
Dragon Ball Twin Soul

What if Kami split Goku in two

DaoistiS3Y8O · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2 New Training


The Dragon appears and said loudly staid your wish Kakarot look at Goku and smile I want Master Roshi and Kami Sama young again.

The eyes of the dragon flash for a second and he granted the wish, but the Dragon don't vanished because of the wish, Kami is now stronger, and the dragon can grant two wishes.

You now can have another wish, Kakarot and Goku looked each other but can't think of anything for the moment so he said to the dragon that.

Because of this the dragon can be used again in one year if necessary.

Curious to see the face of Master Roshi the two runs at his house, Master Roshi is happy because he's handsome again, and he is stronger too when he stops jumping and launch the turtle up he noticed that are two Gokus looking to in, he falls to the ground Goku begins to explain what happened and that now Master Roshi have to train for a fighting with in the tournament in 3 years.

Goku say goodbye to Master Roshi, and he thanks the two to be young again.

Kakarot are proud of his wish, thinking that he's going to have more rivals to become stronger with.

The two arrived again on the Kami Temple, and see Kami looking at itself, he questioned Kakarot what's the purpose of the wish and Kakarot smile and say now you can train us better and be a better guardian for earth too.

Kami smile and say okay, but we're going to have a hard time together, Kakarot and Goku smiles Kami at this moment after the wish have a power level of 600 Kakarot and Goku after two months of hard training have a power level of 400 (this is because the strong ideal of Kakarot of becoming stronger every day plus they have each other to train with).

The training began again now Goku and Kakarot using 200kg on cloths and Kami using 250kg the three training on the temple every day and the cloths became to be more and more heavy after 9 months of training the weight of the cloths from the three are about 500kg and Kami passed all he can of mental training and physic training to the two, now he puts them to the final test, the hyperbolic time chamber but with an addition he's going to enter with the two.

The first thing that Kakarot things when enters the room is that he can train his Ozaru form here to gain control over it.

Because all the rush with the split of Goku Kami never have the idea to cut their tails off.

When entering the time chamber, the power after the months of training the power are.

Kami 1,800

Goku/Kakarot 1,500

Kakarot began to see that he can be stronger than Bardock during this year on the chamber because of the hard condition of training here and push Goku to do the same and Kami.

The first month Kakarot and Goku trains controlling the Ozaru form Goku was sad about it because he understands now that he killed grandpa Gohan Kami trains hard to be able to survive the rampage of the great Ozarus the gain on Kami on these months are enormous because he was the only one training hard at the moment after four months Kakarot and Goku gained control of the Ozaru form and Goku thinks of an away to use this power without the transformation.

The results of these four months of training are only worth Kami because of the transformation and the energy draining of it Goku and Kakarot have small gains because of that the power level to far are

Kami 6,000 (he needed to run and be able to survive the powerful Ozarus with 15,000-20,000 power level)

Goku/Kakarot 2,000

The 8 months left Goku and Kakarot train along said Kami to be stronger and to surpass in, Goku and Kakarot meditate too trying to use the power of Ozaru without needing the transformation after the train Goku and Kakarot don't are able of doing this but are in a verge of doing it.

Goku and Kakarot train together and find an away to merge with each other and split again, this make his power double and have a 1.5x on top of it.

Goku and Kakarot don't want to merge forever because he saw one another like brothers and think that the two can live with it being his one person, but is a thing that he can use if fighting someone strong like Frieza and need to merge again.

Goku and Kakarot now can fly with rapid speed, and Kakarot are proud to be stronger than his father Bardock, the three existing the hyperbolic time chamber and Mr Popo began to cry after see Kami this strong.

Power level

Goku/Kakarot 15,000

Goku and Kakarot merged 45,000

Kami 13,000

Because of the zenkais Kami loses the race of power to the two but are proud that in such low time all of him became so strong.

Kakarot and Goku decide to relax for 10 days and see Master Roshi and the others and question Kami if he can train his friend now and Kami agrees but Kakarot stop Kami to question if he knows someone to train they for the last two years. Kami say it needs to think for a while.

This is the chapter two of this history I'm planning to finish the Dragon Classic saga on the next chapter it gonna be a long chapter

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