
Dragon ball V: Born again as a Saiyan!

What would you do if you died and then came back to life in the universe of Dragon Ball Z? Sadly, our main character ended up passing away tragically. He had often wondered what would happen when he eventually passed away when something unbelievable happened. He soon finds himself waking up in the body of a Saiyan child and of all places, on the planet Vegeta! Follow Vocada on his journey through this perilous cosmos as he battles to survive in the face of overwhelming odds, being forced to do unthinkable things to survive each day as he strives for greater power along the way with a little help form a strange system... Ps I own the cover art as I drew it myself!

Lavalord115 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 23: Bardock!

"Is that right?" Bardocked asked, looking up at Vocada before he stepped over Paragu, not even looking at him.

"You're telling me this punk is strong enough to take you all on at the same time?" Bardock asked, not taking his eyes off Vocada.

"Y-Yeah, he's not normal!" One of the others said.

"What is your name?" Bardock asked, seeing Vocada was indeed strong before he clicked his scouter.

"Vocada could see that Bardock was wearing a set of standard Saiyan armour without leg guards, having his iconic blue pants and red leg warmers with matching red armbands.

"My name is, Vocada," Vocada said, trying to play it cool. After all, he had just come face to face with the father of Goku and one of his favourite characters.

"Vocada, eh? And just what did you do to warrant this group of thugs to gang up on you I wonder." Bardock said with a small grin on his face before he pressed the button on his scouter, waiting for it to give him a reading.

"Oh my... 3400. No wonder they had to gang up on you," Bardock said, looking impressed.

Vocada also recognised the look in his eye, seeing that he was getting excited.

"What's someone as strong as you doing around these parts?" Bardock then asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

Vocada could see his scouter displaying Bardock's power level, seeing that it read at 4500, making him the strongest person he had met so far.

I arrived from off-world today and was told to report to the military recruitment centre tomorrow." Vocada said, pricking Bardock's interest as he raised an eyebrow.

"You're telling me that someone with a power level like yours was sent off world as a kid and you just got back?" He asked.

"Yes," Vocada said.

"Well, shit. Must have been one hell of a tough planet for you to come back this strong." Bardock said, walking over toward Vocada.

"Say, wanna fight me?" He then asked, having a big smirk on his face as he pointed to himself with his thumb.

Vocada was surprised by his request, but then again, he had always wondered just how strong Bardock really was.

"Sure, you look pretty strong yourself, mister," Vocada said, causing Bardock to smile.

"Bardock! What the hell are you doing?" Another voice said coming from above.

"W-What?" Bardock asked, turning around to face the female Saiyan that was floating down from the sky.

"You said this would only take a minute. Are you really going to make me wait after we just got our son out of the nursing pod?" The female Saiyan said, giving him a scolding.

Vocada recognized her as Gine, the mother of both Raditz and Goku. He could also see a small child that she was holding in her arms, having a questioning expression on his face with long hair flowing from his head.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't help myself," Bardock said as he laughed, rubbing the back of his head.

"I swear. You will do anything at the possibility of a fight, but when it comes to your firstborn son, you just run a mile!" Gine yelled, not looking happy.

"H-Hold on a second, is that your kid, Bardock?" One of the other Saiyan's asked.

"Yeah, that's right. This is Raditz, my son." Bardock said, introducing him to everyone.

Vocada was amazed at how the atmosphere between them all had suddenly changed the moment Gine had appeared. He was also interested to see that Raditz looked to only be around a year or two old, meaning it was still a while before Goku would come around.

"Now what could be so important that you want to fight?" Gine suddenly asked, looking at the other brutes who lowered their head to her out of respect for being Bardock's wife.

"This kid?" She asked, looking at Vocada.

"Well, he might just be a kid, but he's strong. I can tell." Bardock said, getting serious again.

"Is that right?" Gine asked, also looking at Vocada.

"Still, save it for another time, we need to get home," Gine said, turning around as if she didn't care about any of this.

Bardock smiled as he scratched his head, knowing he would have hell to pay if he didn't listen to her.

"Alright, I'm coming." He said before he looked at Vocada.

"Another time, Vocada." He said with a smile.

"Sure." Vocada also said, returning his smile as he watched Bardock and Gine fly off into the air, leaving Vocada and the others alone.

"Umm... Paragu, what should we do about the kid?" One of the other Saiyan's asked, pointing back at Vocada.

"Leave him, I'm tired and need a drink," Paragu said, crossing his arms before turning his back toward Vocada.

The others shrugged their shoulders and followed suit, floating into the air before blasting off toward the city, leaving Vocada alone.

Well, that was easy. Vocada said to himself as he placed his hands on his hips, watching the fly away.

Still, he would have liked to fight with Bardock, even if it had just been the once.

"Maybe I will get the chance another time," Vocada said before he turned his attention toward the building where he would be staying for the night, deciding he should head on inside.

Vocada walked through the doors, seeing that the place looked rather run down before he headed over to the desk, seeing a robot standing in place.

"Welcome. Please state your name." The robot said.

"Vocada," Vocada said, telling the robot his name.

The robot entered his name into the database, getting the results.

"You are granted accommodation for two weeks. Please enjoy your stay." The computer said, handing Vocada a swipe card for his room.

"Thanks," Vocada said, following the instructions the robot had given him to find his room.

Once there Vocada swiped the key card and unlocked the door, being greeted to his new room, consisting of a bed, some drawers and a bathroom, giving him all the basics he would need.

"Looks nice," Vocada said, seeing that compared to the house he had made for himself back on Vubroth, this looked very fancy.

Vocada walked over to the bed and sat down on it, finding that it was very comfortable.

"Wow... So soft." He said as he lay down, feeling his back thank him for it.

"Man... I never had anything like this on Vubroth," Vocada said, having to sleep on the sand or blankets and sheets he had found, throwing in a few pillows here and there.

Vocada took a nice deep breath in as he allowed his body to relax, placing his hands behind his head before opening his eyes to look at the ceiling.

Suddenly the memory of Gine holding Raditz in her arms flashed in his mind, causing him to try and do some mental math and work out the timings of events.

If Raditz is just a baby, then how long does that mean I have until Frieza blows up the planet? Hell, it isn't even the Frieza force yet. It's still the Cold Force. Vocada thought, trying to remember Frieza's father, King Cold.

Still, he knew he had time enough to explore the planet and his life here as a Saiyan long enough before Frieza would come and blow the planet up. Allowing him to breathe a sigh of relief as he let his mind and body rest.