
Dragon Ball Super: Human Quest

A story about a human from the newly revived universe 6 and his chaotic adventures in the world of Dragon Ball. This story was originally posted on /QST so it was originally a quest. Just decided to share it here. Was Written/GM'd by: Not-Som

Leekz01 · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Chapter Forty-three (interlude/Flashbacks)

"So... That should be the last of 'em. Now it's time for Beerus to do his part."

"Great job my lord! This is a new record."

"Heh. Nice. So... we still got a few days left right?"


"Let's see what the lads have been up to!"

"As you wish." Vados then lifted up her staff and started projecting an image of the happenings back on the Destroyers planet.


The two of them proceeded to observe the training between the four competitors. And in the galaxy they say, Lord Champas jaw got dislocated three times that day. "G-GAH!"

He shook as he watched the footage.

"I concur. Looks like he has quite the effect on all of them."

"What's WITH these humans?"

"I believe it comes from their evolution.

Physically they are very lackluster. They dominated their environment due to their brains rather than brawn. But even then they had to band together in order to survive. Sooo they place great value on teamwork and cooperation."

"Still! Don't tell me just any human could do this!"

"Ohohoho! I wouldn't dare to! He is quite special... That's why He resonates so well with the others."

"But I wonder... What happened to him in the Makai? He wasn't like this before."

"Hmmmm... not to this extent anyway.

Would you like to take a look at it my lord?"

"Huh? You recorded it?"

"Not me per se. But Fuwa did."

"Great! Let's go see him!"

After paying a surprise visit to the Supreme Kai the two gods asked him to show his "records" of the events that transpired in the Makai. Much to the surprise of the Destroyer he was not presented by some sort of a tape but a GodTube page.

"Erm... here Lord Champa."

"Eeeeh?! What's this?"

"Just watch it."

What started as a bit of a sneak peak into the Slayer Series turned out to be a marathon of every episode that aired so far. Which is not much all things considered, not even a full season. And that left Champa wanting more.

"DAMN IT! This is it?!"

Fuwa yawned. "Oh dear, oh dear! I even showed you the episode currently in production. Aren't you satisfied?!"

"NO! I want more!" But after calming down a bit Champa managed to collect himself.

"So... you're saying these are based on the events that transpired in the Makai?!

Are these actually a documentary?!"

"N-No... not really. *Fuwaaaaaaa* We had to take some creative liberties in order to properly adapt the story into am an episodic series."

"I see. I see. But maaaan! That is so cool! So now we have a hellfighter human on our team!

I am SUCH a genius for picking him up and training him!"

"You trained him?"

Champa began to nervously whistle.

"Y-Yeah! I mean... If it wasn't for me or my stomach we never would've visited that little dustball!"

"Hmmmmm... I suppose that is true."

"Hehehe... Now I can't wait to see Beerus' stupid face when he mops the floor with his useless B-team!"


Buu. Your name is Buu. And you are locked in.

Stuck. Angry. Nothing here. Nothing goes Boom. Nothing fun.

You decide to open the window. At least there is something out there. Something you can imagine blowing up. Something fun.

Oho. What's this?

It's... round. And white. Being rolled around.

It's getting bigger. Now there's something red on it. Now comes more white. Flakes, like snow. Wait... You know this.


Yes. It is Peetzah. It tastes good. You know this. But this looks wrong... pale. No brown. Bad maybe?

Now it goes in a box. You wait. "He" left it in there. Now he's doing something else. Random things. Packing. Talking. So much talking. So many faces. To squish. To go boom. Wait! Now He goes back.


It's magic! "MAGIC BOX!"

Box fix Peetzah. Peetzah now looks good.

You start to drool. You want to eat it. You really want it!

"PEETZAH!" You scream into the nothingness but it's futile. Nobody hears you scream. So you sit back down, angry.

Watching longer you start to get mad. "NO!"

That's Your peetzah! NOT THEIRS! Stupid man! Why he give it away! He should eat! Buu should eat! NOT THEM! WHY?

Huffing and puffing you watch. Little things. Squishy things. Some are white. Others more white. More white looks tasty. Looks fluffy, creamy. Would make good food. Why he no eat them? Makes no sense. Now Buu head hurts.

Buu now waits. Buu has time. Buu has all time. Stupid things...

When little blue came, he made things happen. Annoying things. Little things. Noisy things. But time makes things disappear. Good. Buu can watch things disappear. But if he could get his hands on them Buu could make them go boom. At least then they'd be fun for Buu.

And if he waits... Stupid man disappears too. And Buu is free. Buu can make things go boom. Loud, sparkly, pretty.

Buu waits...

But Buu spots something. Stupid man trying to do magic. He can't.


"Shut up you disembodied ass-"

Buu wags his finger. "Uh-uh-uuuuh!" Time to show stupid man how stupid he is. Buu extends 3 fingers while stupid man only did 2. Buu instantly succeeds.


"No that's stupid! Why would that work?!

ARGH! Fine! I'll try!"

Stupid man does as Buu. Hah! As if he could-

He succeeds... Huh. Maybe stupid man not so stupid. Now he pops in to throw food for Buu. Good! Good! Good! Good! Buu was secretly hoping for this.

Buu gobbles them up. "Uuuugh..." Tastes funny.

Suddenly Buu starts feeling things. Bad things. Things Buu hasn't felt before.

It hurts. Pain. Is this pain? No... Pain is there but goes away in a second. Body grows back.

So Buu looks down to see what's going on.... No injury. But chest hurts.

"Why... does... my... chest... hurt?!" You can't take it anymore.


The pain... The pain doesn't go away. Why? There were memories that were good. But what's the point of those bad ones?

And why do they make your chest feel heavy? It's so... confusing. But at least as time passes the burden lessens. Once the sensation fades enough you open up the eyes once more and observe. There are things out there. Things that... were there before but you simply did not notice them. Colors, shapes and even... memories.

Now when you see the leaves move around you know why they sway like that, what makes them move. All of this context makes everything look so... pretty.


A few days after Erics adventure on Namek:

"HOWDY HOPP! Check out mah new strawhat!"

"You... are getting way too into this Sorrel."

The folks from Universe 9 awoke from their well deserved rest and got to work. Finally having the luxury of not having to fight for their lives all the time they managed to settle down rather well and now they enjoy a... simpler life.

But none of them have settled down more than Hyssop who finally found peace of mind.

*INHALES* "Ahhhhh... What a beautiful day!"

"What are we doing papa?"

Reaching down he stroke the head of his son and laughed. "Imma teach you something while Mama cooks lunch for us. Something that's not fighting."

"Wow! Really?"

"Haha yeah! Now... Here." Hyssop handed a pair of mittens to his boy. "Put these on your hands. And don't use any ice. Plants don't like that."

Following that they made their way to the garden, which has been steadily growing over time and it bore more and more bountiful harvests each time. After they tilled the soil, watered the plants and generally tended to the garden they picked what few ripe fruits they could. "What are we doing with these?"

The little boy asked. His father simply chuckled as he picked a pair of bushels and asked his son to follow him.

They made their way to the great palace and presented what they produced. "My lord. Here is our tribute. The first harvest. We thank you for your benevolence and hope this pleases you."

As the large ice man placed the two baskets down for the God of Destruction, Champa took out one of them and took a great bite out of the juicy fruit. The sweet juice filled the cats mouth as he smiled. "Hmmmm sweet!

Great work! I'm satisfied with your tribute!"

He waved them off. "Go and... loiter or whatever it is you do."

"Thank you great lord! And thank you once more for sparing us!"

"Yeah yeah. Get lost!"

After they presented the literal fruits of their labor they took the rest of their harvest back home where they'd process it by various means, creating preserved foods and even fabrics. Though tired they sit down at the table where Mrs Hyssop already prepared lunch.

"That was... a lot of hard work..:"

"Hahaha! Wasn't it? But I'll tell you a little secret son! The harder you work the better food tastes!"

What followed was a hearty meal shared between friends and family. And as they sit back with their bellies brimming Hyssops son finally understands what is the meaning behind all of this. A full stomach is truly something pleasant, especially after a hard days work. Something he never could've dreamed of back home.

"Phew... I'm full!" Sorrel patted her belly.

"Thanks Mrs H!"

"You are quite welcome dears! My husbands friends are my friends!"

They then partook in something else that was unimaginable before... a pleasant conversation. Time which they could spend with each other without having to worry about the shadow of death looming over them.

That is... until a certain being stepped through the door unannounced.

"Heeeey everyone! I hope I'm not interrupting anything!"

"ERIC!" They shouted in unison.

"Oh what's that smell? Miss... you gotta share the recipe with me! I'd love to try it out!"

The human joined in on the conversation before remembering why he came in the first place. "Oh shoot! I almost forgot! Here! I brought these-"

He reached in his pack and presented his gifts. "Sorry Hyssop. I couldn't find anything in your size. Buuuut I got something for Jr!"

"Yeay! NEW CLOTHES!" Sorrel was giddy at the new gifts while Hyssops son just stared with starry eyes at them.

"Wow... You could even find stuff for me?"

Hopp asked.

"Hehe... You wouldn't believe how many people adore wearing black leather and spikes on my planet."

"Damn! We really gotta check it out one day Sorrel!"


Eric however nervously the back of his neck.

"Yeeeeah... That... may not be the best idea. For you especially."

"Xenophobes huh?"

"Nooooooo... not even close. I mean... Yes there are those but... they are by far NOT the worst people you should fear."

"I... I don't understand."

Eric then leaned in and muttered a few words in the cat and the bunny girls ears. Some very uncomfortable and nasty words Jr should NOT under ANY circumstances hear. Words like porn... or fetish. The two girls then blushed uncomfortably. "R-Really?"

Eric nodded and while he wasn't looking away the two girls blushed and started whispering to each other. "Yeah we totally gotta visit Earth!" "Yeah yeah!"

And so went the days of the former champions of Universe 9. In quiet happiness.


The Makai: The Masters Temple





"Okay. Are you going to say anything?"


"Why?" The master asks. "You stay here but you won't learn anything from me. Then why are you here?"

"Because this is the only place where I can have some peace of mind. And besides... I don't want your teachings. I seek a different form of power."

"The power of the upper world? Hah! You are ridiculous! You are a demon! Not a mortal! Their power may have worked for the slayer... but it won't do anything to you!"

"..." Ken was lost in thought.

"What? Bakeneko got your tongue?"

"No... I will show you... the true power of the upper world."

The four armed demon then walked over to the blood soaked field before the temple.

It used to be part of the mountain... but all the fighting the demon warrior partook in flattened the area and soaked it in blood.

Blood soaked soil gives birth to plants, which turn the precious drops into food which turns into blood. Such is the cycle of life in the Makai.

"Now... watch."

The bug demon crouched down and plucked a single fruit off of the sapling. Normally the typical citizen of the lower realm would just bite into it and consume it. But not him.

Instead he walked over to a burning brazier and raised the fruit over the fire.

"What... in the blazes are you doing?"

"Watch. It is a technique created in the upper world. A secret art, or "Food alchemy". They call it... Koh-king."

"That doesn't sound right."

"Shut up. It is." Annoyed the bug slowly rotates the vegetable so that it browns evenly.

Once it's complete he hands over the steaming thing to the Master. "Eat."

"I'm not eating this!"

"Peel the skin... and eat it."

"Ugh... this must be some sort of poison."

After skinning the potato like root the master took a deep bite from it as his nostrils were hit by its smell. "Urk!" He almost choked on it.

With a full mouth his eyes bulged outward in the most "Oh shit" moment of his life.

"Food... is power." Ken explained while the master was having an existential crisis.

"And through this process the food takes in the power of flame. As well as anything else you add to it. Though... the results are not always that good. I'm still learning."

"So this... This is the power of the upper world!" The master said and took another greedy bite out of the food in his hand.