
Dragon Ball: Super God copy

Soul wears Dragon Ball, you have to use the super god copy system at the beginning, watch people for three seconds, and copy skills. Descends to earth, sees Sun Wukong, copies the world king fist, vitality bomb. Meet Guldo on Namek and replicate the time-pause ability. Coming to GT time and space, Super 17 appeared, duplicating infinite energy and duplicating energy absorption ability. See Beerus at Bulma's birthday party, replicating the destructive energy. Seeing Zamas in the future time and space, copying the immortal body, seeing the full king, copying the ability to erase. This is a story about making a fortune in the world of Dragon Ball. : v as always the novel is not mine [translate the pope google]

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 37 The Man-made Satan

Xidu, urban area.

Chara used the sky dance technique to fly over the city.

And the people below, as if they were blind, couldn't see such a big living person like Xia La at all.

And for this reason, Xia La lowered her qi to the lowest level and flew high enough, and no one looked up to the sky when they were full and had nothing to do.

However, there are indeed people who are full, but there are only a few.

And on a high-rise building, where Xia La just flew over, a little girl about 8 years old pointed to the sky and said, "Dad! Look, someone is flying in the sky!"

"Ahahahaha! Bidi Li, are you dazzled! How could someone in the sky be able to fly? Even if they could fly, that person must have used some kind of small flying machine!" A middle-aged man with an explosive head said, this man is the world fighting champion , Mr. Mister Satan.

"Oh! It turned out to be a small aircraft!" Bidilli nodded in understanding.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came, which startled Satan: "Mr. Satan, it's nice to meet you, let's talk about something!"

Xia La silently appeared in front of Satan.

When Xia La passed by here, she found that she had seen Satan, and a plan to make a fortune rose from her heart.

"You... who are you?" Satan asked with a wisp of cold sweat on his forehead.

"Me? Let's talk about it later, call your daughter away first!" Xia La said, looking at Satan.

"Okay!" Satan nodded and looked at Bidley.

"Bidley, Dad has something important to talk about with this uncle. You go downstairs and go back to your room to wait for me! I'll come down later." Satan said.

"Okay! Dad, hurry down after talking about things!" After nodding obediently, Bidili went down the corridor and returned to her room.

Satan is still very self-aware in protecting his daughter, and he has done a good enough job, but in front of his daughter, he just exaggerates.

After all, combined with what Bidilli had just said, and Xia La's silent appearance, he could know with his butt that the visitor was not good.

"I don't know what you have to do with me? Can you tell me now?" Satan asked.

"Mr. Satan, introduce yourself, you can call me Xia La, do you have any interest in becoming stronger? I can make you strong and strong, so strong that you will find it incredible!" Xia La said .

"Hahahaha... Become stronger? I am now the world champion in the fighting world, and I am invincible in the world. How can I be considered stronger?" Xia asked with a big laugh.

"For example, what about this?" Saying that, Xia La directly used the sky dance technique, and his body rose directly into the air, directly using the force out of the air, floating and dancing in the air.

"Fly... it's flying! Are you a blind eye?" Satan asked in disbelief.

"Blindfolding? Well, look at this!

Qi Yuan Slash!" After speaking, when Xia La's right palm condensed, she directly directed a disc of condensed energy towards a building opposite.


Suddenly, the roof of the building opposite was cut into two halves and fell to the ground.

However, just as she was about to fall to the ground, Xia La's body flashed, and she used teleportation to come to the bottom of the smashed roof!

"Turtle School Qigong Wave!" Immediately afterwards, when a dark blue energy ball condensed, it directly hit the broken roof!

This blow directly smashed the broken building into endless powder and scattered in the air.

"Nah...Nani?! Good...it's amazing! What kind of move is this?" Satan was so frightened that his eyes almost protruded.

Suddenly, Xia La's body flashed again and appeared in front of Satan.

"Satan, how are you thinking? Do you want to become stronger?" Xia La asked.

"Cheat... cheating? How could such a thing happen?" A cold sweat dripped from Satan's head.

"Satan, don't believe it, you just need to give me 50% of the money you earn in the future. In this way, I can make you stronger! Let you become a world champion Satan!" Xia La said.

In Xia La's view, Satan is a potential stock right now. After Satan is transformed into an artificial man that can rival No. 16, then he will be one step closer to the richest man's plan.

After all, with Satan's character and strength, coupled with the plot direction and its needs, he will definitely spread this relationship to make money, and then his life will reach its peak.

However, when the time comes, Sara only needs to sit behind the scenes and collect money. After all, he is not a person who likes to be famous, and he has never thought about becoming a hero of the earth. It will be much more convenient to have money, no These fake names are needed.

Moreover, with his strength, it is very easy to make money, but he is a little lazy. Why do you need to do it yourself when you can sit and collect money?

"Dad! What happened? There seems to be a loud noise just now." Bidili walked out of the corridor and asked after reaching the roof.

"No...nothing," Satan said.

"Is it really nothing? But why did the roof of the building opposite disappear? Dad, did you do it?" Bidley asked.

However, when Satan was so anxious that he didn't know how to answer, Xia La stabilized Satan's heart: "Yes, your father did it! Your father is the most powerful person in the world! This kind of thing is not very normal. Is it?"

"Is that so?" Bidley looked at Satan.

"Yes...Yes! That's right, that's what it looks like! Hahahahaha..." Satan laughed awkwardly.

"Oh! Dad is amazing! As expected of the strongest man in the world!" Bidilli said with a look of admiration at Satan with eyes full of little stars.

"Ha...hahaha...Bidi Li, you'd better go back to your room first! I haven't finished talking about this uncle! I'll come down and play with you after I finish talking." Satan touched the back of his head said.

"Oh!" Then, the relatively small Bidili left again.

"Chara, I want to become stronger! I promise you that as long as you can make me strong, I will give you 50% of my shares!" And on Satan's side, Finally agreed to this.

On Satan's side, he made up his mind to become stronger because of his daughter Bidili.

Because he thinks, he can't just fool around every time, right? Although in the original work, it is true that every time it is a muddle through.

But in the end, it was discovered by Bi Dili. In fact, she is not strong, and now, she finally has the opportunity to live up to her name.

After Xia La made an agreement with Satan, Xia La instantly used teleportation, brought Satan to the king, and borrowed the laboratory to transform Satan into an artificial human.