
Dragon Ball: Super God copy

Soul wears Dragon Ball, you have to use the super god copy system at the beginning, watch people for three seconds, and copy skills. Descends to earth, sees Sun Wukong, copies the world king fist, vitality bomb. Meet Guldo on Namek and replicate the time-pause ability. Coming to GT time and space, Super 17 appeared, duplicating infinite energy and duplicating energy absorption ability. See Beerus at Bulma's birthday party, replicating the destructive energy. Seeing Zamas in the future time and space, copying the immortal body, seeing the full king, copying the ability to erase. This is a story about making a fortune in the world of Dragon Ball. : v as always the novel is not mine [translate the pope google]

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 35 Sun Wukong's Strength

it." At this time, Piccolo, Kelin, Yamucha, Tianjin Fan and others came.

"Xia La!"


Everyone was shocked when they saw Xia La. They thought that some evil guy had appeared, but unexpectedly, it was Xia La who had been away for two and a half years.

"Haha... you are all here." Xia La said with a smile.

"I really didn't expect it! After you left for two and a half years and came back, your anger has become so evil. Fortunately, you are not a bad person, otherwise it would be miserable." Ke Lin said happily.

So, after everyone asked for warmth for a while, they prepared to go back to their respective homes and find their respective mothers.

However, just when everyone was about to leave, Sun Wukong stayed.

"Xia La, let's have a test! I can feel that you are very strong now!" Sun Wukong said earnestly watching Xia La.

"Okay, Sun Wukong, show your strength! Let me see how much you have grown in the past two and a half years!" Xia La said.

"Okay, as you wish! Haha..." With the roar of a beast coming out of Sun Wukong's mouth, his Qi rapidly increased.

When a white and transparent arrogance erupted from his body, slowly, the white arrogance switched between yellow and white, until finally, it directly transformed into a golden arrogance.

And Sun Wukong's hair turned golden yellow when it stood upside down, his pupils turned green, and his expression became indifferent.

The ground trembled even more, and small stones rose out of thin air beside Sun Wukong.

"Okay! This is my full strength!" Sun Wukong stopped the roar and said.

"Monkey King, your strength has reached the full power of a Super Saiyan, which is very good, but with your strength, you still won't be my opponent." Xia said.

"Oh? Try it and you'll know!" said Sun Wukong.

"Since you want to try, then go ahead and attack me!" Xia La waved to Sun Wukong and said.

"Appeared, appeared! Goku has become a Super Saiyan!" Krillin said.

"Humph! Has Sun's strength become stronger again?" Piccolo snorted coldly.

"This...is this the Super Saiyan from Goku two and a half years later? Really amazing!" Yamcha praised.

"Xia La is really arrogant, Wukong has become a Super Saiyan, and he even said that he is not his opponent." Tianjin Fan said with some dissatisfaction.

"Brother Tian, ​​just look at it." Dumpling said.

"Okay! Then, I'm attacking!" After speaking, Sun Wukong flashed his body, and when he appeared directly in front of Xia La, he swept out!

This foot has explosive power and looks extremely powerful.

Surprisingly, Sun Wukong's foot stagnated directly. Looking around, Xia La stretched out a hand and grabbed it!

"Sun Wukong, with your current level of strength, you will not be my opponent at all, come up with your strongest trick!" Xia La let go of Sun Wukong's legs and said calmly.

"Bang!" Sun Wukong pursed his lips and attacked Xia La again!

"The Turtle School Qigong Wave! It's here!"

Sun Wukong roared, and the dark blue Qigong wave attacked Xia La from his hands.

"I said, with your current strength, you won't be able to hurt me, let alone hit me!" Xia La directly slapped her right hand and slapped Sun Wukong's turtle qigong wave.

"Monkey King, you should use ten times the king's fist! Or twenty times." Xia La said.

"Two... Twenty times the world king fist, if I add it in the form of Super Saiyan full power, my body will be torn apart in an instant!" said Sun Wukong.

"Don't be afraid, I have Xiandou here, you won't die, if you use the 20 times world king fist in the state of super saiyan full power and die directly, I will use the dragon ball I made to kill you. Resurrected.

With the Dragon Balls I made, there is no limit to resurrecting the same dead person," said Shara.

"Okay! Fight!" Sun Wukong gritted his teeth and roared hysterically!

"Jie Wang Fist!! Twenty times!!"

"Pfft!" A dark red arrogance erupted directly from Sun Wukong's body!

When the dark red arrogance erupted from Sun Wukong's body, the ground trembled directly, and a deep pothole appeared where Sun Wukong stood.

"Success...success! Almost, I feel like I almost died!" Sun Wukong said with some fear.

"But fortunately, I succeeded! Then Xia La, you can start the official competition now!" Sun Wukong said with his fist clenched.

"Very good! Sun Wukong, you have done it, you have successfully surpassed yourself, then, let me attack first! Let me see how powerful the Super Saiyan is under the blessing of twenty times the king's fist. !" said Sara.

"Okay! Xia La be careful, I'm going to launch an attack!"

After speaking, Sun Wukong flashed his body and appeared in front of Xia at a speed of twenty times the full power. His face was punched with a punch!

However, Sun Wukong's extremely fast punch was extremely slow in Xia La's eyes. She avoided the punch when she saw Xia La's head tilted slightly!

Seeing that his punch was fruitless, Sun Wukong continued to attack Xia La.

However, no matter what, Sun Wukong couldn't hit Xia La, not even the corner of his clothes.

This kind of battle made Sun Wukong feel extremely powerless, then stopped and stood there looking at Xia La.

"Stop fighting, the gap in strength is too big, Xia La, I thought I would be able to defeat you with twenty times the King's Fist, but I didn't expect that I couldn't even touch the corner of your clothes, you are too strong, strong It's so desperate!" Sun Wukong said.

"What's wrong? Is your strength only so little? This is giving up?" Xia La asked.

"Yes, the difference in strength is too much, it is meaningless to fight." Sun Wukong smiled forcedly, obviously, he did not want to give up, but there was no way, the strength was too disparate.

"Oh! Sun Wukong, sorry, I remembered, I forgot to quit the state of Super Saiyan 4, I am now Super Saiyan 4, you are only Super Saiyan 1 full power, so fighting is more bullying.

Then , I will also become Super Saiyan 1 and fight with you!" After speaking, Shayra controlled her breath and exited the state of Super Saiyan 4.

Then, it became the norm.

Then, without seeing Sara and then moving, he turned into a Super Saiyan 1 directly at will.

At this moment, Xia La, his golden hair stood up, and his green pupils were revealed.

The golden arrogance erupted, and the evil energy converged.

And the seven dragon balls in his chest disappeared and were taken back into his body by him.

At this moment, Xia La's breath is much weaker than that of Sun Wukong.