
Dragon ball: Why am I Fasha!?

Some guy was just going about his normal life. Then something crazy happens! He wakes up on a completely different universe. With a completely different gender! "Come on guys! You can throw me in a random universe for all I care, but at least let me keep my manhood!" Watch her wacky adventures as she makes her way through the unique world of Dragonball! --------- A/N: All Dragonball rights go to their official owners. This is made purely for fun. Also the cover is a fan art I found if it is needed I will take it down. Thank you for reading.

Bats3245 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

In the vast darkness of space you could find many things. But this particular story starts on a world with a dark red sky, know as Planet Vegeta.

On the surface of the Planet you could find a relatively simple home that houses a beautiful sleeping saiyan woman.

The said woman had a painful face adorned as she twisted and turned in her bed. What exactly is going on? Some would ask.

Well it is believed that she has caught some foreign disease from one of her PTO(Planetary Take Over)missions and was forced to take a break.

However deep in her mind something else entirely was going on.


Where am I? Who am I? What am I?

Were questions that were asked on repeat in their head.

Two sets of memories clashed together trying to take dominance over the other.

One of a woman's, who spent her whole life training and killing to take over other Planets.

The other a man's, with a relatively boring life with a nine to five job.

In the end though the male had prevailed through unknown means and he got to watch both sets of memories like a movie.

The second set were easily acceptable as they were his own, that he had lost temporarily.

But the first set contradicted everything he thought he knew. Specifically the fact that they resemble an anime he loved.

"No way are...are these Fasha's memories?" He asked himself.

"How is that even possible! Dragonball is just an anime! No way this is real!" He denied it with all his heart.

Sadly he didn't have time to work out his emotions, as he was quickly waking up. Although he would come to realize the truth in the morning.


Planet Vegeta, Fasha's room.

"Ohhg! My head!" Fasha cried out gently, bringing her hand to her head.

"Hahh! Things keep getting worse and worse! First that crazy dream and now this..painful...headache...?" Stoping herself mid speech, Fasha looks up at the conveniently placed mirror that hung on her wall.

"No....No no no no! This can't be happening! I had just gotten a raise! My life was supposed to start turning around!" Fasha yelled out.

"W-What am I going to do?" Fasha asked as she slumped to the floor.

You couldn't blame her. She had never even been in a fight and now she is in a world were people casually blow up planets for fun. Heck! The fate of the whole universe was relying on a stupid tournament! Freiza, Cell, Buu? How was she going to stop them!?

"Wait! That's it! While I may not be a genius at fighting like Goku and Vegeta, I have knowledge! I know of all the transformations and all of the ways to get a power boost! If I play my cards right I might just survive this." Fasha called out excitedly.

'The only problem is time.' Fasha thought with a serious face. 'The year is currently 736. Beerus dosen't start getting active til around 778, that gives me around 42 years of training and planning. Now the other thing is movies. They are real here. The Armored Squadron is pretty famous, well famous enough for even me to hear about it. I bet other movies like Bojack, Slug, and Turles are somewhere out there as well. Which could be either good or bad.' Fasha summarized.

First thing though, is that she needs to escape this planet before it's destruction. And what better way than to take a mission that will put her far away from Planet Vegeta. Luckily team Bardock already left to go on a mission leaving her all alone. 'I am sorry guys. All though I have Fasha's memories, I am not Fasha. I see no reason to throw cannon off track just to save you.' Fasha thought. Although it did make her feel a little bad, she squashed those feelings and got up to leave the house.

Only to realize she was wearing what she could only suspect to be pajamas. They were itchy and uncomfortable so she took them off without hesitation!

"Gulp!" She was stunned. She didn't look like the Fasha from the bardock movie. In fact she looked much better. Breathtaking even. With neat brown hair and mesmerizing purple eyes, that could capture you with a look. And lastly a body that could could put models to shame. She had breast's on the smaller side of the scale but a butt that could make men cry. (A/N: Book cover.)

"Am..Am I getting turned on just by looking at myself?" It was confusing really. She is a woman now but she lived her whole life as a man! She likes women and that aint gonna change now, so no reason to be ashamed! Taking a few more looks Fasha snapped herself out of it, and headed to the closet were the original kept her battle armor.

"Wow! They are all pretty much the same." She said in mock suprise. "Hais! I really dont want to walk out in this crappy armor but sometimes you gotta do watcha gotta do."

Picking out the ones that cover the most left her pretty much the same as the original. The difference being she had a double strapped chest plate instead of the singular one, and she didn't wear the leg warmers. As soon as she pulled up the pink one piece her new fuzzy tail wrapped around it. "Ah. I completely forgot about my tail!" Fasha said as she rubbed her new appendage.

Next she went through her memories on how to put on chest plate, which was fairly easy and just slipped on her boots.

Finally she reached out for her scouter and strapped it to her face. She knows Freiza usses these to watch them, but it would be suspicious if she didn't use it. She promised herself to destroy it as soon as she gets the order to return though.

"For now though lets see."


"'Beep.beep...beep...brrr Power Level: 2,324"

"Hoh! Not bad." Fasha said.

'Hmm. In the movie it was said she had a PL around 2,000. I guess it increased when I got through that sickness. Heh! Saiyan's are such cheats.'

"Sadly, I am still weaker than Nappa. Sigh! Well if all goes to plan it wont be for long."

"Well let's get this show on the road." Fasha said as she headed out of the house and went to were her memories said the PTO station was.


It didn't take long to find it with all of the saiyan's going in and out. Quickly going over to the mission board, Fasha looked for one that meet her requirements. It must be a year or longer, be on a relatively dangerous planet and one with higher gravity.

Which turned out to be quite a few.

'Seems like no one likes leaving for a long time on a dangerous planet with increased gravity. Who would have thought?' Laughing at her own joke, Fasha looked at the types of people each planet held.

"Hmm...Civilized, Barren, Beasts... Oh this one works! Unadvanced! They are apparently still in the stone age. Should be easy enough, and with an environment to get stronger!" Pulling it off the board she headed to the desk to take it.

"Fasha!" But stopped when she heard her name. Turning around to find out who was calling her, she was met with a familiar face.

"Gine?" Thats right, Bardocks wife. 'Damn. She looks a lot better in real life. Bardock you lucky dog.' Fasha jealously thought.

"What can I help you with?" Fasha asked with a confused look.

"Ah! Sorry. Bardock asked me to look over you. He said you were sick, so I went to your house and nobody was their." Gine said worriedly.

"Oh. Well it is alright I am back to normal. Actually better than normal I am even stronger!" Fasha said jokingly with one arm flexed and her other hand holding it.

"Haha. It would seem so." Gine laughed at Fasha's antics while holding her slightly bulging stomach. Which Fasha just now realized.

"Gine? Are you pregnant." Fasha asked.

Gine's face heated up as she gave a meek nod. "Y-Yes."

"For how long?" Fasha questioned.

"Ah! Around four months."

"And that knuckle head didn't notice? Oh when I get my hands o-" Fasha threatened before Gine stopped her.

"Wait! Its not his fault! I hide it from him!" Gine said.

"Why?" Fasha asked with a confused look.

"W-Well..most saiyan's split ways after they have their second child..." Gine said with a sad face.

Which was strangely true. Most saiyan's don't give any relevance to their relationships and after they have multiple children they see no reason to continue it.

Realizing the problem Fasha walked up to Gine and pulled her into a hug. Being careful not to hurt either Gine or the baby with her strength.

"It'll be alright. Bardock is not that kind of guy. He will be ecstatic when he hears that he has another child." Fasha said with a warm smile as she pulled her face back to look Gine in the eyes. "Also if he leaves you, me and the boys will teach him a lesson he wont forget."

"...Mmh. Thank you Fasha that means a lot." Gine said with a small smile.

"Heh! Don't worry about it. Now then I have to go see you later Gine." Fasha said as she let go of Gine and resumed walking to the desk.

"Bye Fasha!" It pained her to see that hopeful and happy face. But she could do nothing to save her. While she could warn her, Gine would stay with Bardock no matter what. And Fasha knew Bardock. That dummy would stay and fight a losing battle even if he knew he was going to die.

Hey! Feel free to comment about what you thought. Have a nice day!

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