
Dragon Ball: Super God copy

Soul wears Dragon Ball, you have to use the super god copy system at the beginning, watch people for three seconds, and copy skills. Descends to earth, sees Sun Wukong, copies the world king fist, vitality bomb. Meet Guldo on Namek and replicate the time-pause ability. Coming to GT time and space, Super 17 appeared, duplicating infinite energy and duplicating energy absorption ability. See Beerus at Bulma's birthday party, replicating the destructive energy. Seeing Zamas in the future time and space, copying the immortal body, seeing the full king, copying the ability to erase. This is a story about making a fortune in the world of Dragon Ball. : v as always the novel is not mine [translate the pope google]

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 19 Namek is about to explode

"Hahahaha! Super Saiyan! Great, great!" Xia La let out an almost crazy smile, he was extremely happy at the moment!

The reason why she laughed so gaffe like this, on the one hand, is that Shara copied the method of becoming a Super Saiyan, on the other hand, when Sun Wukong finishes fighting Frieza, he can go back to Earth and try to become a Super Saiyan. people.

"Super...Super Saiyan?! Kakarot...he turned into the legendary Super Saiyan!

He's just a lower-level warrior, why become a Super Saiyan? Become a Super Saiyan The Saiyan should be Prince Vegeta!" Vegeta roared in the sky, somewhat unacceptable.

"Dad... Dad has become a Super Saiyan, and now he can avenge Dandy and Uncle Krillin!" Son Gohan said excitedly.

"Friza! My current power is so strong that even I am surprised. This power is really unbelievable! It turns out that this is a Super Saiyan!

Frieza, I tell you to stop , you killed Ke Lin, I now have a powerful force, all thanks to you, so, are you ready to die, Frieza!" Monkey King said arrogantly.

Arrogance is the essence of a Super Saiyan. If a Saiyan is not arrogant, then he is no longer a Saiyan. Especially a Super Saiyan, no matter who he is, he cannot change his arrogant instinct.

"Bee! Hateful Saiyan monkey, your words are still so irritating, Sun Wukong, right? Don't think that you're invincible because you change your hair to a different color!" Frieza squeezed her fist. When he frowned, he was already extremely angry.

"Really? Try it and you'll know!" said Sun Wukong.

"But... Damn it! Kakarot! What nonsense are you talking to him, hurry up and kill Frieza!!" Vegeta looked at the grumpy Sun Wukong, and he couldn't bear his temper. When he stopped, he roared directly at Sun Wukong!

Compared to the fact that Sun Wukong became a Super Saiyan, compared to his strong desire to kill Frieza, it is not worth mentioning at all.

Even if Kakarot, who was a lower-level warrior, surpassed him, he would endure it and deal with this matter after killing Frieza.

When Vegeta thinks about it, a lower-level warrior can become a Super Saiyan, so it is only a matter of time before he, the Saiyan prince, surpasses Kakarot.

"Oh ho ho ho... Vegeta, don't worry, after I kill this Saiyan monkey, you will be the next one!" Frieza glanced at Vegeta, and a sinister smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Yeah! Monkey King! Give me death!" Frieza roared, and the speed of the whole person was almost like an invisible shadow swept towards Sun Wukong!

But in an instant, when he appeared in front of Sun Wukong, he punched Sun Wukong!

However, something surprising happened.

Frieza's fist was tightly grasped by Sun Wukong.

"Blame! Damn it!" Frieza's tail twitched like a spear, and Sun Wukong let go of his hand.

Then, Frieza's feet suddenly lifted and quickly attacked Shayra.

And Sun Wukong still resisted, calmly and arrogantly!

In an instant, Frieza's fists were added together, but in a short while, Frieza made hundreds of moves.

But unfortunately, he never hit Sun Wukong, all his attacks were blocked by Sun Wukong!

Seeing that he couldn't hit anyone at all, and that there was nothing he could do about Sun Wukong, Frieza was a little frightened and angry.

"But... Damn it! Give me death! Saiyan monkey!" Foley roared, and purple energy bounced towards Sun Wukong in his palms!


The smoke filled the air, and when the smoke drifted away, what was revealed in Frieza's eyes was the unscathed Monkey King!

"How... how? Could it be... are you really the legendary Super Saiyan?!" Frieza stopped and asked.

"Hehe, Frieza, you are too weak now!" Sun Wukong said arrogantly.

However, when Frieza and Sun Wukong were fighting and talking.

A green figure appeared in front of Son Gohan.

And this person is Piccolo who has merged with Neru.

His current combat power is already very strong. Although he still can't beat Frieza, he is still relatively powerful.

"Uncle Piccolo, my dad is fighting Frieza now!" And Son Gohan called out with joy after seeing Piccolo.

"Gohan, you've become stronger!" Piccolo said.

As for Xia, after watching Piccolo for three seconds, subtitles that were invisible to outsiders appeared.

"Copy target, Piccolo, skills: Magic Cannonball, Magic Sealing Wave, Magic Light Flash, Regeneration, Creation out of thin air..."

"Successfully copied regeneration, Creation out of thin air."

For the current Sara , What is lacking is the regeneration technique. This skill can be reborn from a severed limb. It is a very good skill at this stage.

And creating things out of thin air can create some sundries, which is very convenient in life.

The battle between Sun Wukong and Frieza has almost come to an end.

"I'm not going to fight, Frieza! I've seen through your moves, it's really useless!" Monkey King said coldly.

"Na...Nani? Damn Saiyan monkey! How dare you insult me, give me death!" Frieza roared.

Suddenly, when a disc appeared in his hands, he threw it directly at Sun Wukong!

This move is very similar to Ke Lin's Qi Yuan Slash.

"Bastard! I said, your moves are useless!" After Sun Wukong dodged two roulettes, he punched Frieza in the stomach.

For a time, when Frieza's body arched like a shrimp, water was spit out from his mouth!

"bang bang bang! But... Damn it!" Frieza held her stomach and showed a sinister smile at the corner of her mouth. She waved her hand directly, and the two discs that didn't hit Sun Wukong turned back and faced the Sun Wukong beheaded!

However, Sun Wukong seemed to have eyes growing out of his back, and he didn't even look at it. His body twisted directly, and after twisting to an incredible extent, he just avoided it.

"Friza, let's go!" Sun Wukong made a decision that surprised everyone.

However, after Frieza roared angrily, when there was energy condensed in his hand, he pressed it directly toward the ground.

"Hahahaha... Stupid Saiyan monkey, it's just ridiculous! I just attacked the core of this planet with energy, five minutes, the planet will explode in five minutes at most! All of you are going to die!"

"Nah! Nani?!" Sun Wukong bit the pressure and instantly became angry.

"But... Damn it! I kindly wanted to let you go, but I didn't expect you to do such a thing. It's really unforgivable. I want you to die!"

"Jiewangquan!" Sun Wukong roared, Explode directly!

When the yellow arrogance was flourishing on his body, a circle of dark red power was attached to the yellow arrogance!

Sun Wukong's body is in a good position, and when his hands are placed on his right abdomen, dark blue energy is condensed in his palms.

"Turtle School Qigong Wave! Here it is!"

When the energy was completely condensed, Sun Wukong slammed towards Frieza!


"But...Damn it!" When Frieza felt an irresistible aura coming, it directly hit him.

Immediately, Frieza's body was directly bombarded by the turtle qigong wave and was torn apart!

At this point, Frieza is dead!