onto tiny pieces of the arena that had been broken off during our intense fight. While fighting we would sometimes flash by Kakarot and Jirens fights, but neither of us interfered with the other, though I thought about when that bastard Jiren shot a ki blast toward the stands, specifically Universe 7's area, luckily Kakarot blocked it in time although, with Beerus there, nothing would've happened in the first place.
After fighting for a while, we noticed the timer pole, only having to drop down once more before the tournament will end, we knew we had to finish the fight, but neither of us wanted the battle to end, our ki reserves while not in the best of shape, weren't low, and both of us were in good shape to continue fighting, well Mira was in good condition, I had several injuries, but so what, injuries have never stopped me before though.
Mira-"Sadly it seems like the battle must come to an end earlier than planned, I didn't think you would've gotten so powerful."
Sage-"Lucky you, the time limit saved you from getting absolutely destroyed."
After I said that, I activated Ikari, causing my body to slightly grow in size, while multiplying my power several times, catching Mira greatly by surprise, but before he could do anything, I flashed in front of him and grabbed his face with a smile on my face, although when I saw how Mira tried his best to escape from my grip, I could feel the smile on my face slowly turn sadistic.
Sage-"You see Mira, ever since the day you attacked me, I've been constantly training for years, even forsaking my sleep in order to train longer, and when I saw you at the meeting between the gods, I always thought you would be a problem, same with when the tournament started, even my instincts didn't lie to me, but through this battle, I've come to realize how much of a disappoint you've become. I thought I would feel nothing but joy and happiness when I crushed you after a hard-fought battle, however, you've turned out so pathetically weak that my enthusiasm was destroyed, I didn't even use my full power at first cause I thought you might be hiding some of your power, sadly, I was mistaken. And only now do I realize why my instincts were constantly warning me of you, that was because I was still unconsciously afraid of you doing something to my family once again, however, that fear has now vanished, and so has my patience!"
When I finished talking, I lifted him up into the air and put my other hand just in front of his stomach while charging a Galactic Burst, Mira who saw that did everything he could to try and escape, but all of it proved futile, all of his attacks felt like gusts of wind or someone touching me when they collided against my body.
Sage-"hahaha, So much for the goal of becoming the strongest being!"
With that, I release my Galatic Burst and let go of Mira, sending him flying into the void along with my attack, before it erupts in a huge explosion, though luckily for him he was already transported to the stands. Seeing how Mira was getting erased along with the rest of the universe he joined, I reverted back to my base, and it seemed like I ended my battle at the same time as Kakarot, Jiren, and Frieza getting eliminated, however, there was still a little bit of time left, and since I knew 17 was hiding somewhere, I hoped off the arena into the void and next thing I knew I was sitting on the stands next to everyone overlooking the completely destroyed arena while also witnessing universe 11 getting erased.
Yolo what it do!?
Thxs for any feedback :)
Sage has just activated all black air-force one energy!