
Dragon ball V: Born again as a Saiyan!

What would you do if you died and then came back to life in the universe of Dragon Ball Z? Sadly, our main character ended up passing away tragically. He had often wondered what would happen when he eventually passed away when something unbelievable happened. He soon finds himself waking up in the body of a Saiyan child and of all places, on the planet Vegeta! Follow Vocada on his journey through this perilous cosmos as he battles to survive in the face of overwhelming odds, being forced to do unthinkable things to survive each day as he strives for greater power along the way with a little help form a strange system... Ps I own the cover art as I drew it myself!

Lavalord115 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 2: The Planet Vubroth!

Vocada walked to the top of the crater and took a look at his surroundings. The area he had landed in looked like a large desert, not giving him much hope that he would come across any signs of life.

"Well, now what am I supposed to do?" Vocada said, knowing he was sent here to kill everything on the planet.

More memories of his past had broken through into his mind, allowing him to remember more details of who he was and giving him more insight into the world of Dragon Ball. 

"If I remember correctly, Saiyan children were sent to low-level planets like this one to get it ready for sale." He said as he placed his scouter on his ear, playing around with it before getting it to fit.

Vocada pressed the button on the side of his scouter, unsure if it would really work or not, giving it a second as he got excited, having always wanted to try it for real.

[Beep...] The Scouter made a beeping noise before it started scanning the area, picking up ten different life forms that seemed to be closing in on his location.

"Fuck... It really worked." Vocada said with excitement before he looked at the information the scouter was showing.

Seems a welcome party is already on its way here. Vocada thought, thinking that's what would happen on Earth if a spaceship crash-landed.

The scouter also displayed the power levels of all of the life forms, showing Vocada that they were all between 15 and 50, meaning that they were stronger than him, given that he only had a power level of 20

"This could be bad..." He said, having a bad feeling that whoever was coming wouldn't be very friendly toward him.

Maybe the space pod still works... Maybe I can get the hell off of this planet somehow. Vocada thought before he quickly turned around and ran back to the pod, trying to look at the controls as he pressed a couple of buttons.

Vocada pressed button after button, not getting anything to happen.

[Controls disabled.] The computer suddenly said as the main screen glowed and came to life with a small crackle.

[System damaged...] It then said through static.

"Shit... The controls are busted... Must be disabled once the pod lands so you can't run away..." Vocada said, deciding he had no choice but to stand his ground.

"Maybe I can make peace with whoever is coming here... I mean, we don't have to fight, right?" He said again, walking back toward the top of the crater, seeing they were only 200m away now on his scouter.

Vocada reached the top of the crater and looked toward the distance, having to shield his eyes from the harsh sunlight so he could try and get a better look at who, or what was coming.

Suddenly the aliens came into view as they got closer, giving Vocada a shock due to their appearance.

The only way to describe them was that they looked like snake people. They were tall with their lower body consisting of a snake's body and tail, while their upper body had more of a human torso with between two and four arms and a snake's head.

"It's just as lord Hiss feared." One of them said, seeing the smoke coming from the crater that had landed.

The group of snake people, also called Vubrothians came to a halt as their leader saw Vocada standing before them, giving the signal for the others to stop their advance.

"It's an alien... Some kind of small creature." One of them said in disgust.

"Just as Lord Hiss said... An alien creature will crash down from the heavens, and with him, he will bring destruction and death to our people." The leader said, clutching his spear tight with all four of his arms.

"Let us kill it now, and be done with it once and for all!" One of the others shouted, not wanting to waste any time.

"I agree, if we kill it now we can stop the elder's visions from coming true." Another said.

The leader hissed with his serpent tongue as he nodded his head.

"Very well, bring me its head!" He yelled, giving them the order to attack.

Vocada watched as these snake people stopped not far from him, speaking in some sort of alien language that he couldn't understand.

"I guess talking is out of the question," Vocada said, knowing he had no chance if he didn't speak the same language.

"I come in peace," Vocada suddenly said, lifting his arms up in an attempt to show he wasn't a threat.

"Look out, it's making a move, kill it quickly!" The Vubrothians shouted as they drew their swords and raised their spears, getting ready to charge.

Vocada quickly realized what was about to happen as he watched them draw their weapons and charge toward him, not giving him a chance to do anything.

"Shit!!!" Vocada yelled out, quickly turning around as he ran back toward his space pod, knowing that was the only place he could take cover.

"Don't let it get away!" One of the Vubrothians yelled, rushing ahead of the others as he held a sword in each of its two hands.

Vocada reached the space pod quicker than he thought, impressed by his own speed before trying to push the door open.

"Come on!" He yelled as he tried to open the door so he could get back inside before the scouter beeped in his ear, signalling something was behind him.

"Fuck!" Vocada yelled out as he saw the reflection of the Snake in the pod's window, giving him enough time to dive out of the way of a sword slash that would have taken his head off.

Vocada dived out of the way and the Vubrothian hit the space pod with its sword instead, hissing in anger as it turned to look at Vocada.

Vocada took a fighting stance, knowing that if he didn't want to die again he would have no other choice but to fight.

The Vubrothian charged toward him again with both swords raised, preparing to attack him with everything it had

Vocada wasn't sure what to do, seeing that the scouter said its power level was at 15, meaning he was stronger than it.

Vocada jumped to the side as he ducked under one of its attacks, deciding to strike with a counter punch to its body, seeing a large opening on its right side.

"I don't want to fight!" Vocada shouted as he let his punch slam into the Vubrothians body, sending the creator flying across the crater before it crashed into the dirt, hurt badly from his attack.

"Holy shit..." Vocada said, not realizing how strong his tiny body was, shocked he had sent such a large creature flying like that.

"You'll pay for that!" One of the other Vubrothians suddenly yelled as it thrust its spear into Vocada's stomach, taking him off guard as the tip of its spear knocked him flying where he crashed into the space pod, hitting it hard before he dropped to the ground.

"Fuck..." He said to himself, feeling his lungs spazzing out from the hit, thankful that his Saiyan armour had been able to protect him from being turned into a human skewer. Remembering what it had been like to get stabbed last time.

"We've got it corner now, finish it off!" The Vubrothians yelled as they surrounded Vocada, getting ready to kill him.

Vocada was led on his back as he tried to catch his breath, knowing that things weren't looking good for him.

"Am I going to die again?" He asked, not sure if he would be able to find a way out of this.

[Beep... Beep...] The space pod suddenly sounded, causing the Vubrothians to stop their advance and sliver back, unsure of what was happening.

[Wake up, Vocada. Time to complete your mission.] The space pod said, playing the same thing over and over again as it released a ball of light into the air.

"W-What's that..." Vocada wondered as he stared at it.

"What is that thing doing?" The leader of the Vubrothians said as he stood by the edge of the crater, looking at the strange glowing ball.

Vocada continued to stare at it, feeling a strange familiarity with the glowing orb.

"It kind of looks like the moon..." He said to himself before he felt a sudden pulsing sensation in his chest, feeling as if his chest was about to burst open.

"Ughh... What is this... Arghhh!!!" Vocada suddenly yelled, unable to control the sensation that flowed through his body as his pupils expanded.

The blunt force to the space pod had prompted it to activate its waking up mode, allowing it to release an energised ball that would simulate a full moon, helping Vocada to complete his mission a little faster, something that had been damaged upon impact due to the large amount of sand.

"What's happening!" One of the Vubrothians yelled as they watched Vocada yell out and scream in pain.

"It doesn't matter, kill it quickly!" The leader shouted out, getting the others to charge in as they all stabbed and slashed at Vocada, doing as their leader said, trying to kill him.

However, it was too late for the Vubrothians to be able to damage Vocada with their weapons anymore, feeling his thick skin stopping their attacks as he grew larger and larger in size.

The energy from the ball triggered Vocada's Oozaru transformation, causing his body to suddenly grow at a tremendous rate. Vocada's eyes had turned red and his mouth had turned into a large snout with his body sprouting hair all over, making it look like he was turning into a monster before the poor Vubrothians who were forced to watch the hideous transformation.

"ARGHHHHHHHH!!!" Vocada roared, having grown enormous, now towering over the Vubrothians as his transformation was complete.

"What is that thing!" One of them yelled in fear, unable to move at the sight of the monster.

Suddenly Vocada crushed one of them with his foot, looking down at the others as he let out another terrifying shriek.

"R-Retreat!" The leader of the Vubrothians shouted, bearing witness to the mighty Oozaru that now stood before them, causing them to tremble before the might of the Saiyan child.

"Run for it!" The others yelled, screaming out in fear as they tried to run away.

However, Vocada had other plans as he opened his mouth, letting out a powerful energy blast that vaporized everything in its path, killing the group of Vubrothians in an instant, and leaving only the leader alive.

"N-No!" He yelled out, watching as Vocada pounded his chest with his fists, letting out another roar.

"You bastard!" The Vubrothian said as it drew all four of its swords with each hand.

"I won't go down without a fight!" He then yelled, charging Vocada head-on in a valiant last stand.

"Now take this!" The Vubrothian cried out, slivering as fast as he could before attacking Vocada with a powerful and skilful four-sword attack, having jumped into the air to attack Vocada on his chest.

However, Vocada opened both of his arms and in the blink of an eye brought both of his giant hands crashing together, crushing the Vubrothian from the force, and letting its blood and guts spill to the sand below.

Vocada pounded on his chest again in victory before letting out blast after blast of energy attacks from his mouth, going on a complete rampage as he destroyed everything in his path, including his space pod, hitting it with a powerful energy beam.

Unknowing to him once the space pod had been destroyed, the energy ball that had formed an artificial moon faded, resulting in Vocada slowly transforming back into his human form before he dropped to the ground falling unconscious.

The taxing transformation of turning into an Oozaru had put a lot of strain on his small body, allowing him to fall into a deep sleep to rest in one of the many craters he had created with his own power, letting the hot sand cover his small body and shield him from the harsh heat of the sun.