
Dragon Ball: Super God copy

Soul wears Dragon Ball, you have to use the super god copy system at the beginning, watch people for three seconds, and copy skills. Descends to earth, sees Sun Wukong, copies the world king fist, vitality bomb. Meet Guldo on Namek and replicate the time-pause ability. Coming to GT time and space, Super 17 appeared, duplicating infinite energy and duplicating energy absorption ability. See Beerus at Bulma's birthday party, replicating the destructive energy. Seeing Zamas in the future time and space, copying the immortal body, seeing the full king, copying the ability to erase. This is a story about making a fortune in the world of Dragon Ball. : v as always the novel is not mine [translate the pope google]

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 95 Super Saiyan Five Bardock!

"It's interesting, your strength is not bad! You can resist my attack! Then, I hope you can resist my next attack!" , Killing God Wukong roared loudly!

"Twenty times the turtle qigong wave!!"

Killing God Wukong leaned on his hands and spread his palms around his waist. When the dark blue energy condensed out of the palms of his hands, he suddenly pushed out towards Vegeta!

Immediately, the dark blue energy ball was pushed out, and the end was connected to a thick dark blue energy column.

The powerful energy shock wave set off a strong wind, blowing the hair and clothes gently swaying.

"Cut! What kind of move did you think it was! It's only 20 times the Turtle-style Qigong wave, then, let's show you my unique move!" said.

"Haha...Twenty times!! The final turtle qigong wave!!"

Vegeta roared, with his hands open, he suddenly leaned against his chest, and the energy condensed, like thick and large light ions The gun quickly blasted out the 20 times the Turtle School Qigong wave!

"Veget! Do you think my moves can be resisted so easily? I see how you resist! If you dodge, the earth will explode in an instant! If you don't dodge, your final result will be serious injury. !! Hahahaha..." Killing God Wukong laughed wildly.

"Bang!" The

two energy balls slammed together, and the powerful pressure pressed down on Vegeta!

"Whisper! Whisper! Don't think that your power is strong, I can't resist the moves you use! Let's just show you, I'm super at ease with the power of Vegeta! Yaaaaaa

! Twenty Times! Kaiwang Fist!! Get out of here!!" Vegeta roared!

The dark red arrogance burst out, and when it became more and more bright, Vegeta suddenly flew up, and he pushed forward with both hands, pushing the final turtle qigong wave twenty times the power of the turtle qigong wave, like a small boat. Go upstream! !

"Nah...Nani? This kind of power...how is it possible?!" The body of Sun Wukong, the god of slaughter, was directly pushed and quickly flew towards the atmosphere!

"Damn it! Explosion!!" The killing god Wukong roared, and the superimposed power of twenty times the turtle qigong wave and twenty times the final turtle qigong wave exploded directly!

"Bang! Boom!!" The

powerful and terrifying energy shock wave, like a fire burning the sky, exploded directly and spread out in all directions!

When it spread into the universe, this shock wave energy was calmed down by an invisible force. This was shockingly the wish made by Xia La with the super dragon when she competed with the sixth universe, so that the seventh universe could not be given to the seventh universe by the energy shock wave. destroy.

"Earth!" Vegeta's expression changed.

However, the earth was not so lucky. When the energy shock wave was about to hit the earth, there was a slamming sound, and Shenlong's body suddenly flashed and appeared in front of the energy shock wave. Its body was twisted and directly resisted!

"Phew!" Seeing this, Vegeta breathed a sigh of relief.

"Stupid! How dare you do the earth, and watch Lao Tzu drown you with saliva! Bah!" Shenlong spit out a large mouthful of saliva directly at the killing god Wukong, just like a downpour, covering his face, and his face was full of saliva. He got wet.

"Cut! A vulgar guy! I don't want to have the same knowledge as you!" Killing God Wukong said, wiping the saliva from his face with an extremely ugly expression.

"You said that because you couldn't kill Lao Tzu, right?" Shenlong said arrogantly.

"Whisper!" The killing god Wukong gritted his teeth, the blue veins on his face burst out, and he was angry with him, but he couldn't kill him, he was really helpless.

"Sun Wukong, God of Slaughter! How do you feel about my current strength? Are you satisfied?" Vegett asked with a confident smile on his face, squinting at Sun Wukong, the God of Slaughter.

"Damn guy! You are so despicable!! You're actually hanging up!! Fuck!" Killer Goku roared angrily.

"Hang up? Haha! Whatever you say, I can beat you anyway! Take it!" After speaking, Vegeta flashed, and when he appeared directly in front of Wukong, the killing god, he suddenly punched out!

Bang! Hit directly, kill God Wukong's body, and fly upside down in the universe!

Immediately afterwards, with a squeak, Vegett's body followed in an instant, and stomped directly into the chest of the killer Wukong!

Boom boom boom!

Killing God Wukong's body slammed into a planet, and the planet was directly knocked open!

"Kill God Wukong! Go to hell! Let me end you with one move! Watch me smash your dog's head!" Vegeta roared.

After finishing speaking, with a slap, when Vegett's body was catching up with Killer Goku in the universe, when his hands were directly pressed together, he slammed down towards Killer Goku's head!

"Damn it! Don't get too complacent, since you're off the hook! Then I'll take off too! Haha! Kaiwang Fist!!" After the killing god Wukong escaped Veget's attack, he roared violently!

Immediately, dark red arrogance, accompanied by a stronger killing aura, burst out from his body, and his strength doubled directly!

With this move of the King of Kings, the killing god Wukong did not dare to use too much. After all, his power was already terrifying, and he did not dare to be as crazy as Vegett.

Vegeta could be resurrected when he died, but if he died, he might really be dead.

"Take it!" The killing god Wukong flashed, and when he appeared in front of Vegeta, he punched Vegeta!

However, the silver-gray light film wrapped by the dark red arrogance on Vegett's body glowed with light, and he avoided it with a slight deviation.

"It's useless, you can't hit me in front of Super Free Extreme Inspiration Vegeta!" Vegeta said confidently.

And the killing god Wukong combined his fists and feet, and all the moves that could be used were used, but he still couldn't hit Vegeta.

After all, in this state, Vegeta recklessly used twenty times the world king fist!

"Yeah! Killing God Goku, you are defeated!" Vegett said, punching Killing God Goku in the face.

"It's impossible to lose! I can still show even more power!" Wukong, the killing god, gritted his teeth and roared.


! The power directly increased fivefold, surpassing Vegeta in an instant!

However, at this moment, a white figure suddenly appeared between the killing god Goku and Veget.

"Enough! Son! Don't fight anymore, Dad will fight for you!!"

"Nani? Super Saiyan Five? Who are you? Who is your son?" Goku, the god of death, looked at the person who suddenly appeared and asked .

At this time, a systematic voice sounded in Wukong's mind.

"Host! The person standing in front of you also has a system. His system is the Myriad Realm Dad System! In a sense, it is indeed your father!" said the killing system.

"My name is Bardock! I'm your father! Is there anything wrong with calling your son?" Bardock said.

In Bardock's mind, a systematic voice also sounded.

"Host, the Monkey King in front of you has a killing system. It becomes stronger by fighting monsters and upgrading. The more people he kills, the stronger he will be!" said Wanjie's father system.

"It doesn't matter, I'm his father, his father is his father, it is impossible for a son to be stronger than his father!" Bardock said confidently.

On the side of Killing God Wukong, he is also asking the system: "System, am I his opponent?"

"The host doesn't need to worry, his system's main ability is to travel through the heavens and the world and become the protagonist's father, nominally speaking. It's also your father, he won't do anything to you!" The Killing System explained.

"Cut! Accepting people everywhere to be sons! What a disgusting system!" said the killing god Wukong with a look of disgust.

"But isn't the Super Saiyan Five Bardak a person in the game? How could he appear here?" asked the killing god Goku.

"Because, like the host, he has the ability to travel through all the parallel time and space." The killing system explained.