
DRAGON BALL: Through Blood and Dirt.

The dude gets thrown into the dragon ball multiverse and lands on earth as a human child who has just lost his parents to the red ribbon army. as a human, he is weak, but he can't leave his fate to others. join in and help decide how he will progress through blood and dirt.

McTripp · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter Three: Ki Awakens.

A/N: hi guys, just noticed that the first wiki I looked up gave me the wrong timeline it said the cannon started in April but it actually starts in September so I'm going to have to change a few things. that also make the the point of choosing events moot as with 10 months kai will be able to finish up with korins tower and be there at the start of cannon. I apologise for the mix up and have already edited the first chapter and second chapters. thanks/


Kai made up his mind by the time he had finished eating, If he didn't have water or rope for his resistance training he would just have to work with the one thing he did have, and in a very large supply. Snow, which also meant he would be walking from now on.

Kai sighed as he stood up and broke camp.

When his was done, Kai started walking. the snow levels where he had made camp weren't that high but as he continued forward it gradually rose to around his knees. It was at this time that Kai dropped down into the horse stance again and started marching, with every step he would throw a punch then bring it in, arms by the sides forearms forward he would twist and punch out with the opposite fist to the foot he had just taken the step with.

On he marched, minutes turned to hours but Kai's will to keep going, to gain strength and persevere

kept him training.

While Kai's goal was to increase and and improve his body's foundation there was another aspect of himself that he was trying to improve and that was his mindset.

In this world, Ki could only be unlocked if your race had it naturally like the Saiyans and Namekians or if you had first achieved the correct physical strength and the right mindset as described by the Akira Toriyama, Genki. Yūki. Shōki. which means to have emotional Viger, Courage, and Right-mindedness.

That meant Kai had to use emotional stimulation to awaken his Ki and the only way he could think doing so was to push his body to it limits and the absolutes of his resolve. and resistance training would be a great way to achieve this.

Especially with him having to deal with the cold of the snow. As of right now, he had spent hours in the snow. and the snow level was up to his chest and if it wasn't for the physical exertion heating his body, he would surely be shivering from the cold right now.

Gritting his teeth, Kai pushed on through the snow the heat of his body actually producing steam and melting the snow around him as he moved forward. his mind was a mess and he'd had thought that he had gone too far in pushing his body. Kai was just a normal human the day before, with no experience or training. He knew his body didn't have the stamina to be attempting what he was doing right now.

There was a voice in the back of his head yelling at him to give up, to just go back and rest. That this world already had it's hero's and he wouldn't be needed here. That it was pointless.

Kai who was close to breaking, to truly giving in and following the request of his aching muscles. Felt like he was standing in front of a wall, striking it with all his force and not being able to progress and move passed it.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" Kai yelled out in anger and frustration. His body giving off waves of steam and dripping with the sweat of exertion. He gathered all of his emotions, his feeling and inner heat into the centre of his chest and stomped forward with his left foot, feeling a ripple travel up his leg and into his core, he then pushed his everything to his right arm and punched out with everything that he had.


The snow was swept back from all around him in a spherical dome of ten feet as a pale white beam exploded forth from Kai's fist vaporising a five foot wide passage hundreds meters long into the distance.

Huffing, Kai looked on with sweat running off his face as a satisfied smile graced his lips. "Fuck yeah." He muttered as his eyes lost focus and he fell backwards. 'That was awesome.' Kai thought as he drifted into unconsciousness.


A/N. short chapter as I'm tired with working long days. was gonna uploaded two days ago but upon proof-reading it had to rewrite some stuff as it had to much of a cultivator feel. thanks for reading.

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