
Dragon ball V: Born again as a Saiyan!

What would you do if you died and then came back to life in the universe of Dragon Ball Z? Sadly, our main character ended up passing away tragically. He had often wondered what would happen when he eventually passed away when something unbelievable happened. He soon finds himself waking up in the body of a Saiyan child and of all places, on the planet Vegeta! Follow Vocada on his journey through this perilous cosmos as he battles to survive in the face of overwhelming odds, being forced to do unthinkable things to survive each day as he strives for greater power along the way with a little help form a strange system... Ps I own the cover art as I drew it myself!

Lavalord115 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Chapter 7: Beat down and escape!

Vocada had come face to face with the Prince, who had decided that he had been given enough time to rest and wanted to put his power to the test himself, starting a fight for literally no reason.

Vocada had taken some brutal hits, resulting in him being blasted through the stone wall of his prison cell and smashing into the courtyard below, hitting the ground hard.

Still, he had been able to get back up, feeling that his body was still not fully recovered. Not that it mattered anymore since he was about to fight someone who was most likely going to try and kill him, leaving him with no choice but to fight.

The Prince of the Vubrothians stood in the tower he had just smashed Vocada through, looking down at him with a glint in his eye.

"I knew there was more to you than met the eye." He said, getting excited that he had survived that hit.

Suddenly the Prince jumped down from the tower himself, landing with grace on the stone ground below to face Vocada.

Guards suddenly filled the courtyard as they witnessed what was going on.

"The prisoner has escaped!" One of them shouted, getting the others to all point their spears at Vocada, surrounding him.

"Stand down! This one is mine!" The Prince suddenly shouted, not wanting any of them to interfere.

"Y-Yes, Prince Hisster..." The guard commander said, knowing that the Prince was the strongest among them and that they would most likely only get in his way.

Vocada could see that Prince Hisster had told the guards to stand down, meaning that he wanted to fight him alone.

"Looks like this guy is a real warrior..." Vocada said, knowing that the other Vubrothians he had faced so far only had a power level of up to 50, meaning that this guy was much stronger than any of them.

"Still, let's see if he can handle this!" Vocada yelled as he charged two Ki orbs in each hand before he tossed them toward the Prince, watching as they exploded on impact.

However, the Prince remained standing strong with his cape fluttering in the wind, seeming unfazed by Vocada's attacks.

"No way..." Vocada said, seeing that his Ki blasts hadn't done anything.

"So... You can also control your Ki to use to attack with. I truly underestimated you." The Prince said as he suddenly pointed one of his hands toward Vocada, unleashing his own powerful Ki blast, firing a yellow Ki orb toward Vocada.

Vocada's eyes opened wide at the sight of a Ki blast heading toward him, forcing him to quickly jump into the air and let the Ki blast slam into some of the guards behind him, exploding on impact and killing them.

"Why you!" The Prince yelled out as he too jumped into the air, giving chase to Vocada before meeting him in the air.

Vocada blocked his first two punches before getting caught with a right hook to the chin, knocking his head to the side before a left body shot hit him in the liver, causing Vocada to grunt in pain as he fell toward the ground.

"Take this!" The Prince yelled as he interlocked his fingers to form an overhead sledgehammer attack, aiming to smash Vocada with the powerful attack.

However, Vocada felt his rage bubble to life, suddenly he pushed forward and roared before slamming four rapid punches into the Prince's body, taking him off guard as the attacks did damage to him.

"Take this!" Vocada yelled out, finishing his combo with a powerful roundhouse kick to his head, sending the Prince crashing down into the stone below them, having unleashed a powerful combination out of pure rage.

"N-No way! He hit the Prince with such power!" One of the guards said, shocked at the sight.

Vocada landed back on the ground in a fighting stance and for some reason felt as if his body were stronger somehow.

What was that... He wondered, not sure how he was able to get the upper hand all of a sudden.

However, The Prince was quick to get back up, pulling his cloak off before tossing it to the side.

"I hope you are all finished warming up. Because I'm not going to hold back anymore!" The Prince shouted as he took a powerful stance, seeming to concentrate all of his power.

"No way... Is he powering up?" Vocada asked, watching as the Prince suddenly started to glow as his muscles burst to life becoming much larger than they were before.

"Wow... He's jacked!" Vocada yelled out, not knowing how he did that.

Suddenly the Prince rushed across the ground, closing the distance in an instant as he slammed a punch into Vocada's guard. Vocada attempted to block the attack, however, the power and weight behind it were too much for him and broke through, hitting him in the face.

Three more punches hit Vocada all around his body before another slammed into his nose, sending him flying back into the ground with blood bursting from his nose from the attack.

"This is my true power you runt! Now, let's see how you handle this next attack!" The Prince said as he started to focus all of his energy into each of his four hands, creating large yellow energy orbs.

Vocada felt as if he had been hit by a truck, having a strange image flash before his eyes.

"T-Truck kun?" He asked, feeling dazed for a couple of seconds before he came to his senses and saw the Prince charging up an energy attack.

"Shit!" Vocada said as he flipped backwards and took a ready stance, not sure how to react to this next attack.

"I'm going to end you once and for all with this one!" The Prince yelled out, forcing the Ki orbs in his hands together to create two large Ki blasts that he was continuing to pump energy into.

"N-No sir! Please, you will destroy the city if you unleash an attack like that!" The commander of the guard suddenly yelled out, trying to get him to stop.

However, the Prince couldn't hear his words and continued to pump his energy into the attack not seeming to care or think about the city anymore, only wanting to defeat Vocada.

Vocada turned his sights over his shoulder, seeing that he was in fact in the city.

"He's right. Even if that attack does hit me, he's going to wipe out half the city with something like that, taking us all out in the blast." Vocada said, only being able to think of one way to deal with this.

"There!" Vocada yelled out, seeing a weak point in his attack and shooting a concentrated blast of energy into a small beam, aiming for one of the Prince's hands.

The small beam hit its target and caused the Prince to lose his concentration and hold over the energy, causing his Ki attack to become unstable and push him off balance as he tried to get control over it again.

"Y-you bastard!" The Prince yelled out, having no choice but to unleash his attack before he lost control of it, throwing it toward Vocada as he jumped into the air.

"N-No sir please!!!" The guard commander yelled out, scared for his and the people of their city's lives.

"Please let this work!" Vocada yelled out as he fired two smaller energy blasts from his hands, propelling him through the air and allowing him to narrowly avoid the Prince's energy attack, causing it to sail off through the air before it exploded high in the sky harmlessly, creating a powerful shock wave and blinding light.

"Take this!" Vocada yelled as he continued to sail through the air with the use of his energy blasts, getting the idea from Bakugo off my Hero academia to boost his speed, closing the distance between him and the shocked Prince he had taken off guard.

Vocada suddenly twisted in the air, putting all of his weight and strength into a spinning heel kick as he slammed it into the Prince's head, breaking his jaw from the force of the attack.

"ARGHHH!!!" The Prince yelled out as his body flew through the air, twisting around and crashing into the ground, shocking everyone as they watched their Prince get taken out, leaving him unable to move.

Vocada landed back on the ground out of breath as he huffed and puffed.

"I-I got you..." He said with a smile, knowing that if it had not been for the Prince using most of his energy for a finishing move, Vocada wouldn't have been able to pull off that last attack.

[150 EXP rewarded.] The system suddenly said, causing the notification to pop up in the display screen.

[You have levelled up.]

Suddenly more and more guards surrounded the square as the large gates burst open, revealing the King and the Princess, both having shocked expressions on their faces as they bore witness to the Prince who was currently lying defeated on the ground, groaning in pain.

"G-Guards, kill him!" The King yelled, not hesitating in the slightest to give the order.

"B-Brother!" The Princess yelled, rushing over to him trying to help.

"Get him, men!" The commander of the guards yelled, ordering his men to attack in a swarm.

Vocada was running low on energy now and could feel the pain in his body growing worse.

"This isn't looking good..." Vocada said, trying to find a way out of this situation before he noticed the tower he had been smashed out of.

"I'm sure they put my things in there..." Vocada said to himself, watching as the guards charged at him with their spears raised.

"HA!" Vocada yelled as he slammed a Ki blast into the ground, creating a massive burst of smoke and dust, allowing him to jump high into the air back into the hole in the prison tower he had been kept in without them seeing.

"W-Where did he go!" One of the guards asked.

"Find him!" The King yelled out, angry that they had let him get away.

Vocada landed back in his prison room, quickly charging at the heavy metal door with a powerful kick, taking it clean off of the hinges as he smashed through it with ease.

"Now, where the hell did they put my things?" He asked, trying to look around to see if he could find anything.

"Shit, come on they have to be here somewhere." He said, not having any luck.

"There!" He said, coming across a locked box as he grabbed the lock and pulled it, breaking it off the chains with ease.

Vocada opened the box and found his tattered armour and scouter sitting there.

"Found it." He said, quickly grabbing the scouter as he heard voices coming from lower in the tower, deciding to leave the broken armour.

"Looks like they found me." He said, putting the scouter on his ear and pressing the button, seeing that five guards were coming his way, each with a power level of 60.

Vocada didn't waste any time as he quickly ran back over to the hole in the tower and jumped out of it, landing back in the caught yard, getting the attention of the others still there.

"Guards!" The king yelled, getting the attention of the others as they charged towards him, thrusting their spears.

Vocada quickly avoided their attacks before hitting them with his own, taking four of them out in a heartbeat, making it look easy.

[10 EXP rewarded.]

[10 EXP rewarded.]

[10 EXP rewarded.]

[10 EXP rewarded.]

"W-Why you!" The King yelled, clearly angry that Vocada was killing his men.

"Sorry, but I won't just stand around while you try to kill me," Vocada said as he looked at the King, causing the old man to feel a hint of fear in his expression.

Suddenly, Vocada's scouter beeped to life, warning him of more power levels approaching his location, with one reading at 300, giving him goosebumps.

"No way... I thought that other guy was the strongest here..." Vocada thought, clearly having been wrong.

"I can't afford to stick around and find out, with my wounds I wouldn't stand a chance," Vocada said, quickly turning on his heels and running away.

"D-Don't let him get away men!" The King yelled, barking orders at all of his guards to chase after him.

However, Vocada was much to fast for them, quickly bursting into a rapid sprint as he dashed through the city, running through its back streets and dashing over the rooftops of its buildings like he was some sort of superhero ninja.

"I need to get out of this city if I want any hope of surviving," Vocada said as he dashed from building to building, seeing that he was getting further and further away from the large power level from before.

"Looks like they can't sense my energy..." Vocada said, happy about that little detail.

Soon enough, Vocada arrived at the edge of the city, quickly dashing through one of the main streets as he snatched what looked like some grilled meat and a large flask of water, making a break for it.

"ARGHH! It's the monster!" One of the vendors yelled as he saw Vocada take his food.

However, Vocada was moving so fast that before anyone else could see him he was already gone, moving like the wind as he rushed to get out of this city and be free.

"There it is, the desert." He said, finally seeing the edge of the city as he jumped over the large walls and gate that had been sealed shut.

Vocada landed on the soft sand and burst into another sprint, leaving nothing but a dust trail behind him, leaving the city behind him as he ran off into the distance toward the setting sun's.

"Mark my words, King. When I get stronger, I'll be coming back for you." Vocada said with a vengeful glint in his eye as he ran toward the sunset, not looking back at where he had been imprisoned.