
Dragon Ball: Super God copy

Soul wears Dragon Ball, you have to use the super god copy system at the beginning, watch people for three seconds, and copy skills. Descends to earth, sees Sun Wukong, copies the world king fist, vitality bomb. Meet Guldo on Namek and replicate the time-pause ability. Coming to GT time and space, Super 17 appeared, duplicating infinite energy and duplicating energy absorption ability. See Beerus at Bulma's birthday party, replicating the destructive energy. Seeing Zamas in the future time and space, copying the immortal body, seeing the full king, copying the ability to erase. This is a story about making a fortune in the world of Dragon Ball. : v as always the novel is not mine [translate the pope google]

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 25 Preparing to resurrect future Z warriors

"Sure enough, it seems that I exist in the future." Xia La said to herself.

"Okay, let's not talk about that, Trunks, don't you know what happened to you coming here from the future time and space?" Xia La asked knowingly.

"Uncle Shara, it's like this. In the next three years, because of the appearance of the artificial man, Sun Wukong died of a heart attack.

And Piccolo, Vegeta Kelin and others were killed by the artificial man. Only Sun Wukong died. Gohan and I are still alive, and I'm here to prevent Sun Wukong from dying," Trunks said.

"Then I'm dead too?" Sara asked.

"No, you are not dead, if you are dead, Dragon Ball should also turn into stone.

Listen to my mother, although you are not dead, but in the future you will disappear tomorrow, and you will never appear after you disappear. Yes." Trunks explained.

Xia La thought about it, and then realized that after she built the time machine, she was planning to take the time machine to the GT time and space in 20 years.

It may also be because he went to GT time and space, so he didn't come back, or it was some other unknown reason.

Or, from the beginning to the end, only the self of this time and space exists, and all other time and space are legends?

However, no matter what the reason, nothing could prevent Shayla from taking a time machine to the time line twenty years later.

At this time, Sun Wukong suddenly came over and said, "Can't we be resurrected if we die? Even if Piccolo is dead, isn't there still Shara's Dragon Ball?"

Trunks smiled awkwardly and said: " Yes, but I don't know the spell to summon the dragon."

"Ah? Is it different from the spell of the dragon on Earth? I remember when Sara summoned the dragon, she said it too! The dragon!" Sun Wukong explained.

"Yes, my mother also said it was this spell, but no matter how I tried to summon it, I couldn't summon the dragon created by Uncle Chara." Trunks said helplessly.

When Xia La heard this, she immediately felt a pit, and she felt sorry for the future time and space.

He never thought that it would have such a bad negative impact on the future time and space because he hadn't uttered the real spell until now.

Compared with the original, there is no difference!

"Actually, there is one more thing I want to ask, if there is any problem with Dragon Ball's spell, or if the conditions for my summoning are not right.

If there is no way, I can only catch Uncle Xara before he disappears. Back to the future," Trunks said.

The more she listened to it, the more she felt that it was not a taste. It was really pitiful.

Just because he didn't say the true spell of Dragon Ball, Trunks came over from the future to ask.

After Sara smiled a little embarrassedly, she said, "That... Trunks! Actually, my spell to summon a dragon is slightly different from Earth's Dragon Ball, I think it should be Because of this, you can't summon the dragon."

"Ah? Is it really a spell, right?" Trunks asked.

Xia La looked at Sun Wukong, whispered into Trunks' ear, and said, "Trunks! After you collect all the seven Dragon Balls, you must yell at Dragon Ball like this: Silly dragon, get out of here. Come out and fulfill Lao Tzu's wish!"

"Nah...Nani?! This...this spell, if I shout it out loud, it's so...ashamed!" Trunks said with a red face.

"Chara, Trunks, what are you talking about?" Monkey King asked.

After Xia La hesitated for a while, she said, "I'm teaching Trunks how to summon a dragon. The spell of my dragon ball is different from that made by the gods."

Sara told Sun Wukong about the spell she told Trunks.

Xia La also thought about it. After all, he plans to take a time machine tomorrow to go to the time and space in twenty years.

If time passes a little faster, if Sun Wukong and others are killed by Sharu, they can also collect their own dragon balls to resurrect.

Then, Vegeta, Krillin and the others arrived here.

"He... he's a Super Saiyan? What's going on? How could there be a Super Saiyan other than Shara and Kakarot?" Vegeta looked at Trunks and felt the super saiyan Saiyan breath.

"But... Damn! Damn! I was surpassed again!" Vegeta clenched her fists.

Then, Trunks waved goodbye to everyone, turned on the time machine, sat in, and disappeared.

In the future time and space...

a city full of devastated, suddenly, a time machine appeared out of nowhere.

After Trunks jumped off the time machine, he put the time machine in the universal capsule.

The next moment, he couldn't wait to run towards a dilapidated house.

"Mom! Mom! Dad and Uncle Wukong can finally be resurrected!"

When they came to the front of the dilapidated house, the older Bulma walked out from inside.

"Trunks, back! Have you seen your father and Sun Wukong?" Bulma asked.

"I see, they are all doing well. I also saw Uncle Shara and asked him about the spell to summon the dragon," Trunks said.

"Sure enough, when Xia La summoned the dragon, she didn't say all the spells. The dragon balls he left are here. Come and summon the dragon outside!" Bulma said.

"Okay!" Trunks took a few steps back after placing the seven dragon balls made by Sara on the ground.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, no matter how embarrassed he was, he just roared loudly!

"Silly hanging dragon! Hurry up and let Lao Tzu come out and realize Lao Tzu's wish!!"

Bulma's eyes widened when he heard what Trunks said. He remembered that the dragon was also very vulgar back then. Unexpectedly, even The spell to summon the dragon is also so vulgar.

As soon as Trunks' words came out, the sky immediately turned black when the seven football-sized Dragon Balls burst out with golden rays of light.

When the golden light flickered and became no longer dazzling, the dragon appeared.

What appeared in the eyes of the two was the same model as the Dragon of Namek, but the figure and appearance were exaggerated too much.

It doesn't look easy to mess with, and it gives a vicious feeling.

At this time, Shenlong's eyes lit up and he said the classic lines.

"You idiot who has collected all seven dragon balls! Hurry up and say your wishes! Within the scope of Lao Tzu's ability, Lao Tzu can help you realize three wishes!

" It's just as vulgar as when it was, it's great to finally be able to resurrect the dead." Bulma murmured.