
DRAGON BALL: Through Blood and Dirt.

The dude gets thrown into the dragon ball multiverse and lands on earth as a human child who has just lost his parents to the red ribbon army. as a human, he is weak, but he can't leave his fate to others. join in and help decide how he will progress through blood and dirt.

McTripp · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter Five: Could this be...?

Hearing the Apology, the woman's face slightly contorted in anger at having been knocked down but upon looking up and seeing the sincere look on the face of the attractive young man who's hand was stretched out for her to grasp, her unhappy feelings faded and she unconsciously reached out to take hold of his hand only to be surprised by the sudden strength of the young man as he pulled her up effortlessly making her stumble into his chest. She could feel the explosive muscles that before could visibly be seen through his shirt that seemed to tight for his size, making her feel slightly hot and embarrassed by the sudden embrace of the young man who looked a little younger then herself.

Meanwhile Kai was stunned, as the woman in front of him was non other then Mai, female companion of the self-proclaimed emperor Pilaf. Only, she looked much younger. In cannon she should be eighteen at the moment, but the Mai standing in front of him at the moment only looked to be Fourteen years old. His little old heart sped up at the intimate contact with black haired beauty, he was sure she would be able to hear it through his chest.

"Excuse me miss but are you an angel fallen from heaven?" Kai asked as he laid it on thick by giving her his most charming smile, then added while reaching up and intimately cupping her chin between his forefinger and thumb, lifting it slightly and looking into her eyes. "You surely are the most beautiful thing I've ever had the pleasure to lay my eyes on."

A blush painted Mai's cheeks as she shyly looked away avoiding eye contact as she stammered out." Y...you...I...I....T-Thank you..." as her blush intensified at the compliment.

Kai smiled at this as she did not brake away from the rather ambiguously intimate gesture. He continued. " Would you do me the honour of having lunch with me, there was a cosy little Cafe I came across not too far back down this street miss... it would also be my way of apologising to you. My names Kai by the way, may I ask for yours?" As he subtly released her chin and moved to hold her hand while still giving her his best smile.

Mai was still slightly dazed, she had heard his heart start to race as he looked at her and it sent butterfly's fluttering in her stomach. when he asked her out to the cafe any feelings of discontent were eliminated from her mind as she nodded shyly. "O-Okay, and I'm Mai, it's nice to meet you." she said as she slowly started to get her bearings back only to be unbalanced again as Kai lifted her hand and kissed the back of her knuckles.

"Ahh, Kai and Mai, truly this must be fate at work to allow this humble me to meet such a beauty as you in these streets." Kai said as he began to lead Mai towards the cafe while making some small talk and sprinkling in compliments at every chance.

As they reached the cafe which was less then a hundred meters away kai pushed open the door with his free hand causing a small bell to chime out its joyful ring announcing to the waitresses of their arrival.

"Welcome young master, young miss."

Turning towards the door, the maid clothed waitresses greeted in unison. while one of them stepped forward, making her way towards us. She had shoulder length wavy brown hair that was kept from her face with a white laced hairband and wore silver rimmed glasses over her hazel brown eyes. Her face, matched with her maid outfit that covered her curvaceous figure. Gave Kai the initial impression of a female porn actress in school teacher attire from his old life. She looked the type to punish them with a ruler.

When she was standing in front of Kai and Mai she gave another slight bow and introduced. "Greetings, my name is Hannah and I will be at your service today. would the young miss and Master like a table for two today?"

Kai gave a small nod and a smile while still lightly holding Mai's hand and said. " Yes please just a table for two, no one else will be joining us later so it's fine."

Hannah acknowledged and turned to the side while motioning them in their tables direction and started leading the way. As they arrived and took theirs seat's with Kai pulling out Mai's seat first just like a proper gentleman, Hannah returned with the menu's and calmly stood aside waiting for them to place their orders.

"Hmm. Well, It might have something to do with all the rabbits I've been eating up north but I'll take a slice of Carrot cake with an espresso." Kai said jokingly, and passed the menu back to the waitress.

Letting out a chuckle at Kai's inappropriate joke Mai skimmed through the menu, she did not really see anything that interested her til she got to the cake section and her eyes fell upon the strawberry shortcake before lighting up. " I'll take the Strawberry Shortcake and a cup of tea with milk and two sugar's thank you."

Taking back the menu's, Hannah bowed and replied. "Ofcourse, I'll be right back with your orders shortly." before she turned around and left to complete her task.

There was a few seconds of silence between the two as Kai just sat calmly, watching Mai with a half-smile and interest in his eyes. He seemed perfectly content to watch her and this made Mai nervous, the way he looked at her was like he had known her for years, there had been a type of familiarity in his movements and gestures that made the thought came to Mai's mind, Could this really be fate?

Getting flustered by her own musings, Mai scrambled to quickly bring up a topic to talk about, thinking about the comment from before she asked. "So, your from the north Kai?"

"Ahh, so you caught that... Yes, I grew up in a small village to the north-western side of Muscle tower." Kai replied.

"Oh, so what brought you to East Capital then? I would have thought that North City would be closer for you to go if you wanted to experience city life." She asked, not thinking much of it as most country folks try to make it big in the cities nowadays.

"Well you see, I'm a Martial Arts Practitioner looking at participating in the next tournament, however when I was growing up my father told me about this magical tower that stretches so high up into the sky that you can't see the top. It's said that only a truly talented martial artist can reach the top and that he will be rewarded with an elixir that will fully unlock their talent gaining them increased strength. or so the story goes." Kai said while avoiding the massacre of his Village as he didn't want to ruin the atmosphere between them by saying something sad and unnecessary.

Mai looked interested and asked jokingly. "So your off to see a magical tower with talent awakening juice?"

'I'll give you talent awakening juice.' Kai thought inwardly, "Yeah, and I'm glad I did or I wouldn't have been able to meet such a beauty as yourself." Kai smiled and nodded.

"Oh My, if you keep saying such things a girl might start believing you. after all there can't have been many beautiful women in your village for me to steal your sight away." Mai replied taking a jab at his rural upbringing.

"That's not true, even as I roamed around this city no one made my heart race like you did, it was like love at first sight!" Kai proclaimed, turning Mai into a blushing mess. Luckily Hannah returned at this moment with their order.

"Please enjoy young master and miss." she said as she placed their order down on the table with the bill.

"Thank you." Mai said, slightly relieved for the interruption. They ate and conversed while sipping on theirs drinks and before long, it was time for them to part.

"""""Thank you and please come back again!""""

The waitresses called out in unison, bowing as they left the cafe.

"Well that was a nice experience." said kai as he walked out the door with Mai in toe, only to have her reply in confirmation and joke. "Yes, it was the best spontaneous date I've ever had."

"We'll have to do it again sometime." Said Kai as he smiled.

"Oh? but how will you find me, after all I don't live in this city either." Said Mai cocking an eyebrow in question. as she was now ready to get back to doing the thing she had come here for.

Kai let out a mysterious smile and said something before waving her good bye and walking away into the busy streets, leaving the words to echo in Mai's heart.

"Ofcourse we will meet again. After all, it is fate."


A/N: Greetings and salutations my good readers. just wanna say that this chapter was written because of a fight I was having in the comment section of another fan fic, where the guy was insisting that Web-novel romances had to be subtle.. so this is big ol f u to that guy. anyway, thanks for reading and p.s. I felt like Mai was forgotten then forced on trunks later by the original creator. I don't like that so she will be my MC's female lead. if you don't like that... well, too bad I guess. and also the song I was listening to while writing this is Fistfight by The Ballroom Theives.