
Dragon Ball: System Bearer

Transmigrated as a human on an extremely dangerous and alien planet, Ryu struggles to survive in this world infested by dozens of monsters and beasts hundreds of times stronger than him with nothing but a strange artificial intelligence that seems to allow him to grow stronger. Ki? Magic? Beings that can destroy planets pretty easily with one flick of their fingers? This new place seems to have all that and even more. Will he be able to survive to this and what's to come? Probably, otherwise, I wouldn't be writing this. ▽ ▽ ▽ The story will probably have the usual system with quests, shop, and status- I'm just doing this because I felt like it, so don't expect such an overly complicated story. Also, because I don't want to get sued, dragon ball and its characters are not mine, nor it's the world, the only thing I own is my Mc and probably secondary characters that didn't appear in the anime... probably. So please don't sue me, I'm already poor enough.

Anonyrius · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Prologue to revenge

[Prologue to revenge]



'Here he comes...'

Ryu only had one skill that could affect every creature regardless of their power level, whether he could be able to use it properly against the tiger or not, it all depended on which side would react faster.

However, regardless of the difference in power level, he could make sure to be the first one to react. Be it one way or another.

Rapidly, Ryu threw a dozen rocks from the ground towards another part of the jungle located in the blind spot of the tiger and started charging Ki through all his body.

Not noticing the rocks flying in that direction, the tiger rapidly turned to look towards the noise that these made, and started walking at a steady pace towards there, not knowing that, in fact, Ryu was only a few meters away from him.

In the blink of an eye, Ryu's mouth curled upwards as he jumped out from his hideout and took the usual pose of his most used attack when escaping.


Finally noticing where Ryu was, the tiger couldn't help but look at him in a hurry, and couldn't close its eyes in time before the light beam reached its eyes.



The tiger screamed in agony as its vision became pure white because of the light, its alert state heightening to the limit because of being attacked by a technique that it had never seen in its whole life.

"Perfect... Now I just need to...- Huh...?"

Maybe because it was too alert, the whole body of the tiger started being surrounded by a blue aura once again. However, this time the aura was growing bigger and bigger, almost becoming like a sphere of pure electricity around the tiger.

The murderous aura of the Tiger continued to increase, as all of it concentrated on Ryu, who had dared to attack it.

The tiger had pursued Ryu not because he seemed like prey for it, but because it recognized the aura of a powerful being that could become a threat to its reign sooner or later. Thus, making the decision of eliminating him there and then.

However, now that he couldn't see, the threat could escape... And who knows how powerful it would become when both of them were to meet again... The tiger had, after all, once done the same thing with the previous lord of the jungle.

Thus, the only alternative left... Was to eliminate Ryu one way or another.

"Fucking bitch...!"

Having a bad feeling about this, Ryu placed his whole ki on his legs and started running away as far as he could. Something was telling him that if he didn't move away at that moment, then he could become dust.

With his legs strengthened, and his stamina restored by consuming a stamina-replenishing pill, Ryu continued to run for a very prolonged amount of time.

The distance traveled by Ryu soon turned into kilometers, but even then, Ryu couldn't help but feel uneasy.

'Why isn't the quest being completed...?'

Even though he was already this far away, the quest wasn't being completed. This uneasy feeling was enough to tell Ryu that not everything was over.

'That thing it was doing before... What was that?'

Ryu couldn't help but think about that strange aura enveloping the tiger right before he left the area... It almost looked like it was going to...-


"No way right?"

Ryu's face suddenly turned pale, as he turned to look back at where he had come from with an expression of profound fear.

"Shit shit shit shit! I have to run away!!"

A vague memory came back to Ryu's mind... The image of Piccolo from before Dragon ball Z destroying a whole island using only a power level of around 300... It was one of the few things that the old Dragon ball had left on his mind... If that tiger did the same thing... And considering its lack of control in Ki... Then there could be no doubt that everything around it could be destroyed... No, not only that, but the whole jungle would probably end up like that.

During the time he had spent training, he had also been thinking in logical explanations for many things in the later sagas of Dragon ball z that didn't make any sense when using the conventional power scaling method.

Why could Freezer, a being of 500,000 of power level destroy a whole planet with ease, but Vegeta, who had thousands of times more power level than that, could only destroy a small area while using his kamikaze attack against bu?

Many people speculated about it being Ki-control, and while sometimes it was simply the writers not paying too much attention, he believed that it was indeed true here.

So, how much destruction would a creature like the tiger, who had a power level of 2000 and barely knew about ki, cause with this attack...? He could already imagine it...

And the fact that the system wasn't telling him that the mission of running away had been completed could only re-affirm his suspicions... The last step for completing this mission... Was to survive the nuke-like attack from the tiger.


Suddenly, a small sound of something exploding reached his ears.

An enormous pillar of light could be seen coming from the direction of the tiger. However, just as Ryu feared, soon the pillar started growing more and more in size, approaching him at an incredibly terrifying speed.

"Ah, fuck..."

Ryu barely had any time left to think... Before the attack reached him.


-Somewhere around space...


"Hey... Did the radar detect something?"

"Yeah, I think so... I think it was from that planet..."

Two blue-skinned aliens wearing armor talked to each other while frowning at the planet in the distance. Both were wearing Scouters in their eyes, and they were traveling on a spaceship only available for those that belonged to Freezer's army, thus, it was pretty easy to guess which organization they belonged to.

"It looks like a promising planet to be sold... I bet Lord Freezer will be pleased if we bring him such an incredible planet!" One of them grinned visibly as he looked at the greenish color of the planet in front of them, greed showing in his eyes.

However, before he could imagine anything, the other alien slapped his head and berated him.

"Don't rush idiot. Remember that signal that the radar detected? It was probably a high level of energy coming from there... Scan the whole planet to see what kinds of beings there are"

Remembering that, the alien shrunk back and shook his head.

"True, true... I wouldn't want to deal with someone too powerful... Hmm..."

Clicking a few buttons from the command console of the ship, soon several strange symbols started appearing on the screen.




The screen in front of the Alien started beeping before the symbols finally stopped changing and showed the real power level of the creatures there.

"Hmm... Not bad... Almost every creature on this planet has a power level above 100... Ugh... Though, there's quite an enormous amount of beings with a power level above 500... -Sigh-... I guess we are indeed not qualified to take on this planet by ourselves... Huh...-?!"

"Should we call the elite troops? I bet just a bunch of them would be enough... They each have a power level above 1,000, so handling a planet like this should be easy, right?" The alien pondered for a moment before he offered a solution. However, his companion didn't stop looking at the screen even after hearing him, which made him curious about what he had seen.

"What's with this creature?! 2194 of power level?!"

The alien widened his eyes when he saw the existence of such a powerful being, however, seeing that his companion was still not answering, he turned to look at him and asked with a curious tone.

"What's wrong with you...? I know it's shocking to see such a powerful being on a planet in the middle of nowhere... But it's not like we have not seen a being as strong as that one before... Besides, the elite troops would still be able to deal with this creature..."

Finally, after some seconds the alien finally answered, however, his tone was dry as if he couldn't believe what was in front of him.

"It's not that... There's still a creature with a higher power level than that one..."

"What?! Stronger than 2000 of power level?!"

"Y-yes... It's a creature coming from that volcanic area on the planet..."

"That horrible zone?! Just how much power level does it have to be able to live so near lava?!"

"It's around 10,000..."


Unable to understand, the alien asked bewildered. However, the answer didn't change in the slightest, even when he asked a second time.

"There's a creature of a power level of 10,000 on this planet..."



"Hah... hah... hah..."

Ryu's raspy breath could be heard coming from within the horrible silence around him. The sound of something being burned could also be heard coming from Ryu's body, however, his eyes said that he couldn't care any less about it.

In front of him, the blue screen that announced his success had finally appeared...

≡[You completed the Main Quest 1/2‼]

▸ Escape successfully from the new threat, and make sure you live another day to plan your revenge!

[Rewards for completing the quest successfully:]

▸2,000 Z points

▸Receive 1 Gravity-controlling belt [★★★☆☆☆☆]

[Issuing new main mission...]







[Mission created]

≡[New Main Quest 2/2‼]

▸ That sure was hard, right? Let's make that fucker's life hard as well! You will have two weeks to prepare properly for the re-match against that tiger in order to take the title of Lord of the Jungle for yourself... Though, there isn't that much jungle left after that attack...

[Rewards for completing the quest successfully:]

▸20,000 Z points

▸Receive the "Standing hereee... I realizeee~!! [★★★☆☆☆☆]" Skill.


"Why do I feel like this system is mocking me...?"


"But it is right... I will pay that guy back by roasting its whole body and turning it into my meal for months..."

Ryu stood up and took his shirt off.

On the part of his back, the whole shirt had been burned, and now an enormous hole remained.

"I guess a shirt isn't exactly made to resist this kind of attack..."

Despite his completely unaffected face, the whole back of Ryu had been burned severely due to the power of the attack. Thankfully at the last moment, Ryu had dug a small hole in the ground and taken cover there, otherwise, he wasn't sure whether he could have been able to survive.

The speed and momentum of the tiger's attack didn't allow it to enter the hole Ryu made. However, it wasn't like no energy at all had entered, as in the end there was still some of the attack that managed to enter the hole, burning Ryu's most exposed part on the process, which resulted in it being his back. However, it was still very little to what being exposed to the real attack could have meant.



Splashing a good amount of healing liquid on his back, Ryu groaned momentarily before he let out an exhausted breath. Soon, he turned to look around him and increased the grip on his fists when he saw what had happened after the attack.

The whole jungle that once surrounded him... Was now nowhere to be found... Everything had been turned into a horrible wasteland where nothing could be able to survive anymore...


'How the hell am I supposed to kill a guy that can make a whole jungle of hundreds of kilometers like this...?'

"Whatever, I will destroy planets one day... Hopefully. So this is nothing..."

Shaking his head to leave his slight fear behind, Ryu took a deep breath and then started walking in a certain direction.

"Let's just hope that my house is still safe..."

Once again, Ryu had managed to survive another day...


-End of the Chapter-


A/N: Today the weekly ranking resets! So please give your power stone and let's make this fanfic reach the high rankings for at least a few hours so that more people can discover this story!