
Dragon Ball: Super God copy

Soul wears Dragon Ball, you have to use the super god copy system at the beginning, watch people for three seconds, and copy skills. Descends to earth, sees Sun Wukong, copies the world king fist, vitality bomb. Meet Guldo on Namek and replicate the time-pause ability. Coming to GT time and space, Super 17 appeared, duplicating infinite energy and duplicating energy absorption ability. See Beerus at Bulma's birthday party, replicating the destructive energy. Seeing Zamas in the future time and space, copying the immortal body, seeing the full king, copying the ability to erase. This is a story about making a fortune in the world of Dragon Ball. : v as always the novel is not mine [translate the pope google]

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 27 Super Saiyan Four Sun Wukong

At this time, Satan and Xiaofang couldn't help but feel a little anxious after seeing the wounded Monkey King.

"Grandpa! Are you okay?" Xiaofang said worriedly.

"Wukong, that nasty guy Babe is too strong, Gohan and Bidili are all being controlled by Babe." Satan said very angrily.

"Satan, Xiaofang, I'm fine. Although that guy Babe is very strong, I will find a way to defeat him! Such a strong person is very exciting, and even the blood in my body is boiling. Get up." Sun Wukong said.

"Sun Wukong, this is a fairy bean, eat it." Xia La took out a fairy bean and threw it to Sun Wukong.

"Bang ga!" The moment Sun Wukong ate the fairy bean, his eyes widened, and when a shocking electric current passed through his heart, his injury and physical strength recovered instantly.

Immediately afterwards, Sun Wukong stood up and began to look at Xia La, and then he found that Xia La had a tail.

"Thank you for saving me. Are you a Saiyan too? Did you just use teleportation?" Sun Wukong asked.

"Yes, that's right, I'm a Saiyan, and what I just performed was indeed teleportation." Xia La responded.

"But, I haven't seen you! Aren't the Saiyans the only ones left on Earth?" Sun Wukong said, touching the back of his head, obviously, he was very puzzled.

"I am also a Saiyan on Earth, but I am not a person from this time and space, I am a person from the past time and space.

In my time and space, there are you, and Vegeta Bulma, all of you exist." said.

"Ah? Over... past time and space? Is it the same as Trunks who traveled through time and space? Past... future, past... Oh, my head is too big to think about it! I don't want it anymore," said Sun Wukong.

Since Sun Wukong became a child, his IQ has also become even lower. With his current IQ in his teens, it is difficult to understand this problem at all. Even if he can understand it, he is too lazy to think about it.

"Theoretically speaking, it has the same nature as the original Trunks, but the time line I traveled through is inversely proportional to Trunks." Xia La explained.

"Well! It doesn't matter if you are a Saiyan in the past or a Saiyan in the future, as long as you're not a bad person, it doesn't matter." Sun Wukong said.

"Wukong! Are you alright?!" At this moment, the god Jiebit, who was in the realm of the king of the gods, directly used teleportation to come to Sun Wukong.

"God Jabbit, I'm fine, thanks to this Saiyan named Xia La who saved me, otherwise I'd be dead!" said Sun Wukong.

Hearing the words, Jabbit looked at Xia La and looked at Xia La.

And Xia La, who was also looking at God Jabbit, immediately, three seconds passed, and virtual subtitles appeared in front of his eyes.

"Copy target, Jepbit, copyable skills: teleportation, healing..."

"Successfully copied teleportation!"

Seeing the successful copying of the skills, Xia La suddenly became excited.

Jabbit's teleportation, but you don't need to perceive Qi, as long as there is this place in the universe, then you can teleport in an instant.

It can be said that there is no limit. In the original work, even the palace of the whole king, the god of the realm, Xin, can also use teleportation to reach it instantly.

"God Jabbit, it's nice to meet you. I'm Sara from the past time and space. In my time and space, Jabeet and the realm god Xin did not fit together." Sara said.

"Mr. Chara, then I am very lucky in your time and space, I don't need to fit together, how good." Jiebit said God.

Then, Jabeet turned around and looked at Sun Wukong: "Monkey King, the old king of the realm has something to do with you, saying that he wants to help you develop your potential!"

"Wow! Really? Then take me there!" Monkey King said impatiently.

"Okay! Hurry up, let's go!" After saying that, God Jabbit brought Sun Wukong and Xia La to the realm of the King of Gods.

While Xiaofang and Satan stayed on Earth, they were once again eaten by the demon Buu and protected.

"Wukong, to stimulate your strongest potential, you need to pull out your tail!" said the old realm king.

"Then why are you hesitating? Hurry up!" Sun Wukong urged.

So, under the screams of Sun Wukong, his furry brown tail was pulled out.

"Old Realm King God, although my tail has grown out, I haven't felt the increase in strength!" said Sun Wukong.

"Wukong, your potential has been stimulated, you can only feel it when you fight, go try it! Defeat Babe as soon as possible!" said the old king of the world.

At this moment, Xia La came to Sun Wukong and put her hand on Sun Wukong's head: "Monkey King, I can help you develop your potential and increase your combat effectiveness by a lot."

"Really? Great. Hurry up, Xia La, help me develop my potential!" Sun Wukong said impatiently.

"Okay, your potential has been developed for you." Xia La used the potential development copied from the Great Elder of Namek. After the development was completed, Xia took her hand away from Sun Wukong's head. .

On the other hand, Sun Wukong exploded his anger instantly and transformed into Super Saiyan III directly, and his qi has been greatly improved.

Although it is still far from the level of Super Saiyan 4, it is much stronger than the previous Super Saiyan 3.

"Okay! Then, I'll go to Babe to settle the account now!"

After that, Sun Wukong directly cast teleportation and disappeared.

As soon as Sun Wukong left, Xia La followed.

When Sun Wukong appeared again, he had already come to Babe.

At this time, Babe has become the ultimate form after absorbing the power of Super Saiyans such as Son Gohan, Trunks and Son Goten.

"Damn wild monkey! He's looking for death again! This time, I won't let you escape again!" Babe laughed arrogantly.

"Baby! Now you are no longer my opponent, wake up! Prepare to die!" After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he swept towards Babe.

The attack was launched in an instant.

Hundreds of moves were quickly fought, but in the end, Sun Wukong was defeated.

He lay on the ground weakly, his eyes staring at the sky, and in the sky, a moon appeared.

This is an artificial moon, made by Xia La.

Soon, Sun Wukong directly turned into a golden giant ape.

Then he lost his mind and broke everywhere.

And Babe, now he can't beat Sun Wukong at all, but fortunately, Sun Wukong has lost his mind and failed to kill Babe.

The defeated Babe came to Bulma.

"Master Babe! Sun Wukong has become a giant ape, and I can turn you into a giant ape. As long as you illuminate you with more than 17 million times the Burz light, you can transform into a giant ape!"

"Okay! Good job! Pretty, just do it!" said Babe.

After Sun Wukong was destroyed for a while, Xiaofang flew in front of the Monkey King who had turned into a giant ape and cried.

"Grandpa! Wake up! I'm your favorite granddaughter Xiaofang!" Xiaofang roared with tears.

Then, the golden giant ape was refreshed, and after making a roar of a beast, it became the size of a normal person.

Looking at it at this moment, the black-haired and red-haired Sun Wukong stepped on a rock and looked extremely conceited!

"Wow! So handsome! Is this grandpa?" Xiaofang murmured.